Hotel availability

Started by disnick.322, March 30, 2014, 04:08:54 PM

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Me and my friends have booked to come in May, i was looking through the website and checked the price (just to see if it had become cheaper / more expensive), when i put in the details it says there was no availability in the hotel on these dates, does anyone know why it says this (being the end of May i'm assuming its not full).


Quote from: disnick.322 on March 30, 2014, 04:08:54 PM
Me and my friends have booked to come in May, i was looking through the website and checked the price (just to see if it had become cheaper / more expensive), when i put in the details it says there was no availability in the hotel on these dates, does anyone know why it says this (being the end of May i'm assuming its not full).

Don't know why, but I got the same message when I also checked for May. Thought it was weard
4 trips to DLP, 3 to WDW, 1 to Disneyland California


Which hotel were you looking at? i looked at Santa Fe, but it gave me options in other hotels.


I did look at Santa Fe, Cheyenne, Sequia, but it was difficult to find good dates on all of them.
4 trips to DLP, 3 to WDW, 1 to Disneyland California


The end of May is when many English schools have half term. This could well be a cause of low availability


Maybe its due to it being half term in England, just seems strange that when we booked to go in the middle of summer (peak season), there was still availability.  Lets hope there's another reason for the message and there isn't low availiability.


Quote from: disnick.322 on March 30, 2014, 06:07:57 PM
Maybe its due to it being half term in England, just seems strange that when we booked to go in the middle of summer (peak season), there was still availability.  Lets hope there's another reason for the message and there isn't low availiability.

But the summer holidays are six weeks long and half term is only one week long.  Thus people are able to spread themselves out more in the summer, whereas everyone has to go the same time during half term.


Just seems strange that its only half term in England (not France) and its only the hotel which has no availability, there are still rooms in all other hotels. Seems unlikely for it just to be the Santa Fe fully booked and not Cheyenne or Sequoia Lodge etc.


I think it may have something to do with marketing/ operations. I came across something like that on the sequoia for my dates in April. Then i checked night by night and.from our 5 nights only one didn't have availability. So i thought that night was fully booked. Then a few days/week later they had rooms available again... So i thought, by making that hotel unavailable, they would make people book in other hotels with lower occupancy rate. Does it make sense?

First time ever: August 2000, one day visit!
August 2010, NewPort Bay, 5 days
October 2012, Sequoia Lodge, 5 days
April 2014, Sequoia Lodge, 6 days - Big 7th Bday Surprise for DD#1 :)
September 2015, Newport Bay 6 days - Another surprise!!!


Yeah, i see what you mean,  would help to increase the occupancy rates in others, i'll have to keep checking see if it becomes available again. Thanks for your help.

captain rocket

Try to look at this logically, it may seem a quiet time to you but Disneyland Paris is a huge operation and there are always going to be times when they are full for a whole raft of reasons. Maybe a good television or press revue of the Sequoia came about, maybe there is a massive conference booked for the Newport and new York so people have moved to the Sequoia or maybe there is a clever bit of manipulation going on!
As a fan of Disneyland Paris, I want the hotels to be full as it indicates the resort is doing well, but I want it to be relatively quiet when I visit!


May is one of the busiest times as Uk, Frace, Holland and Belgium all have School Holidays and several Bank holidays including Bastille day. So I suspect that may be the reason.
Hope you have an amazing  time x


When we were there in May 2013, the SL was fully booked but the parks were still managable. very happy we got give a vip breakfast pass though because the queue in the hotel in the morning was madness :o :o


I tried for Monday 26th May for 4 nights and it said all the Disney hotels were available


We are going Monday 26th May for 4 nights and it says there was no availability for SF and SL when i last looked.
Thanks daverhemming im sure we will.