travelling alone with 2 children...

Started by michellemumof2xx, March 10, 2014, 06:05:09 PM

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I'm just looking for some advice before I book again.
We travelled for our first time in Feb as a family of 4, and with others as a group.
I'm looking at booking again for next Feb, but this time on my own, with my 2 daughters who will be 7 and nearly 5. Has anyone travelled on their own with little ones? What rides will be struggle on as a 3? I know some rides only allow 2 per carriage! We would focus more this time on queing to meet eveyone-we did meet a good mix, but as we were a group,not everyone waned to meet princesses etc, so we did miss that out! We loved big thunder mountain, along with many others but it wud be nice to do wat we want, and not what what the group wants!
Should I go alone, or try and get my mum or someone to come?? We stayed in HNY, but this time I like the look of cheyenne or sequoia....thanks in advance!
First trip ever HNY 15th Feb 2014
Second trip to HNY 17th Feb 2015!!!


Hi, that sounds great only having to please yourselves and the littlies!!!
There are a few 2 to a carriage rides, but there are LOADS that arent so Im sure you'll have a brilliant time!
Ive thought about going alone but as of yet have always collared someone to come with me! The only thing that would concern me is... if youre sat in a restaurant and one child needs a wee, youd have to all go and thus the table would be abandoned and that would worry me! Maybe it wouldnt worry others but me, it does!
I think that little neurotic worry aside, its a very reasonable idea to do Disney as a three!

Have fun planning!!!!!


hi i can't really offer any tips but i am going on my own next feb half term with my 3 children aged 12,9 and 7 staying at the cheyenne, i took them all to legoland for 3 nights last summer as a test run which went ok, i did take the eldest to disney on my own in 2012  which was great as we could do what we wanted when we wanted i thought i would be bored in the evenings but  i was too shattered by then anyway so just relaxed in the sequoia bar for a quick drink then back to the room.


Hi, I won't be travelling alone, but have similar concerns as we are a family of five and I am concerned that one of us will end up going on a lot of the rides alone.  I'm worried it will be dd, who will be 8, as the younger two aren't as brave as their older sister, but it seems really unfair on her.  I'm glad to hear that there aren't many rides where it's only two to a carriage.  As someone else mentioned one problem could be toilets in reaustaurants, they maybe need to go before you are seated.  This problem isn't specific to disney though, I've had to deal with it in this country too and I never know what to do.
You will have a fab time I'm sure and like you say it will be easier than in a big group as there are less people to please. 


Hi, i have never been to DLRP with 2 young children, but have often been as a 3.  As for the rides, the following require you to sit as a 2: Casey Jr, Dumbo, Snow White, Pinocchio (but with young children i have seen 3 people sit together, if not you will still all be able to sit in the same carriage), Peter Pan's flight is in 2's but again you will all be in the same vehicle.  The main ride which younger children may go on is Buzz Lightyear or Phantom Manor, this only sits 2's to a carriage, the 3rd person would have to go behind, although the carriages are very close together, this may be a problem in Phantom Manor which is a 'darker' ride.
Lucylouby it may be worth checking out the Baby Switch facilities which is available on some bigger rides, as this allows one adult to wait with young children who don't want to ride, and then you cam switch instead of queuing again for the other adult to ride, this CM might allow you to do this, so your daughter can ride even if the younger children don't want to.

As for eating in restaurants, if you just mention to a CM you need to use the toilets, they will usually keep the table for you until you come back.  Hope this helps.


Thanks everyone! Im waiting for another month or so then im booking! I think my mum is coming but if not, im happy to go with my girls on my own : ) xx
First trip ever HNY 15th Feb 2014
Second trip to HNY 17th Feb 2015!!!


I went to Disney on my own with 4 kids, ranging from 10 down to 3. It was a bit hectic but doable.  The older two kids went together on rides, and because the younger two were small enough we could fit the three of us in most rides, even dumbo.
Before every meal we did a toilet stop so managed fine that way.  I would do it again, if the alternative was not going at all.  The freedom of making the decisions myself, eg on where to eat, when to call it a day, was nice. By the end of a Disney day, I was more than happy to go to bed along with the kids. HTH
Sequoia  Lodge - May 2004
NPBC- September 2005
SL - June 2006
SL- June 2007
Ch -December 2007
NY - September 2008
SL - March 2009
SL- March 2010
NY - March 2011
SL - January 2012
Ch - March 2012
NPBC -March 2013
SL - February 2014
Ch - February 2015
Ch - November 2015
NPBC -March 2016
NY - November 2016
SL - April 2017
SLGF - March 2018
NY - Nov 2018
Cheyenne - Nov 2019
NY Nov 2021


I have been lots of time with my DS and DH and we have often sat together in Buzz (just means one does not get a lazer blaster to play with ;D ) We have also sat with all 3 of together in Phantom Manor.  :)

Quote from: disnick.322 on March 16, 2014, 07:01:05 PM
Hi, i have never been to DLRP with 2 young children, but have often been as a 3.  As for the rides, the following require you to sit as a 2: Casey Jr, Dumbo, Snow White, Pinocchio (but with young children i have seen 3 people sit together, if not you will still all be able to sit in the same carriage), Peter Pan's flight is in 2's but again you will all be in the same vehicle.  The main ride which younger children may go on is Buzz Lightyear or Phantom Manor, this only sits 2's to a carriage, the 3rd person would have to go behind, although the carriages are very close together, this may be a problem in Phantom Manor which is a 'darker' ride.
Lucylouby it may be worth checking out the Baby Switch facilities which is available on some bigger rides, as this allows one adult to wait with young children who don't want to ride, and then you cam switch instead of queuing again for the other adult to ride, this CM might allow you to do this, so your daughter can ride even if the younger children don't want to.

As for eating in restaurants, if you just mention to a CM you need to use the toilets, they will usually keep the table for you until you come back.  Hope this helps.