When is best to go for breakfast

Started by Blue Eyed Angel, May 09, 2014, 06:18:04 PM

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Blue Eyed Angel

I am visiting DLP for my first visit on Tuesday and I am thinking of more and more questions the closer to my trip I get! We are staying at the Disneylands hotel and was wondering if anyone can give us any pointers as to the best way to do breakfast? For example, what times are breakfast served between in the hotel? One option would be to eat before the magic hours, but another option would be to go for the magic hours and then go back to the hotel for breakfast at around 10am/10.30am. Any suggestions which option may work best? Thanks all x


We tend to eat before emh and then we don't have to go back to the hotel. We have skipped breakfast before and gone straight to the park for emh but then ended up buying something in the cable car bake shop as its a while till lunch  :)
Give a little whistle


It probably depends on what works best for you and whoever else is with you. We're going in June, our little ones will probably be up before 7 so we'll have breakfast then, and off to the Park for EMH. If you get up slightly later and your group/family can hold out, go for EMH the back for a quieter brekfast


If you're staying in the disneyland hotel then I'd do EMH first and then have breakfast as it's right at the park, so no time wasted going back and forth.