Beyond the Fifth Dimension - Secrets of the Hollywood Tower Hotel

Started by DisneyManiac, December 01, 2013, 07:09:05 PM

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Am planning to book at the Hollywood Tower Hotel, just wondering I read somewhere that beside the Service Elevator is a wire cage that has the wire coils that allow the elevator to move, when the ride suddenly drops the lights go out in the wire cage and it malfunctions. Does this happen at the Paris version or is it just the California version?

captain rocket




No what I am talking about is in in the Hotel's Boiler Room, beside the Service Elevators, a wire cage is where the wire coils are which allow the elevator to run.


Here is something that is real: Underneath the hotel is the Basement, that is where the boiler room is. Watch out for a boiler that displays a face, next to the elevator's Health and Safety boards are mysterious markings, these are said to find a portal to the Fourth Dimension. If you listen closely you can hear the faint cries of a little girl still trapped in that dimension, which is also heard in the wireless communicator as well as other strange noises. Then you arrive at your ride, The Service Elevator, I would like to make suggestion to imagineers, if you ever update this hotel then please consider my suggestion: When the Service Elevator malfunctions and begins it's many descents, the light that is behind the Floor Numbers could start malfunctioning, flickering like crazy in other words. It would add a great effect! So please do add it in the near future.