pony rides at cheyenne

Started by debz1402, February 01, 2014, 11:32:36 PM

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Hey guys just wondering if they have the pony rides in cheyenne on at this time of year? xx


Oh I'd like to know that too! ;) and what time!


I imagine they'd only be in a more warmer time of the year x


The ponies are only a summer thing I'm afraid and even then it depends on the weather on the day! When I previously went in August they had them on and due to the nice weather they had been on daily from July.


gutted lol i guessed it would be warmer weather but thought i would ask anyway will just have to go back in the summer hehe :)


 When we went in April a couple of years ago they where out then. We where there last Feb and they didn't have the ponies.
Oct 06, Santa fe 3 days
Oct 07, Sequoia 4 days
Oct 08, Sequoia 4 days
Oct 09, Sequoia 4 days
Dec 09 New Year
Oct 10, Cheyenne 4 days
April 11, Cheyenne 4 days
Feb 13, Cheyenne 5 days
Feb 14, Cheyenne 5 days
Oct 14 Hipark 4 days
Nov 14 Hipark 4 days
Feb 15 Santa Fe 5 days
May 15 Hipark 4 days
Augt 15 Hipark 5 days
Feb 16 Cheyenne 5 days
April 16 Hipark 5 days
Aug 16 Hipark 5 days
Oct 16 Hipark 5 days
Dec 16 Sequoia new year
Next Trip
Oct 17 Hipark 5 days

Uragano Tati

Last September even if it was very hot and sunny there were no ponies.
April 1998: Sequoia Lodge
January 2003: Disneyland Hotel
May 2012: Santa Fe
September 2013: Cheyenne
November 2014: Cheyenne