DLRP trip report 27/11/13

Started by Mtlchuck, November 29, 2013, 03:09:33 AM

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Hello everyone!

I just visited Disneyland Paris yesterday and I would like to share some of my thoughts and experiences here .

I was lucky enough to have friends in Paris who let me stay. They gave me very weird looks when I told them I was going to visit (24 year old male visiting "a place for little kids" alone), It was not my first time in Pares and I have already seen 95% of the city's attractions, so I needed an activity to keep me busy all day, Disney was the perfect idea.

This was my second time visiting the resort. I left Paris at 8.30 AM and it took me around 45 minutes with the RER to get there. The day was a cold and gray wednesday... Perfect to keep crowds away . I rushed to the WDS ticket booth (sells the same tickets with less of a line) and proceeded to buy a 1 day 2 parks ticket. A very useful tip to know, and apparently unknown, is that upon presentation of a valid student ID you're entitled to a student discount! I paid just 47 euros for my ticket. Also, international ID's are accepted (mine is Canadian). The lady told me that actually all tickets are valid for both parks, whick makes sense and WDS is more of a Land than a park.

It was around 9.40 AM and we were let into WDS. My first impression was honestly not bad, as the entrance is actually charming with the big yellow studio building.... But how did things change soon... The first studio is supposed to be some sort of Main Street. It is super short and has around 3 shop (or restaurants) on each side. It is not terrible, actually, but by no means a grand entrance. After walking out you can look left and see Cinemagique, Stitch Live, and Rock and Roller coastee, straight up and the TOT with the fake Hollywood set-up, and right towards Disney Animation, Crush's Coaster, Aladdins Carpets and Animagique... That is all. Seriously the place is tiny.

I hurried to Crush's Coaster which was already operating and waited around 5 minutes before boarding. The ride is really fun, and effectively blends the coasters mechanism into a dark ride at the beginning (there is an accelerated lift hill disguised as a sewer which gives an amazing effect, as an example). This attraction would have been a gem of a replacement to Mullholand Madness at DCA, its a pity they went for the still lifeless Goofys Sky School.

Afterwards I headed to TOT. It has sincerely the weeeeirdest position in the park ever. If they had the money to build it, why didnt they just located it in a corner where the TOT is meant to be! It is right in the middle which means you can walk around it, seeing its bare back part. The front looks good from the right angle with the fake Hollywood set-up, but as soon as you get in the line you can already see that they are just unnatractive metal structures from behind (honestly, they are just beams of metal with the fa�ades printed in the front, looks terribly temporary. Being used to the Florida version, this version was a bit... Incomplete, but still thrilling.

I then went to Rock n' Roller coaster, which yet again is just a metal block with a sign in the front. Inside it is an exact clone of thr Florida version, just without the plywood cutout decorations in the tracks.

I left WDS at around noon and headed to Disneyland Park. As I entered the Christmas parade was coming down Main Street. It was cute but just counted with two floats (Mickey and Minnie float and then Santa Clause float). It was cute nonetheless. I hurried to Frontierland through the Liberty Arcade (what a gem!) and headed to the Phantom Manor. Oh my God, what a mess. The music from the Gazebo was turned off, and I noted that the locks closing themed doors in the garden were generic Master locks (the brand)... Not a huge issue but it'd be nicer to use at least older looking locks. The foyer looked ok, but the stretching room is looking rough. The wallpaper around the portraits is looking torn and dirty, which often reveals the illusion of the stretching. Leota looks teeeeerrible! The face projection is off the actual head. The ballroom and boudoir were ok, but the rest was the worst. Half of the skeletons of the descent into Phantom Canyon were static, and the movements of many of the phantoms of the canyon were off as well. The final scene of the mirror was ruined because the figures on the other side were off by at least a meter, making the ghost hug half of the Doombuggy and then float in the air. I explored Boot hill for a bit. The geysers were off and the worst.. the background music track was not working properly! For every three seconds of music the track would glitch and skip.

I went to BTMR afterwards. This version is magnificent, but yet again many of the effects and figures were completely static. The worst part however was the ammount of litter in the queue and the bodies of water around the ride, many such as coke bottles already showing faded colours, hinting they had been for a long time (Ill talk about litter a bit more in a while...)

I headed to Fantasyland. Alice's curious labyrinth has seen better days, with figures featuring huge patches of unpainted areas and the audio turned off in sections. The Windmill is no longer an attraction (I think it hasnt for a while, but the buckeyd which were filled with gifts 2 seasons ago are now gone). The darkrides are working find, but the teacups and carrousel could seriously use some paint.

Pirates of the Caribbean came next. Several figures were static as well, which gave the attraction a very creepy feeling as they were just mannequins without any movement. The cannonball effects were off as well, and I am sure we skipped the whole explosion scene alltogether with our boats just rushing by.

I will continue my trip report soon! I wish I could put some pictures tol but sadly I didnt take many as I was more focused in just riding stuff and enjoying.



very interesting read, thank you for not sugar coating things. As someone who visits California Disney every year, and heading back to DLP for my second visit in a few weeks times, its good to see that I'm not the only one who feels the huge difference between the American Parks and Paris.

I look forward to the rest off your report
When You Wish Upon A Star Dreams Can Become Reality
♥ ♥ ♥ Disneyworld Florida 1992
♥ ♥ ♥ Disneyland California 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015,2016,2017
♥ ♥ ♥ Disneyland Paris 2011 2013, 2016


I really think that it is not Disney bashing to point out the things that need improvement in the parks. If you're a fan and moreover if you're paying premium prices (in entrances, food and souvenirs) then you're entitled to a premium Disney experience.

To continue, I returned to Fantasyland to ride IASW Celebration. As I boarded the boat, I was apalled to see some british guests throwing litter at the boarding area. A cast member operating the boats asked them to stop this (in french ) to which they laughed, and he had to come quckly to pick up their garbage. Sincerely thats another problem with DLP: why are sooooo many europeans guests so dirty?! They litter, smoke where they want and throw thr butts to the floor, show no respect towards the park or thr decorations... I really thought European guests would show some sophistication but sincerely American guests have a sense of pristineness and respect which really shows in the cleanliness of the parks.

IASW was fine, but then again several dolls were broken. The worst part was the finale scene with seversl of the props including the ferris wheel and the carrousel completely stopped. I wonder why with the recent layout being installed these pieces were not made sure to work.

I got hungry and went to the mexican themed restaurant in Frontierland (forgot its name) and had a terrible experience. I paid 18 euros for 2 chicken fajitas and rice and a large chicken salad. Being lactose intolerant I specified to the woman at the counter not to put ant cheese or creamy dressings on my food. First , the fajitas were given to me as the chicken in a container and 2 tortillas on the side.... What? I had to assemble my own fajitas? Imagine going to McDonalds and getting the bun the burger and the lettuce and tomato separetely for you to assemble. Then, the salad was given to me without chicken, and when asking about it the manager told me the salad didnt have chicken. When I pointed out to the picture, she apologized and gave me a salad with chicken buuut also with a bunch of cheese. I told them I had let them know about my allergies and they said they would prepare another one. When it was ready, I realized the chicken they had put was the same pre- prepared chicken used for the fajitas, but cold! Couldnt they have even microwaved it?! Oh my God. With the exhorbitant prices DLPR should really make an effort on the food. I can see how many people can feel frustrated and ripped off with service like this.

I had ridden almost everything (Space Mountain was closed) so repeated BTMR a couple of times, as well as PM, then crossed to Discoveryland where I just explored the Nautilus walk through. And then I did the unthinkable..... Returned to WDS. ... It was abour 5 pm by this point and I wanted to see the highlyy recommended Cinemagique. Sincerely it was such a great show! I usually dont enjoy movie attractions that much but this one was fantstic. I really wish that they would get rid of DCA's Muppet Vision and bring this and Animagique to Hollywood Backlot instead of the out of theme  Monstropolis they have in mind (they would just have to remake the filmas it features a cellphone as a recurring theme but it is evidently a 2001 model phone, but this is the only outdated part, and the show features superb special effects I had never seen in my life!).

I rode the RARC and the TOT maybe 5 five times each taking advantage of the non existing crowds. I witnessed something however that left me stunned. In the TOT library there were some asian guests and when passing by the Cast Member there, he began mockingly calling them "Mr. Nagasaki" (or something like that) and then making racist Nintendo sounds to their faces. I had never seen this, but then again Europe is not nearly as politically correct as America is.

The park closed at 6 and I headed back to Disneyland Park to watch Disney Dreams. I arrived just in time for the tree illumination ceremony which was heartwarming and technically impressive, featuring synched LED lights and snow falling! 45 minutes later Winter Disney Dreams began. It was a great show, just with a couple of borderline stock CGI here and there, but definetly a highlight of my day.

I was very sad to see the disappointing merchandise offered. Sincerely ALL STORES of DL, WDS and Disney Village offer the exact same products. Also, how sick is everyone of Buzz Lightyear, Jack Skellington and Lightning McQueen already?! Does Disney not have any other characters? This is the same problem which hit the US parks around the time everything merged into "Disney Parks". I remember my visit to the World of Disney store in New Yorks 5th avenue in 2006 when all the merchandise seemed to be park and attraction specific. I had 60 euros to spend in merchmdise, out of which I ended up spending 15 because of the unimaginative and lame merchandise.

Final thoughts:

-WDS is not as pretty as dLP, but it definetly looks newer and better upkept.

- All of Disneyland Park is in urgent need of paint and audio and technical effects refurbishment.

- DLRP should not try to save money by skimping on maintenance of the park. Instead try little things for example light the Main Street and the Arcade's gas lamps only in peak season, dont show Disnrey Dreams on Weekdays, if theres a brand new World of Disney store and a Disney Store 5 steps away selling THE SAME MERCHANDISE, why not close the older one?

I hope you've enjoyed my trip report!

captain rocket

I enjoyed your report and some of your well made points until the end.
To say that ALL of Disneyland Park is in urgent need of paint etc is plain nonsense!
Sure, there are still parts of the park in need of attention, but to make a sweeping statement like yours frankly just devalues your other comments.
Disneyland Paris was extremely badly managed in the past, but the money spent over the last couple of years and ongoing plans for further refurbishment of the resort, mean that the appearance of the place will improve over time, but the financial outlay for all of this is massive and will not happen overnight.
It's fortunate you did'nt visit the park a few years ago, then you would have seen a Disney Park in virtually terminal decline!
You were unlucky to visit in the Christmas season with regards to Dreams, the "normal" show is phenominal! But the Christmas one left me very disapointed!
Let's here what other members of the Forum think.


Last year we decided to give DLP a rest in 2013 and wait for the new ride to open in the Studios, so this will be the first year we haven't been back since 1996. Although we thought of booking a holiday there this Christmas season in the end we stuck to our original plan. I cannot comment on the state of the parks this year, but in the past i have often found that they are in a better state than i was led to believe in some trip reports. I wasn't blind to the problems with maintenance, but now that TWDC has bought Euro Disney's debts, the company will no longer have to ask the banks for money which was often refused when they wanted to invest in the resort. Now the company should have more freedom to invest, like we are seeing with the big refurbishments going on at the hotels and i gather that there are big plans for Disneyland Park also. :)
And if they could find the money for a stage show or two in Disneyland Park that would fill a gab in their entertainment offerings.
Ed & David


QuoteTo say that ALL of Disneyland Park is in urgent need of paint etc is plain nonsense!
Sure, there are still parts of the park in need of attention, but to make a sweeping statement like yours frankly just devalues your other comments.

Sorry if I didn't express myself well, but I meant that it needs paint as well as work in sound effects and specisl effects, in different parts of the park and some more than others. Regarding the paint and upkeeping, here's a few examples of areas that need some:

- certain façades of Main Street appear chipped and with (rotten wood?)
- many of the signs and certain structures are covered in bird poop, including the Nautilus.
- BTMR has some very faded sections, and the discussed non functional props and animations.
- Alice's Curious Labyrinth to the point where some of the card soldiers face's are half chipped away. The Queen is looking rough as well and her audio is off.
- teacups are chipped and one of the three larger spinning tables is not spinning at all.
-Lancelots Carrousel has paint damaged and peeling inside the tent.
- garbage, garbage everywhere!!!!!
- IASW props are not working
-POTC static figures and broken effects
- Phantom Manor several issues i have states

I am by no means beingn negative, my day was still magical and really enjoyable, but what concerns me a lot regarding the above stated issues is that being so close to the Holiday season, there is no way the park is not aware of these issues when everything has been recently decorated. Also, beigh high-season with many visitors visiting from many parts the park should make a special effort to have most things presentable!

captain rocket

As this was your second visit, when was the last?
The problems Disneyland Paris has had for many years is lack of money! The financial problems have been well documented and the current management have been able to make great strides in the last couple of years as The Walt Disney Company took over the debts and restructured the repayments which means DLRP do not have to ask the 20+ banks that they had to do for many years!
The amount of investment has been impressive, but not everything can be done at once so as fans we have to be patient! There are problems, but I doubt if your general casual visitor would look at the park with such critical eyes as us fans! A particular cause of complaint from me has been the amount of lightbulbs that are burned out! I believe they have signed a deal with Osram to replace many of the lights with new technology LED's, but again it won't happen overnight.
I appreciate that you don't wish to sound negative, but you seem to have been able to pick up a lot of negatives on a one day visit! I was in the parks for Halloween and again at the end of November for Christmas and was'nt as dis apointed as you!
Perhaps I have a greater tolerance level for things that are out of my control!


It was 2010. It was my first visit and I was not visiting alone so I probably didnt notice much of the details, and this time I was probably "cherry picking" for details. On the other hand, I didnt notice much of the burnt out lightbulbs, just a couple here and there on Main Street.

I visited the Orlando Parks in 2012 and most things did look cleaner and better upkept (apart from Splash Mountain), a huge pity as that park has a stale 70's look that is night to day to the beautiful DLP.

Another wishful thinking I have is getting a new E ticket at Disneyland Park. Was the last addition Buzz Lightyears Laser Blast? I feel Fantasyland could use a Winnie the Pooh attraction and Discoveryland could get a replacement for Star Tours (instead of upgrading it to The Adventure Continues... The only upgrade is a new film with updated 3D quality).

It is such a pity that DLP was doomed from the beginning. I read a book explaining the case and it seemed that what screwed things mostly was the huge ammount of hotels. If they are such a burden, wouldnt it be a good idea to lease or sell part of their ownership to chains such as Hilton or Marriot? That would alleviate some of the financial problems wouldnt it?

As I said, the merchandise is a big issue for me, but I am sure that for casual visitors it doesnt make a difference, but then again, wouldnt it be wiser to operate less of them if they are all selling the same items?


Actually, I apologize for thr negativity. If DLRP is to be judged it is with eyes of deep compassion. I was too young to know about the early turbulent years, and everything done is an improvement in the face of economical adversity. As a Disney fan I just tend to note these things a lot more, and having visited other European parks such as Efteling or Phantasialand, I can see how even if Disney lowers some of the maintenance standards, the diference is still a 180 degree turn to the average European fairs and theme parks. Yesterday I visited Winter Wonderland in London and the place seems like a garage band playing against the London Phillharmonic in contrast to Disneyland Paris. Most rides are grimey and with lots of references to alcohol and sexual innuendos (on kids rides). Disney is still Disney and as I said I still had a magical stay at DLP, tearing up with the events such as the Christmas Parade, character meetings and the finale of Disney Winter Dreams.

captain rocket

Nicely balanced reply. My gripes about bulbs is now historic as improvements have been made. Your point about the hotels is well made, but they now run at an occupancy of, if I remember rightly, about 87% this year. This may be funded mainly by special offers, but the main concern for Disney is to get people in the parks and then spend money! Several members have discussed the retail uniformity and this still seems something that they can' or won't sort out. The shops on Main Street are fine as they are, but the shops in the various lands and the Studios should only sell an extended range of different merchandise specific to that land, like the shop at the exit to Tower of Terror.
With regard to your "wish list" I think there is not any room in Fantasyland for a major "E" ticket attraction I would like to see an extension in Advenureland with something like Splash Mountain. An upgrade to Star Wars is being rumoured, but even that is not going to happen for a few years, if ever! The logical time to open this would be December 2015 when the next film is released, but the lead in time for this would have to start very soon!
One thing to remember when comparing Paris with the American parks is the fact that Paris is in Northern Europe with the attendant challenges the weather brings!
Your comments are well made and reasoned, you are obviously a true and passionate Disney fan like so many of us and we all want the best for our park!


Disney never lacked ambition when they built  DLP, there is no other theme park resort in Europe on its scale. As we know it has two theme parks (possibly a third in the future), six hotels ( four of them are huge ) Davy Crockett Ranch and Disney Village. That's a hell of a lot of maintenance to take care of, no other theme park in Europe faces the same challenges. Yet DLP will never be on the scale of WDW because it was never designed to be.
Ed & David


It's actually nice to read a report like this, from another point of view, and I think many are afraid to actually write a report like this.

Would like to say though, that not all European countries are like you described.
There are certain groups that take the crown, unfortunetly, but some countries over here do have some more decency then other countries.


Would like to say though, that not all European countries are like you described.
There are certain groups that take the crown, unfortunetly, but some countries over here do have some more decency then other countries.

Oh sorry, I am sure it varies greatly by individuals, although I was rather surprised to see British guests behaving like this as I think british cities are quite clean.

I forgot to mention that in the boarding area of POTC, just as we had finished boarding the boat and the safety gates had closed, a teenager boy from Spain came running as he had lagged brhind and his friends had already boarded the boat. They urged him to jump over the gates and into the boat repeatedly, and when a cast member noticed this he quickly opened the gated for him to pass. This sadly could have led into a bad accident!

captain rocket

Hey. it's true that you get all sots from every country, but being English I would make the claim that we are the best for queuing! This is one of the most obvious differences between the nationalities at DLRP and has led to more confrontations between me and other people in the parks! I generally get in position for the parades in plenty of time, but regularly get people trying to push in as the parade starts. You don't have to be multilingual to get the message that this is not going to happen! I'm quite a  big lad so am always happy to have a small child in front of me, but no way will I give up a place that I have stood at for 45 minutes or so!
I have never suffered the rudeness at that i find at DLRP when I have visited WDW and Disneyland and i agree that US visitors are much tidier than us Europeans.


Well good manners should be taught at home (that would be good time to correct queue jumping and the litter louts) and in school if you ask me. And that applies to all nationalities so that they know how to behave when they go to a Disney theme park, or anywhere else. Unless we believe that bad manners is purely a European problem rather than an American problem, especially in a Disney theme park. But since that probably isn't going to happen as much as we would like, i guess people will be discussing this subject until the end of time. 
Ed & David