Ghosts on main Street.

Started by captain rocket, October 23, 2012, 06:29:24 PM

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captain rocket

Well, having been really disapointed with last years Halloween, I had decided not to go this year, but when I saw some photos it was time to use up those Avios points and jump on Eurostar from Ashford! For those who did'nt/can't make it here are the ghosts on Main Street showing that DLRP are excellent at things when they really try! The ghosts are clever and tasteful and made main Street look really good and photogenic.
Here's the mayor over City hall
The bandstand had a complete collection of Ghostly musicians, here's the roof, no black cat this year!
Outside of Bitz the dentist was this poor chap, not very impressed with the service he received as he was still in pain the next day!
This guy was riding his bike outside of Kitty Hawk cycle shop and appeared to be powering Goofy's Bon Bon machine (I only realised this when i got home)
Main Street vehicles had their own ghosts on board.
An entertaining performer playing his organ (very quietly!)
Another ghost hiding away above Walts
Of course, Casey's corner had to have someone playing Baseball!

I hope you like the photos, as I said, I am really glad I visited this year and hope that Disney will be able to enhance this sort of decoration in future years. i wonder if WDI had any input, I know they have taken over all the entertainment and this just seems to shout quality and that is something we have missed for many long suffering years!
There were many other decorations on the buildings such as pumpkins etc, but nothing too overbearing and the character shaped pumpkins in front of the castle were also excellent.
I will post some photos of the pumpkin men in Frontierland soon.
Welol done Disney!!!

Up above Ribbons and Bows
Delicious ices above the Gibson Girl, a little too cold for me at this time of year!
I have no idea what this guy is cooking, but it does'nt look that apetising!

A barber shop quartet, minus one!
Looks like an Essex girl turned up with her poodles and lovely she looks!
A hard working mechanic outside of Main Street Motors
Chef ghost outside of Walts, I think I have eaten some of his offerings!
A game of tennis up above Disney Clothiers.
A well dressed ghost outside of Emporium
Another of those damned artists trying to sell you a picture of yourself!


The park really is beautiful! I've just returned from a wonderful time there!

First time ever: August 2000, one day visit!
August 2010, NewPort Bay, 5 days
October 2012, Sequoia Lodge, 5 days
April 2014, Sequoia Lodge, 6 days - Big 7th Bday Surprise for DD#1 :)
September 2015, Newport Bay 6 days - Another surprise!!!


Excellent pictures!!

I totally agree with you, this year's decorations are excellent, hope they keep them for a while. I love how the different ghosts fit in with the Main Street storyline!!

Thank you for those :D


Great photos Captain Rocket. :D
The ghosts seem to have so much character about them, I would think seeing them each day would put a smile on the face, even on the dreariest of days.
I haven't been to the park for halloween for a few years, but after seeing your pictures and those from Never2old's trip report I'm definitely thinking about going for halloween next year. :pumpkin:
Thank you for posting.
1993 + 2005 - Hotel Cheyenne
1995 - Walt Disney World Florida
1997 - Hotel New York
1998 - Hotel Santa Fe
2000 + 2006 + 2012 + 2014 - Sequoia Lodge
2002 + 2004 +  2009 - Newport Bay
2007 + 2015 - Hong Kong Disney
2007 - DLP (1 day visit)
2017 - Disneyland Hotel - Cinderella Suite
2018 - Disney Cruise- Mediterranean
2019 - Disneyland Hotel
2020 - Disney Merrytime Cruise - Caribbean

captain rocket

As I said in the post, I hope they will expand on the theme in future years. The ghosts really did fit in well and were a quality addition to the park. Well done again Disney!


It's strange, but I've never been to DLP for Halloween, it's never really been a big pull for me. Recent years have sort of confirmed that for me. However, DLP have finally seen the light and upped their game with the Ghosts and other improvements. Continued improvement might cause me to take a look next year. Thanks for the pics =D>
2012 has been a good year for DLP.............may it continue :thumbs:



Great photos! I was there last week and I liked the ghosts and really liked the pumpkins. The only thing I could have done without was the continual ghostly giggling. I found it got a bit wearing after a while! Some mildly spooky music would have been better, I think.

On the whole I liked the Halloween theming somewhat more than I expected, although I would still take Christmas every time! However we did catch the merest glimpse of it - as we left on Friday the 19th, they were putting up the outside decorations at the Newport Bay Club.  And I noticed they had already put the coloured lights into the trees outside the Sequioa Lodge. My husband was horrified (he doesn't approve of anything Christmassy until December), but I was secretly rather pleased!

captain rocket

I know what you mean about that giggling! We staked out our spot for the parade 50 minutes in advance and had to listen to that laughter all that time! As I said in my post, Disney have really upped their game this year and I  sincerely hope the improvement continues next year!


I like the ghosts on main Street, they look cute and friendly and fit well  into the location. Much better than the bad pumpkin men splashing the street with orange paint in previous years.
Ed & David

captain rocket

I agree with ed-uk  The ghosts are marvelous and well thought out. The pumpkin men fit much better in Frontierland although I was a little disapointed with the number of them this year, maybe they will be expanded next year, maybe not. I would love to see the Mark Twain or the Molly Brown wrapped in bandages  like the mark Twain was a few years ago!


I agree, I think the ghosts fit really well on Main Street, especially with the colouring and costumes that have been added in certain locations, not too obtrusive, they blend in really  well..  :)


i love those ghosts much better than the pictures/trip report descriptions of halloween last year....
past trips to DLRP ~2001~2001~2002~2003~2005~2005~2006~2008~2011~2013~2015/16~2016~2017~2019
DLH, SL, NPBC, Explorers, Dream Castle, Magic Circus, Kyraid,

upcoming trips....