Pre trip report for 1st Feb- 6th Feb

Started by Gemma W, January 27, 2014, 02:35:27 PM

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Gemma W

Hi! Just a quick pre trip report before we head off in 5 sleeps! We have had this booked and been counting down since June so it feels surreal that our trip is so close now!

who is going:
                     Me- celebrating my 30th birthday whilst we are there! this is my 4th trip to DLP but not been since I was 18 and never been to WDS as it opened 2 weeks after we were last there! Also been to WDW twice and Disneyland once. I do love a bit of Disney
                     Hubby- 2nd trip to Disney. Went 18months ago to WDW he was dreading it but I have converted him well and truly woo hoo!
                     Charlotte - 4
                     Ben- 22 months!

We are staying in the hotel Cheyenne for 4 nights. I love the theming of the hotel and cant really afford the other hotels (although would love to stay in the Pink Hotel one day!) We have special cowboy goody bags ready to take complete with woody and Jessie.

We are flying this time- supposed to be a little treat but turning into a real headache as trying to conform to weight limits in proving hard! We are then getting the TER into DLP. We will have to stop off at the hotel to drop in bags and pick up tickets but hopefully we will be in the park by 2ish! Hoping to just get a feel for the park on the first day, take a trip round the park on the train and watch the parade. Probably wont stay to watch dreams tonight as the park doesn't close til 9 and will be too late for the littlies after a long day travelling. So instead hoping to have a nice dinner at Annette's and then explore the Disney village a little. We are keeping fingers and toes crossed that the lego shop will be open whilst we are there but it is looking less and less likely :(.

Sunday- breakfast with Mickey booked for 8am and then off to WDS I think. Maybe having lunch at Restaurant des stars in the hope that we see Remy and will stay to see the parade. Hoping to catch decent of the stairs or whatever it is called today before heading back to DLP to watch parade again, do a few rides have a quick dinner somewhere and then watch dreams!

Monday- my birthday! Hoping to be able to request breakfast in the park today and then use EMH to explore fantasy land. We are booked in for lunch with the princesses today at 12- my children don't know yet but I know there will be one very excited little princess when she finds out! No other real plans for today apart from have a lovely day and watch dreams before heading back to the hotel!

Tuesday- no EMH today so we may just explore the other hotels and Disney village area before heading into the park at 10. Again no plans as such- just go with the flow! But maybe having dinner at Plaza Gardens.

Wednesday- last day :( Have early breakfast and then drop bags into the train station baggage hold then into DLP for EMH to do our favourite rides and sights one last time. Grab an early lunch or sandwiches to take away before heading back to CDG at 1 for our flight at 3:20.

Doesn't seem long enough when I type it all out like that!


I'm very envious of you celebrating your birthday in DLP! It's my 31st on Sunday and I really did have an inkling that my other half was taking me and our son to DLP for a long weekend to celebrate but this hasn't come true  :'( .

Hope you have a wonderful time and enjoy your 30th as you couldn't ask for a better place to celebrate!!


Have a great trip and a wonderful Birthday!


Have a great trip and fantastic birthday. Don't forget to order a cake for yourself (u less your DH is the type to organize these things...mine isn't!)
1st visit - May 1992 - Hotel Santa Fe - age 9!
2nd visit - March 2005 - day trip
3rd visit - July 2006 - Hotel Santa Fe
4th visit - March 2012 - Disneyland Hotel
***5th visit May 2014 - Hotel New York***


We're (Me, my mum, my dad and younger sister) will be in DLP from the 3rd til the 7th of Feb celebrating my 21st birthday on the 4th!! Have a lovely time :)
Sequoia Lodge - Sierra Lodge Aug 2006
Sequoia Lodge - Montanna Room (upgraded to GFC rooms for free) Feb 2014
Sequoia Lodge -Lodges Feb 2015

Gemma W

Quote from: dhidra on January 28, 2014, 07:09:31 PM
Have a great trip and fantastic birthday. Don't forget to order a cake for yourself (u less your DH is the type to organize these things...mine isn't!)

Lol! Your reply made me giggle! I have given him strict instructions to order me a cake but I may well end up doing it myself!

Have a great birthday too moopmoop93!