Davy Crockett Ranch November 23 - 26 Part 1 added!

Started by DisneyDonna, December 01, 2012, 11:19:21 AM

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A week ago we went to Disneyland Paris for our eleventh trip! This particular trip had a special occasion: my parents 25th wedding anniversary. We had a lovely time, but there were definitely some high and lows. We were staying at the Davy Crockett Ranch, we have stayed here before a long time ago but this time we weren't impressed at all. More about this later!

Day 1 - 23 November
We decided to leave at 9 o'clock in the morning to avoid any traffic jams around Antwerpen and Gent, and luckily we did! However the weather was absolutely horrid. Because of this the trip took a little bit longer than we expected, but nevertheless we arrived at the Davy Crockett Ranch safe and sound!

To be honest, the Davy Crockett Ranch doesn't look like I had remembered it. The staff were all quite lovely and helpful, but the whole lay-out of the park seems strange. For instance the reception is about 2 km away from were the cabins are positioned. You could not quickly go to the reception to ask something. It was decorated lovely with christmas trees and lights and christmas music was playing everywhere (yay!).

Luckily are cabin was already ready, so we decided to drop off our luggage before heading towards the parks. We were staying in a premium plus cabin and everything was looking clean and nice, we had not yet noticed all the things that were wrong with it, but I will tell you more about that later on!

It was still raining when we headed towards the parks, but we were still as excited as always!

Also the right lane with the green light was closed, while the lane next to that with the red light was open. Makes sense?

We parked our car and discovered it wasn't busy at all! We were parked at the letter  'B'  and it was about two o'clock! Immediately we were greeted with lovely christmas songs and an almost empty Disney Village. We were all feeling a little bit hungry and because I had heard a lot of great stuff about Earl of Sandwich we decided to eat there. And everyone was right, the food was indeed very lovely. Also I must say the whole pager system works wonderfully!

Next was Walt Disney Studios! I must warn you before, we didn't go into a lot of rides, since we were quite late today and the following day it was insanely busy!

Just within seconds of entering we spotted Mickey and Goofy! There was a queue for Mickey but Goofy was practically on his own.

First up, our favorite ride, The Tower of Terror!

We all enjoyed this very much and we only had a ten minute wait!

Next we did Armageddon and I went to ride the Rock n Rollercoaster while the rest of my family waited in the Blockbuster Café. (After joining them I had the High School Musical songs stuck in my head forever!)

It was getting dark by now, perfect opportunity to take some pictures of WDS at night time! I had never experienced WDS when it's dark and especially the ToT was lovely (although I didn't seem to have taken a good picture of it :()

Sadly it was still raining :(

We skipped Dreams because we were feeling tired and had a reservation at the Crockett's Tavern.

It was only when we arrived at our cabin when we realized how much stuff that should've come with Premium Plus were missing! First of all the (free) internet was impossible to get, and I had to call the Swisscom helpdesk twice. We did not have the bath lotion, only the soap. There were no extra towels and bathrobes, no cleaning set, no free bottle of water and no cups for the Nespresso machine. We were disappointed, because we did pay for these things.

We did go to the reception for the internet and the Nespresso cups, but because it was so far away and Davy Crockett Ranch is badly lit at night (you couldn't see a thing) we didn't go back for them. Besides we did not want strangers to be knocking on our door every few seconds delivering something.

We had reserved dinner at the Crockett's Tavern but this wasn't great either. There was enough choice of food, but everything was cold. Also the little village where the restaurant was situated looked deserted and not very Disney-like. We did not see any characters here during our stay and also the main store was closed. The replacement for this was a joke, it had nothing. We were not happy with the Davy Crockett Ranch, but luckily Dreams would make up for that the following day!

Part two coming soon!