Best time & place to stand for the Christmas Night-time Show 2013

Started by freckleston, December 06, 2013, 08:44:01 PM

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Hello everyone.  I am going to DLP for just one night for a well-needed Christmas magic  - we are going to arrive at Sequoia lodge on morning of Saturday 21st December and driving home on Sunday afternoon.  I picked Sequoia because it looked all Christmassy with its log fires etc!!  My daughter is 11 - & we have not told her yet !

Because we only have the one shot at this Disney Christmas - we just can NOT miss out especially the night time light show!!

Firstly, do you know the best place to stand to watch the night-time spectacle and what time to arrive?

Second, I was going to go back to the hotel to warm up & for a 6pm buffet .  I see that the spectacle starts at park closing at 10pm but  I seen on here that people dont think that is enough time to eat and get out to the show - but maybe Im reading it wrong -perhaps that was for a summer thing. 

Lastly, any other things I must do in my very short trip - any help would be appreciated.

thank you


We were there last weekend, we ate in the park, we got our spot for Dreams at about 8.30. We stood near the entrance to adventure land just to the side of the castle and we had a great view. The only other best place to stand would be right in front of the castle but people were starting to gather there really early! Hope this helps.


Don't panic about not having time for dinner and seeing Dreams on a weekend. The parks open till 10pm on a weekend it's only in the week with the parks closing at 7pm that this would be a problem.

I've not long returned from the Sequoia Lodge and it definitely has the most Christmassy feeling of all the hotels. The buffet is also a very good option.

I stood level with Casey's corner in the middle of Main Street and had a brilliant head on view but younger guests would not have a good view with taller people standing in front. My partner took our 4 year old to see this one evening by himself and left it till the last minute to find a spot. They stood in front of the fountain outside the Plaza Gardens Restaurant so our son conked stand in the fountain ledge and they both said they had a brilliant and unobstructed view so this May well be worth a look.

Enjoy your stay!


Oh thank you so much this is really helpful.  I just dont want us miss it through bad planning! I notice that there is another thing Magical christmas wishes spectacle at 6pm or 7pm so not really sure what that is and whether we should try to see this too. But I was thinking the main thing not to miss would be the night-time production.  thanks!


Magical Christmas Wishes is the tree lighting ceremony that happens twice a night on Main Street. You can go to either as they are the same and last about 10 mins. It's a lovely extra and it doesn't really matter where on Main Street you stand to see this as you can't miss the 24ft tree! I stood immediately outside the corner of Town Square Photography shop which is right by the tree and so I got a great view. I also stood half way down Main Street and saw it just as well if not better (try and get the garlands in your view too as these interact as well!)


ooh thats lovely. Will def. do that too !! I have chosen my dinners which Im going to book  .  We are going the Hunters Grill for Saturday night and then on Sunday afternoon paying extra to go to Inventions. Yippee getting very exciting now!