Steakhouse character brunch

Started by polar vixen, February 23, 2014, 04:29:57 PM

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polar vixen

So, after reading some dismal reports about cafe mickey, it made me really nervous about booking there, but I really wanted to do a character dining, Auberge and inventions aren't suitable for us menu wise, but then I noticed that there is a character brunch at the steakhouse in the village, according to dlrpmagic anyway, so I phoned them and they do!  BUT, my question is this, what do you actually get to eat at the brunch?  is it a buffet lunch?  a set meal?  Has anyone been here for the character brunch who can tell me a bit about it pleeeeeease?
Many thanks and fairy wishes in advance.


hi i last ate there in march 2012 and from what i can remember it was only on sunday brunch the characters were there,it was a buffet style and the food was really good lots of choice of meat,seafood etc,it was also a lot calmer than cafe mickey and when we were there at about 2pm there weren't that many people in there so you weren't rushed with the character photos and autographs,we saw i think from memory eeyore,minnie,mickey and tigger.

by the way does anyone know if you can use your meal vouchers as part payment for the sunday brunch?


polar vixen

From what I've been told, yes, although I don't know how this works if you're booking before you go, do they keep a voucher and you pay the extra?   Anyone else know, and thanks for your response re the food, it was just what I wanted to hear.