main st under scaffolding

Started by ilovemainstxxx, May 26, 2014, 11:22:34 AM

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Hi there
Just been looking at some pictures of main st and it looks like lots of buildings are covrered in scaffolding. ?..
We are going end of june begining of july and am wondering if anyone knows if this will all still be up ....
Im gutted as it is my favorite place , and we are taking family who have never been before


It's been planned for a while that some of Main Street will be refurbished and since the resort it open all year every day so unfortunately when they need to refurbish things the visitors will see it.  (most other theme parks close between nov and march which is when they will do refurbishment's)

I'm guessing that most of it should be completed by the time Ratatouille opens as they will be expecting that to draw in big crowds as well as going into high season.
My Disneyland Paris Trips:
1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 (1 Day Trips)

March 2012, 2 days at Kyriad Hotel
June 2013, 2 days at Dream Castle Hotel
December 2013, 6 days at Sequoia Lodge
December 2014, 6 days at The Disneyland Hotel
December 2015 6 Days at Sequoia Lodge GF

Planned Holidays:
February 2016 - 3 days at Sequoia Lodge GF
November 2016 - Walt Disney World  (Maybe)


This is some long term refurbs... I think I read somewhere they are being done ahead of the 25th anniversary. I would be surprised if they're all done by the summer season. At best, they'll finish the ones they're doing now and won't start any new ones for a while. Second best, they put up themed scaffolding, like they did a few years ago (where they print a photo of the building being refurbished).


Thanks for your replies ,
Totally understand it needs to be done, just gutted...
And like you say , I had forgotten about the photo scaffolding , hopefully they will do something like least it's not the castle , remember that one....
Thanks again. X


We've just come back and fret not!!! It's only one small part, looked like only one section to me. Whatever is facing City Hall on the right as you come through the entrance? We hardly noticed it at all. Everything else looks amazingly beautiful still!


Quote from: Mrsya on May 26, 2014, 08:47:40 PM
We've just come back and fret not!!! It's only one small part, looked like only one section to me. Whatever is facing City Hall on the right as you come through the entrance? We hardly noticed it at all. Everything else looks amazingly beautiful still!

Thanks for that ..x
I'm sure it will look perfect still  :)


I can confirm that it's only one building on Main Street that is affected - the one on the right as you enter the park, where the tram comes in and out.  Nothing else impacted.