Live shows! Videopolis Theatre, The Chaparral Theater etc ..

Started by JessicaSarahMyles, February 15, 2014, 05:48:34 PM

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Does anyone else miss live shows? Or does anyone know if they are coming back?? I really miss them, I think it's a great way to get to see some or the rarer characters that you don't usually get to see. The wait times to get in are never long and the shows are always great. I don't understand why they went away? Has anyone herd any discussions on them??


I really missed them the last few times I went.
I remember seeing Lion King and Tarzan the same day and even having food in the Hyperion Cafe and seeing The Lion King again. Now it means there is nothing to see near the Frontierland Railway Station and the Videopolis Theatre just shows cartoons. We've lost the theatre by Fantasyland station (Where I saw Winnie the Pooh) and don't think the Castle Stage has been used in a long time.
Such a shame.

DLPWonders (Banned)

I definitely miss a great stageshow.
I've seen all shows of the past 22 years and Tarzan, La Rencontre has always been my favorite.
So still crossing my fingers it'll return someday.
Especially since the decor is still up.

But unfortunately this will be another year without a proper stageshow.
There will be a little show during the Spring Festival (although this has yet to be confirmed), but that's it.
°o° DLP AP holder since '08 - DLP CM 2016  °o° Character catcher | Addicted to books, tea and old musicals | Unconditional love for John Hughes, Woody Allen, Tim Burton, Judy Garland and Helena Bonham Carter. | ''She's a flower child with a rock 'n roll attitude.''


I can imagine shows will return at some point, I could see them returning during the peak periods only to provide more capacity, to be honest is there really any point DLRP having shows off peak?
Newport Bay Club- 2006
Ranch Davy Crockett - 2007
Hotel Santa Fe - 2015

captain rocket

Well, yes, the point of shows is to increase attendance and the time you want to do that is off season! The parks will always be rammed during holiday times.


I thought live stage shows in the Videopolis theatre were a thing of the past, it's something to do with the catering department. Apparently Videopolos is the busiest restaurant in the park and they object, or so I've read. It seems Disneyland Paris has walked away from stage shows for now anyway. The only Disney theme park in the world without stage shows, unless we count Animaqique. 
Ed & David


I wish they would bring back the stage show such a shame as Disney always put on a great show. It's a nice break to sit down for 20 minutes and enjoy a really good show with sometimes rare characters in etc. The castle stage is a great location for a show when it is not raining and the theatre in Frontierland. That area needs a boost to as when you walk around there it is so dead it's sad. Bring back the shows I say!!


I'm not so keen on the castle stage because of the weather as you say, although i have seen some good shows there in the past. It's a shame that the Chaparral theatre is closed, that part of Frontierland is dead now except for the train station.
At the risk of repeating myself DLP have invested a lot in Disney Dreams which is a Fantastic show and it looks like it's going to be the parks only show.
Ed & David

polar vixen

I remember seeing Tarzan adn the lion king about 8 years ago, they were both fantastic!  I really wish they would bring something back, the tawzan show particuarly with the acrobatics was brilliant, I'm really hoping they bring something back.  We've been to disney once a year for the last 3 years in a row and whilst dreams is good, there's been nothing different, dreams, magic everywhere, and stars n cars, they need a little change at least


I can remember Beauty and The Beast when the Park first opened. It was a first class show with some great effects. I think we all agree that using Videopolis to show cartoons is a waste. It is a beautiful venue, unique to DLP. Dreams is fantastic but it has to lot to answer for with the diversion of resources away from quality day time entertainment to fund the costs associated with it.