mdw May 13th-16th 2013 cheyenne

Started by mdw, May 22, 2013, 12:03:47 AM

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May 13th-16th 2013 cheyenne

me- 27
DH 27
DD1 just 6
DD2 3 almost 4  
it was our 2nd trip

my parents came for their 1st trip to dlrp but have been to wdw 6 times!

Day 1

we started our trip Sunday 12th May in convoy to Ashford holiday inn from southampton. We booked the eurostar package... 1 night stay, 4 days parking, breaki, inward outward taxi to train station for £107. We arrived 2pm and our joined rooms were ready. We did a mini unpack, watched abit of tele, had a wonder around and went to frankie and bennys for dinner 2mins from our hotel. We were up early the next day, the girls opened a pressie from my mum.......tinkerbell rucksack, train snacks, princess activity book, princess stationary set...... put their minnie dresses on and headed down to a lovely buffet breaki (cooked, cereal, pastries, fruit, yoghurt). We went back up to collect the bags, down to reception for our taxi for 9:15am.  As eurostar virgins we were amazed how you literally get straight onto an escaletor, a few steps onto the first floor your bags are through bagguage scans, into passport control and you are into the departure lounge. So quick and so easy! we went straight to disney express, grabbed our park tickets and bagguage labels, and found a seat. The tanoy announced the train was delayed 15mins due to a broken tail light. The girls sat and played with the contents of their new bags, and before we knew it Donald and Mickey announced it was time to go :-). We had the table seats and two behind so it was easy to find our seats. We had problems with our luggage.... both end of our carriage were full of suitcases the men had to wonder down the train, move a few bags to fit space for ours. Surely there should be a train guard to help arrange bags? Once onboard we had a mini lunch, stopped a Lille for some reason? i thought the DIRECT train didnt stop???

We arrived 2:30ish dropped our bags at disney express and went straight into the studios. First stop was a shop to buy autographs books and pens and then headed for toon studios to meet mickey and minnie as the girls were dressed in their minnie dresses. DD2 was nervous around characters on our previous trip so we let her do what she was happy doing which was passing her book only to Minnie not mickey, strictly no contact with either of them!!! bless her! DD1 ran up to them and gave them both a cuddle and then we all had a family pic :-)
We then headed for a spot in the parade near playhouse disney. The girls loved the parade, both shouting at characters to get a nice wave and smile!  whilst waiting for the english playhouse disney Goofy appeared, DD1 bounced up and down and met him whilst DD2 waved from the buggy and I got her book signed. Playhouse disney show was fab! DD2 loved it, she sang, danced clapped, laughed whilst DD1 took the mouth wide open with amazement approach! we then ate in the indoorsy bit which was ok! decided to leave the Studios and do some shopping in the village. There was a lot more variety compared to our previous visit in 2011, I saw a watch which I loved so the girls and DH sneaked off to secretly buy it for me for my bday which was 2 days after our trip. We looked through all the shops and headed to Cheyenne our new home for 4 days. We checked in and were given rooms 2222 and 2224 but once we found them they were not connected like we had asked for. My dad rang reception and within minutes they changed our rooms to 2209 and 2211 which were connected :-) we wanted this so the adults could shower and chat in a seperate room when the girls were asleep. We unpacked showered, got stuff ready for the next day and went to sleep.

my pics are taking ages to load to photo bucket, i will upload some tomorrow if i can remember how????



before we ate we met daisy .......... DD2 was slightly braver!


day 2

Up at 6:20 dressed and off to breakfast at the Chuckwagon. No queue, straight in, quite a good selection, all six of us found something we liked, easily found a seat. We then went back to our rooms, grabbed our stuff for the day and started the 15min walk to the park.

First glimpse of the castle and girls said WOOOOOW! hardly anyone else in the park, we took lots of pics, asked a CM to take a pic of all of us infront of the castle and the headed through the castle to fatasyland.

we went on dumbo x2, peterpan x 2, tea cups x 2, and carousel x 2 and then moved onto Buzz and the men rode Space mountain. They both said the Paris version is much better than the WDW version. It was almost 10am so we went on ISAW. Girls loved the morning, really enjoyed all the rides! DD2 loved going as high as possible on dumbo! After ISAW we went on Storyboat ride and a then onto Casey juniors train. Girls were starting to flag so we put them in the buggy and went for a walk. We decided to explore the castle. In 2011 it was shut upstairs so this was the first time we got to see it all. My eldest loved the dragon downstairs but the youngest was a bit weiry. We went to the xmas shop and then got the girls ready for the princess meal  :D  :D  :D  :D  DD1 was in her rapunzel dress and DD2 in her belle dress. This was our first time so we didnt really know what to expect. The waitress who greeted us was fantastic with the girls. She took their hands and showed us to our table. Whilst walking through we spotted Belle and Beast :-). As we sat down the girls couldnt keep their eyes off of them and were very overwhelmed by their surroundings. With in minutes Belle and Beast came over to do their dance, we then realised we had the best seats in the house! we were litterally the only table on the dance floor with them. The girls watched beaming ear to ear, it was lovely. Then disaster struck. The mice came out and DD2 just panicked! she was climbing all over me begging me to tell the lady to tell them to not come over, she was petrofied!!! She then managed to scare DD2 and she didnt want to meet them either!!! my poor parents paid for the whole holiday, I bet they were regretting it! So Suzy came over and to defuse the situation I stood up with the autograph books and had my pic taken!! Perla shortly followed and DD1 had calmed down and stood up for a pic, DD2 stayed on the opposite side of the table clinging to her daddy!! Now they were gone we all relaxed, tucked into our starters, I had the Pumkin soup, it was AMAZING! highly recommend it. Then Aurora came  :D  :D  the girls were straight off their chairs with books, beaming smiles, mesmorized by their first princess. She was lovely, signed the books, asked if they had a good day, and smiled for a pic. It seemed to go very quickly, I expected a bit of a longer interaction. As soon as they got back on their chair Cinderella arrived. Both again straight off the chair chatting away big blue eyes, faces lit up. Again... books signed, pic and then gone. I don't know what else they could do but they didnt seem to chat for very long. We then ate our main courses and Belle came back for another dance right next to our table. We finished our mains and desert and the girls were very concerned we hadnt met Belle yet. We asked for the bill and told the lady we hadnt seen her. She said ok sorry, one second and came back with belle and beast! DD2 didnt want to be near Beast but loved Belle. Again another very quick interaction. The girls loved the princesses but it just seemed so expensive for the amount of time you got with the characters. During two of our 3 princess interactions children from other tables came over and spoke to the princesses! My dad was very frustrated by this. The princess tried their best to tell them to sit down and wait their turn. So annoying that parents cant control their own children and ruin it for others.

We left the princess meal 3ish and decided to for a wonder. We stayed in Fantasyland and had a walk through the maze and a wonder through fantasyland. We got to peter pans flight and i said Peter pan normally does a meet and greet here but it must be we walked towards the carousel Peter Pan came running towards us!! The girls jumped out of the buggy and we ran to meet him. He controlled the crowd fantastically speaking in multiple languages telling us to stand on the line of a congrete paving slab and he will work his way left to right. He was playing with childrens hats whilst parents taking pictures which my two thought was really funny. It was our turn, the girls loved meeting him although after seeing him run DD2 asked 'why doesnt he just fly, it wouldnt get puffed out'. Soooo cute!
 We then went for a wonder around adventureland and frontierland and ended up back on main street where we saw the train. I thought it stopped? it just drove from main street station to ISAW. We decided to go for a rest and let the kids watch cartoons at videotropolis. My dad had a nap and the rest of us enjoyed some cartoons. It was 6ish so we walked to fantasy land where the parade starts and found our spot for the 7pm parade. DH and I left the girls with my parents and went and bought a couple of pizzas to share and some popcorn for the girls. The parade started and the girls loved it. We got lots of high fives, DD2 even high fived a pirate! Rapunzel (our fav) pointed to DD1 and her dress to acknowledge the fact she had her dress on. That made DD1s day :-). After the fantastic parade we took the long walk back to the hotel, the girls were asleep in seconds!

will upload peter pan pics and princess meal pics asap!


Lovely trip report, I'm waiting for the next days  :D
We have just missied each other. We arrived on the 16th, late afternoon.


We had dry weather, hope you did too!


Day 3

up early again, off to breaki, back to get ready in HSM outfits today! we walked to the park, through the gates 8:15am, few castle pics again and then off to fantasyland to ride dumbo twice, tea cups twice, carousel twice, buzz, and space mountain! it was 9:30am so we made our way over to the Studios. The boys rushed off to get in the queue for crush, Me, mum and the girls took a slow stroll through a couple of shops, pics by Boo's door, trip to the loo and then waited for the boys. They both loved it, like nothiing theyve been on before!  Next we queued for Magic flying carpets, we never queued for more than 15minutes during the whole of our trip. Carpets were great, girls loved going high, dad took pics from the veiwing area which came out well because we tilted the carpet forward  :D  When we came out we realised a crowd forming around Animagique so we decided to join them and go in. We all thought this show was fantastic, easy to follow in different languages, girls loved singing and dancing and the bubbles falling! When we came out we headed for Cars, I thought this would be a tame kids ride but it wasnt!! The girls said they loved it but they faces said different ha ha! Next stop Toy story Playland. I think the themeing is brilliant, love slinky dogs toy box queue! Parachute drop looked very high so we opted for Slinky dog. Kids enjoyed it, we went in two twos but we could of easily fitted four of us in the same seat. RC racer was experiencing technical problems so we left the area and met jessie right by the big buzz. We then got very hungry, the men werent fussed on riding tower of terror or RockNroller coaster because theyve both done them at WDW. The girls love High School Musical so we looked for the blockbuster cafe. We found it, walked in and it was shut  :(  all the chairs were on the tables and it was 12:15, we werent impresssed. We wondered around for more places to eat but couldnt really see anything where you could sit down indoors so we decided to leave the studios and go to Annettes Diner. On our way out we met Chip and Donald. Annettes was loooovely. The girls shared a childs hot dog and we asked for an extra plate, the four adults all had bbq cheese and bacon burger meal deal that came with brownies as a pudding. Im not a pudding person so my eldest had my brownie and my youngest ate the kids ice cream with smarties on top. We all got loads of chips and enjoyed our burgers, would definately recommend this restaurant. I remember reading on here that characters came out in the studios at 2ish so we went back in hoping to meet Ariel. We headed for the playhouse disney area and saw Mulan. The girls wanted to meet her so we went over and she was fantastic with the girls, She bent down and asked them about their day, age, and names. I asked her CM if Ariel would be out soon. She said normally shes out 3ish by the hat. So we decided to wait. At 2:45 Woody, ratatuille, jessie, pluto, and stitch came out by playhouse disney. We decided to stay by the hat and wait for Ariel. Cruella de vil, snow whites queen and Gaston came but the girls were too scared to meet them. 3:05pm Jasmine and Mulan appeared, we thought Ariel and Snow White would be here any minute. I asked one of the CMs in long brown coats and she said no Ariel and Snow White are busy they wont be out til they are on the parade at 4pm but you cant meet her today. Sooooooo annoyed to be told different information and waiting around for no reason. We went to meet Jasmine and then wondered through the Studio shops and Villiage shops and then caught the bus back to the cheyenne so the girls could have a sleep before Dreams! They fell asleep within 10mins, Youngest slept for 2 hours and eldest for 1 hr 15mins. I had a shower and the rest of the 'grown ups' had a mini nap.

After re-charging we walked to the village and went to Earl of sandwich. Kids had nutella rolls which were nice and a pot of mini cupcakes which they ate throughout the evening. We had a sandwich/mini baguette each and shared some crisps. We all enjoyed it, would definately recommend eating here. Off to the park, Pluto was out by the Kodak store, so we joined what could only be described as a scrum. The CM did nothiing and poor pluto had parents pushing kids at him. We stood patiently and it got us no where, Pluto tried to pose for a photo with all the kids that were waiting before he left but it was awful, people pushing and shoving, my eldest was scared and my dad was fuming! he was trying to get a pic but was being pushed and people were standing in the way. An upset DD, no pic no autograph we walked away trying to cheer us up we went shopping! bought a few bits and tried to work out a decent spot for Dreams. We ended up standing infront of Caseys corner but the opposite side of the fence, by the control centre. We grabbed a cuppa tea from Caseys corner and stood our ground! it got cold so i layered the girls up and put their onesies on. They sat in the buggy playing with minnie light up spinning toys to pass the time. Before we knew it it was time for Dreams. I felt myself getting emotional, it was fantastic, my favourite park of the trip! The girls were constantly saying 'wooooow did you see that?' 'look its......' 'this is amazing'. Such a fantastic experience to watch it and see everyones reaction. At the end we slipped down the back of the shops to get out quicker but we still didnt get home (cheyenne) til midnight!!!

Some piccies..................................................




day 4

Kids didnt wake up til 8:30am, we slowly got ready, breakfast was manic, we packed our suitcases, dropped them at the Cheyenne reception ish area. Walked our last walk to the parks  :(  we went to disneyland park and headed straight to the old mill to pick up tickets for the princess pavillion hoping to meet Rapunzel or Ariel. Tickets said 1:35-2:05 so we rode on carousel, casey jnr train, story boats and its a small world. Whilst we were on the Carousel we saw Alice, Baloo and Sherif of nottingham so we shouted to mum to get the books ready. Grabbed the books ran to Alice, she was opposite the Tea Cups by a stall ish shop by the door they come out of in Fantasyland. Whilst waiting for Alice we saw Rapunzel having a private meet and greet with a vip child right by the door but the CM wouldnt let us go near her. The girls were stood open mouthed, star struck starring at rapunzel!! Then she stood up and said goodbye, the girls were gutted, virtually crying, so I asked the CM why she was going. She said she was going to the Pavillion. Perfect!! it was 1:55pm so it was our time to get in the queue. We met Alice who was lovely. DD2 had a fleece on with hearts on so Alice bowed to her and asked if she was sent by the queen of hearts. DD2 was very shy and said no.
So next stop Princess Pavillion..... we waited in the queue fingers and toes crossed. Waited 10mins! then it was our turn and it was Rapunzel  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  the girls was soooo happy, she was amazing, spoke to the girls about her story, asked them who their favourite was and they said 'you' and she said 'wow im very lucky', she said their hair was lovely, she was just fantastic. Signed their books, asked for a kiss each, cuddled them both. At the end the photographer said 'Rapunzel before we go can we take a pic of you with mummy and nanny because theyve been crying the whole way through' ha ha ha how embarassing. It was just so magical and perfect and amazing i was an emotional wreck. The girls faces were brilliant. We had our pic, and said goodbye and bought 5 pics for 32euros. My parents took the girls outside and me and the hubby paid for the pics. As we came out my mum shouts 'ruuuuuuuuuuuun, its wendy, your dads got the girls ruuuuuuuuun' so I ran after Wendy holding the two autograph books with no children looking like a right looney! my mum ran behind me with an empty buggy and dad was way ahead with girls. An english family were sat by my mum and said 'wow you are excited by Wendy arent you?' ha ha one of those moments where you forget yourself and the disney magic takes over ha ha. DD1s loves Wendy. We met her and she was brilliant too. We then  needed a moment to compose ourselves after the last 20mins excitement and went on the hunt for food. We ended up at the Lucky nugget which was yuuuuuummmmy. I had ribs that came covered in bbq sauce, loadsa chips and some onion rings in a red basket. We sat on low bar stalls and watched the band which were really good. It was a different experience that even the kids enjoyed. They had a bag of cherry tomatoes (strange), chicken and chips and a yoghurt for pudding. Another restaurant that I would recommend.
It was nearly time to go  :(  we went for one last go on Buzz, DD2 didnt want to so I stayed with her and we went on the rocket dumbo type ride that was very very high but DD2 loves that type of ride. We grabbed a few last min pressies. Said a sad goodbye to the Disney and made our way to the station. We picked up our bags from Disney express, waited for passport control to open, went through bagguage and passport control. Onto the train for 5:20ish, put our suitcases away easy this time. Sat and ate a few snacks, train started to move, the girls played with their new bits and colour books. We arrived at Ashford at 7pm UK time. Our taxis arrived within 5minutes of ringing them. Took us back to the holiday inn to pick up our car and off we went homeward bound for Southampton. The kids fell asleep instantly and stayed asleep whilst we carried them to bed at 9:30ish. They didnt wake up until 9am Friday!

The trip was amazing, so many highlights, Im sad its all over but what a fantastic memory! We are already saving for our next trip. Thank you to all of you for your tips and advice, we wouldnt have done half the stuff we did if it wasnt for you.






Great report thank you for sharing. The photos with Rapunzel are amazing.

Off Site June 1992
Santa Fe, July 2009
Cheyenne, June 2010
Newport Bay Club Admirals Floor, July 2011
Sequoia Lodge, Christmas November 2011
Sequoia Lodge, June 2012
Hotel New York, Christmas November 2012
Hotel New York, Halloween 2013
Disneyland Hotel, Christmas 2014 and Christmas 2015
Newport Bay Club Compass Club, Christmas 2016 and Christmas 2018


Thank you  :D


Great report, so glad you met rapunzel :)


Wow amazing report and pictures. You where so lucky meeting Rapunzel.


Great report, thank you for writing it!
And your pics are amazing, especially the ones with Rapunzel. I hope to meet her, when we go in fall.
And I`m juuuust a little bit jealous you got to meet Belle and Beast ! I sooo would love that! :oops:  ;)