Per-trip report 6th-10th July 2014

Started by Princessjo, June 29, 2014, 11:26:40 AM

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Although I've been to disney many many times (this will be trip 25 I think) I've never written a report but am just about ready to burst now so going to give it a go with a pre-trip one and see how I go! I booked this trip in jan when it was 2 nights free so we will be there for the opening of ratatouille - more by luck than judgement!! We also now always book our meal plan as it just means we can plan our budget a bit better - we don't tend to stick to where they advise to eat and just use the vouchers at face value :)

Who is going -

me - Jo - like I said trip 25 I think - most of those are Paris but I have also been to Florida 5 times and California (am also looking at Hong Kong for next year)
My mum - jackie - about 21 trips again a a mixture of places. Always comes to ride pirates and see stitch live!
My son - Charlie bear - he will turn 4 on the 3rd of July and this will be his 4th trip - he is soooo excited as we have been measuring him since we got back and he is finally tall enough for the run away train (he's not one of those wimpy kids! He was doing parachute drop at 15months lol)
(Daddy is being left behind this time to decorate lol he has already put his list in though for some Star Wars bits)

Where -
Santa Fe - since having Charlie I have swapped my choice from the Cheyenne (about 10 times there) as the cars theme really has spruced the place up. We never ever get the bus to the park or back as I love the walk through the village. However this wil be our first trip without the buggy so we may have to see how tired Charlie's legs are!

When -
6th July we will travel from bham to London and stay over night so not technically a disney day but I like to include it!

7th July walk across the road to kings cross (I work in London right by the station so I always see people going and coming back and get a twinge of jealousy! Finally it's my time again lol) getting the direct service which I love as it means I can throw my bags off the other end and go straight to the magic. The first day is always my favorite - knowing the park so well now it's nice to be able to take things slowly. We do have a few traditions though -
1. A hot dog at caseys
2. A new hat from the emporium for the bear (Charlie not Duffy lol)
3. Pirates and buzz
I guess it will depend how tired we all are but we usually watch dreams every night even if bear is asleep..
We also have dinner for 6 at inventions so could always head back to the hotel for a cat nap then go back for dreams...

8th up early hopefully in time for emh then over to the studios. I'm also hoping they will be dong some openings for ratatouille this week and we will get a chance to ride that. As Charlie is tall enough for the runaway train we can now also do terror towers! I'm a ride Junkie and we plan all our holidays around theme parks not just our disney ones but nanny is a scardey pants but has promised she will do tt for Charlie just once this holiday (she has done it before as I've got the white knuckle pictures to prove it lol!) as for the rest of the day we will do a bit more at the studios including stitch live and playhouse disney then over the magic kingdom for lunch and a chilled afternoon.
We have dinner at buffalo bills which we always do - to be honest it's kinda repetitive now but disney is the only place you can do it and Charlie likes to make a lot of noise which you can here!

9th we have breakfast booked at cafe mickey which is also a tradition as it gives you a better chance to get some one on one pictures and its nice to have a break from cheese and ham rolls! I'm hoping to book blue lagoon for dinner but other then that again no solid plans as we will be lead by what bear wants to go on...

10th (last day boooooo but ratatouille day Woop!!) get up and drop the bags at disney express then camp out at the studios lol. I have lunch booked at chez remi for 2pm as the train isn't till 6 that will give us time to do last minute shopping before back to reality...

If your still reading this then I can't have made a complete mess and thank you :) arghhhhhhhh 6 days!
Give a little whistle


Have just realised I have missed a day out...even more magic to be had as we arrive in London on the 5th not the 6th lol yay!
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08.1993 - DL Tokyo; 05.2010 - DLP; 11.2010 - DLP; 09.2013 - DLP; 09.2014 - DLP; 11.2015 - DLP
It's a small world after all


3 sleeps! Last day at work then alton towers tomorrow before packing and disney!!!
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Have a wonderful, magical trip!
I`d love to hear about Ratatouille!


Thank you!

I'm hoping to do my first trip report when I get back so watch this space :)
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