The Post- Disney Blues?

Started by Poppins, June 15, 2012, 09:45:57 PM

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We're just back from our first ever Holiday at Disneyland Paris and I'm feeling really sad it's all over. We had such a fab time. Usually when we go on our hols I'm quite glad to come back home even when we've had a really good time but now I've spent the last week feeling quite low and spending a lot of time on the net looking at Disney related stuff to get my fix  :(

I think there should be an officially recognised syndrome in the medical world... The Post - Disney Blues.  :D Did anyone else feel like this after their Disneyland trip?


I get this after every trip! I don't feel sad leaving as I know I'll be back one day but once I'm home I always feel quite down. I just got back last night and already have the blues, hopefully I'll be planning another trip soon.


yes i do and the only way to snap out of it is to book another trip and then you will have something to look forward too then start the count down workes for me :D/  :D/  :D/


Ha Ha! That certainly would do the trick.  :D


Yes, we on tumblr and my family call it PDD : Post Disney Depression. Everyone gets it, my mum got it really bad this recent trip. But I just re-watch my videos, find new ones, look at photos, read trip reports on here.

It does fade but it just ache at first.  :(
31st Aug - 1st Sept 2010 = Kyriad Torcy (First Time <3)
11th - 14th July 2011 = New York Hotel
2nd - 4th Aug 2011 = Kyriad Torcy
31st Oct 2011 = Day Trip
13th March 2012 (Disneyland Cal)
10th - 13th April 2012= Hotel L'Elysée
30th May - 1st June 2012 = Hotel L'Elysée
31st Oct - 1st Nov 2012 = Residence Prestige
18th - 20th July 2013 - Residence Prestige
9th -11th Nov 2013 = Hotel L'Elysée (First Christmas Trip!)
Coming soon:
29th April - 1st May = Hipark Serris.


Yes! as soon as im leaving i get tears in my eyes and once home its just a horrible feeling


I have it really bad. I definately have PDD. We were just almost home this time last week, and 7 days on, I am still feeling bad. We took 4 hours worth of dvd between us and I am actually watching my niece climb up the steps in Skull rock as I type. Even my brother feels it this year. My kids are coping fine......its just me.

Steps taken to try and ease the pain:
1) I have booked next years holiday and the countdown is up.
2) I have ordered some unnecessary stuff from the Disney Store.
3) Checking this site at every opportunity
4) made a list for next years trip

Help.....considering hibernation!

April 2011 & June 2012 Hotel New York
May 2013 Disneyland Hotel
Aug 2014 Disney Magic Med cruise
Aug 2014 Disneyland Hotel
May 2015 Disneyland Hotel


We suffer badly from PDD, watching videos and youtube eases the pain slightly but the only thing that really helps is having another trip to look forward to. This year we have taken drastic steps and have booked our Christmas trip before going on our summer one so the countdown can start the day we return.

Off Site June 1992
Santa Fe, July 2009
Cheyenne, June 2010
Newport Bay Club Admirals Floor, July 2011
Sequoia Lodge, Christmas November 2011
Sequoia Lodge, June 2012
Hotel New York, Christmas November 2012
Hotel New York, Halloween 2013
Disneyland Hotel, Christmas 2014 and Christmas 2015
Newport Bay Club Compass Club, Christmas 2016 and Christmas 2018


I get this everytime after a Disney holiday. My last trips all adhered to the same pattern, really. When I get to DLP, I just can't believe it and it all seems quite surreal at first. Then something happens (usually watching the parade for the first time) and I start crying and realize "I'm's real!".

And when it's time to leave I get really sad, most of the time we just sit somewhere in Main Street and watch the castle and stuff. Taking in the atmosphere. There's some tears too, everytime.

Back at home, I get the Post-Disney Depression and it hits me really hard for a couple of days. Usually I take the days after Disney off from work, too, so I don't have to work in this miserable state. I really think I need professional help.  ;) I can confirm, though, that booking the next trip helps!


I feel exactly the same; I find being at Disney is the most relaxing holiday even though some days are hectic. I like to sit about in the Magic Kingdom watching the world go by, walking about the village and going to the other hotels for meal or drink. Once home it's like we've left that touch of magic behind, so I'll start looking at our photos, video etc and the gloom starts to lift. I'll start planning the next visit and the excitement starts to build again. :minnie:
I'm also glad that after years of reading this forum that I finally signed up,  as it's so good to read about other peoples experience at DLP. :lol:
1993 + 2005 - Hotel Cheyenne
1995 - Walt Disney World Florida
1997 - Hotel New York
1998 - Hotel Santa Fe
2000 + 2006 + 2012 + 2014 - Sequoia Lodge
2002 + 2004 +  2009 - Newport Bay
2007 + 2015 - Hong Kong Disney
2007 - DLP (1 day visit)
2017 - Disneyland Hotel - Cinderella Suite
2018 - Disney Cruise- Mediterranean
2019 - Disneyland Hotel
2020 - Disney Merrytime Cruise - Caribbean


love this topic!!!!  
I got back last night and even on the train home i was re watching a bit of dreams (the princesses bit) tears started to come so turned it off.  

Feel really sad to be home today!!! no idea when our next trip will be either.....

I do get annoyed at people who say dont you ever get bored, i find myself getting quite defensive... its my interest i dont ask people with season tickets to a football team if they get bored... its the same seat, same 11 players every other week, but a different experience each time... just like Disney....  it makes me and my family happy and we have some wonderful memories!!! :D/


It's nice to know I'm not alone! I keep going back to the booking website this week. Even though we can't book something right now, it's still a buzz planning what we might do next time.


I think we all get it... I get it for a few days, it depends how busy things are at work or at home. I usually listen to Disney music for a few days, go through all my pictures, and try to find another date for a future trip back to the magic ;)


Yes! I definitely get this too :'( I got back on the 14th June and immediately felt so sad. I agree with everyone above me though - planning the next trip is a great way to feel better! We can't book ours yet but have started to plan a little bit.

I am also looking through all my souvenirs a lot, and I bought Alice in Wonderland from the Disney Store the other day which reminds me of DLP cos of all the Mad Hatter's Teacups music and the Card's March etc. I am hugging my Duffy bear too, and after buying Alice on DVD I had enough Disney Movie Rewards points to buy the Sleeping Beauty book which looks a bit like the one in Le Chateau de la Belle au Bois Dormant!

Youtube videos definitely help too I think :) I have watched Dreams a lot online - I miss it a lot which is strange considering I've only seen it in person once, but I wish I could go back and see it again!

Jackieann - I get annoyed too when people ask if you get bored there. My dad goes back to the same place in Spain every year and wants to get a villa there so he can go more often and no-one seems to have a problem with that but if you mention a frequent DLP trip people act like you're ridiculous! I hope I can go at least once a year til I'm too old to physically travel :D


Yes for me too, the only thing what helps a bit, is planning the next trip