Pre trip report

Started by lovindisney87, January 06, 2014, 04:47:14 PM

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So its now only 20 days to go til we leave for the magical land and i am probably more excited than the kids  :-[ ;D Heres a quick pre trip report, mainly to try and release some of the excitement lol. Heres whos going,

Me (and bump as will be 28 weeks pregnant whilst there)
DH (celebrating his birthday whilst we are there)
DD (age 9)
DD (age 5)

So we leave on Sunday 26th January on a car ferry at 4am so one early start for us, taxi picking us up to take us to St Pancras  Eurostar station for 10.14 direct train. yahhhh!!!  ;D
We are staying at hotel Cheyenne this time, this is the first time we have stayed here as we normally stay at the Santa Fe but we thought they were the same price so we would give it a go, plus the girls get bunk beds rather than a double bed to share. We will use the  Disney express  luggage service and head straight to the park when we first arrive before walking back to hotel to check in at 3ish.

We are not really planners we normally just go with the flow but we really want to eat from Annettes Diner although it will probably be a takeaway rather than sit in and really want to see descent of the stairs as have never done this. Other than that there is nothing planned lol.

Travelling back on 30th January  :'( so hoping the time will not go too fast.

Soooooo excited right now its unbelievable, BRING ON THE MAGIC 
[size=150]Disney trips
Many i cant remember from childhood including a 2 week holiday to Disney World in Florida

Davy Crockett Ranch November 2003
Santa Fe October 2010
Santa Fe March 2012
Cheyenne January 2014
Cheyenne January 2016 😁
Davy Crockett Ranch January 2019

Hopefully many more to come


Your so lucky!! I've got another 83 days to go! I've not told my girls we are going and I'm fit to burst with excitement! You sound a lot a like me, i don't plan either and tend to just go with it! I find plans to rigid and it kinda stessed me out, especially if it don't go to plan! The only planning (which isn't really planning) I've done is a to do list of the things we missed the last time. It's a tick box so it's not set in stone and we can tick it once we've done it!
We have also stayed at Santa Fe the last couple of times and really enjoyed it there but I'm giving Cheyenne a try! The Cheyenne looks much more like a theme compared to Santa Fe.  I'm also wanting to do the ascent of the stairs which is on my to do list of things I've missed in previous visits! And I've heard from this forum that Annette's diner is supposed to be fab so I may try this out too! I hope (well you will!!  :D) have a brilliant time! Louise x
Santa Fe: Oct 2011
Santa Fe: Oct 2012
Cheyenne: Apr 2014
Hotel Kyriad: Mar 2017
SLGF: October 2017
Santa Fe: Feb 2018


I am such a child when it comes to anything disney lol. We tried to plan where we wanted to eat and stuff when we went last time as we had eaten places the first time we really liked but when we got there they were closed second time round so we were a bit gutted and had to find other places so this time apart from anettes diner there is no plan lol. We have managed to do all rides that were ok for girls over previous trips luckily but if its not too busy , as i have heard its quiet at end of january, my dh will do the bigger rides that he hasnt done before. Like you say if you plan and it goeswrong i would stress out about it. Im sure we will have the best time as will you and the time has gone so quick the last couple of months but i think with the pregnancy then christmas there has been plenty of stuff to keep me occupied lol.
:-D :-D
[size=150]Disney trips
Many i cant remember from childhood including a 2 week holiday to Disney World in Florida

Davy Crockett Ranch November 2003
Santa Fe October 2010
Santa Fe March 2012
Cheyenne January 2014
Cheyenne January 2016 😁
Davy Crockett Ranch January 2019

Hopefully many more to come


So we are off tomorrow first thing so only 1 more sleep left, well half a sleep when u take into account we have to be up at 2. Dd's are up in bed trying to get them to go to sleep ready for our early start whilst i am trying to double check everything has been packed and we have all tickets and stuff ready. Very excited now knowing this time tomorrow we will be there yeahhhhhh    ;D 
[size=150]Disney trips
Many i cant remember from childhood including a 2 week holiday to Disney World in Florida

Davy Crockett Ranch November 2003
Santa Fe October 2010
Santa Fe March 2012
Cheyenne January 2014
Cheyenne January 2016 😁
Davy Crockett Ranch January 2019

Hopefully many more to come



Ah have a brilliant time!! I'm so jealous! I've got 64 days left! Hope to see an after trip report!! I'm excited to see what it's like over there at the mo seeing as there's no celebrations of anything!  ;D
Santa Fe: Oct 2011
Santa Fe: Oct 2012
Cheyenne: Apr 2014
Hotel Kyriad: Mar 2017
SLGF: October 2017
Santa Fe: Feb 2018

Gemma W

Have a fab time! We go on the 1st Feb so just after you get home! xx

Uragano Tati

April 1998: Sequoia Lodge
January 2003: Disneyland Hotel
May 2012: Santa Fe
September 2013: Cheyenne
November 2014: Cheyenne


Have a wonderful time there!


So we got back home at 1 o'clock this morning had an absolutely amazing time, it seems to have gone so fast its unbelievable. So I will try and start some of Day 1 now but may not get very far  :D
[size=150]Disney trips
Many i cant remember from childhood including a 2 week holiday to Disney World in Florida

Davy Crockett Ranch November 2003
Santa Fe October 2010
Santa Fe March 2012
Cheyenne January 2014
Cheyenne January 2016 😁
Davy Crockett Ranch January 2019

Hopefully many more to come