Tea & coffee in your room

Started by Oatrih, March 23, 2014, 10:32:39 AM

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Good morning. There are 4 adults & 2 children going to the Hotel Cheyenne on the 17th Apr. can anyone tell me if there are tea & coffee facilities in the room. It hasn't bothered me on my previous trips but one of the grown ups wants a drink before bed and first thing in the morning. Grown ups who would be one !!!! Many thanks.


Hi there.

No they dont, I'm not sure but you maybe able to hire one. Altho could be cheaper to buy one and take some tea bags with you.  Can buy milk in shop.


We always take a travel kettle with us and purchase milk from the shop.
Believe in the magic
Em xx

captain rocket

You can hire a kettle, but the suggestion to take a travel kettle with you is sound. Don't forget an adaptor! if you can't be bothered with milk at the Railway station/Esso garage, take those ready made packs of Nescafe or hot chocolate with you! There is no fridge in the room and it is usually too hot for milk to keep!
Have a great visit with your "little adult"!!!


We go next week and I just picked up a kettle in Asda for £5! At that price i dont mind leaving it behind to make room for Disneeeeeeeeey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You can rent a kettle and buy a small pack of tea and coffee bits from reception but no proper cups only paper ones...we usually go over the Santa Fe to the garage in the car park and buy bits for the room as its sooo much cheaper than than the hotel shops
Give a little whistle


when you say 'rent' a kettle from reception do you have to pay?


The last two visits we have been there has been a kettle plus tea coffee in our room. We have stayed in The Sitting Bull section which is near to the main building. We have never paid extra to stay there just been lucky. You can rent out a kettle.
Oct 06, Santa fe 3 days
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Feb 14, Cheyenne 5 days
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