Photo Pass card/Photo Souvenir - How much? How does it work

Started by Troodles, May 12, 2013, 09:38:44 AM

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Does anybody have any knowledge of the Disney Photo pass card/Photo Souvenir card?

I would like to know how much it costs and also how it works, entitlements, how you retrieve the pictures?

Many thanks  :D


It work sreally great!
There is no cost for the card!
You`ll get it at any character meet with a photographer!
You can have the pictures on it from the whole stay! Means you save money. Just give the card to the photographer each time there is one!
And at the end you go to the store at any hotel or in the parks, look at the pics and choose the ones you  want. It say at the back of the card, where you get the pics as well.
You can look at the pictures any time, if you want in one of these places!
Have a great trip!! :D


You can also use your AP, if you have one


It is really handy. The first time you get a photograph done by a photographer ask for a card. They will scan it and hand it to you. Then everytime you get another one done with any character just give it to the photographer and he will scan it to put your photos on it. Great when you dont want to wait in queues everytime or if the photographer doesnt speak your language.
At the end of your holiday you just got to any hotel or the photo shop in the park on main street, they will scan your card and show you all the photos on it for you to choose from. I cant remember all the prices but we got 5 photos for 35 euros.
Its useful as we were able to pick and choose more, for example I probably wouldnt have bought the photo of all of us with Winnie the pooh, but it was the nicest one of all of us by the end so I got it.


Ah i see, thanks for your replies



Does anyone know if they offer the option to have all the photos on CD/USB like they do in Walt Disney World or is it just a few prints?
