20th | Disneyland Paris Generations website

Started by ford prefect, March 27, 2012, 12:11:35 PM

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ford prefect


DLP just tweeted a trailer for the above holding page...

Any ideas?
enjoy yourself, it\'s later than you think!


Apparently a special stand-alone website allowing visitors to upload memories and photos from across the 20 years of Disneyland Paris. These will then be collated together and organised in chronological order, allowing you to search through a timeline of the resort from the viewpoint of a visitor.


Quote from: "Anthony"Apparently a special stand-alone website allowing visitors to upload memories and photos from across the 20 years of Disneyland Paris. These will then be collated together and organised in chronological order, allowing you to search through a timeline of the resort from the viewpoint of a visitor.

Sounds like a fab idea!
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!


A little more info: 'Disneyland Paris Generations' website to build user-generated 20th Anniversary timeline

QuoteThe idea is that anyone — guests, fans, even Cast Members — will be able to submit their own memories of Disneyland Paris, illustrated with personal photos and videos. These will be uploaded and collated by Disney, which will publish them subject to moderation. We will apparently then be able to browse these moments from history by date or via an interactive map. Though the site will be available in either English or French, the contributions themselves will not be individually translated.

The website will be operational for around a year, but its contents will be preserved beyond this date, as a — hopefully — vast online archive of memories from the resort.


Its a great idea, hopefully a bit more classier than the whole Magical Moments website they had. Which is practically the same the thing.
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!


The website is now open... http://www.disneylandparis-generations.com/en/

What are your thoughts? Have you shared your story yet?

I see Josh is on the front page!


Wow! I didn't even know they'd approved it, yet! :D I had trouble upload the photos, so never mind. XD
Disneyland Paris
    [li]January 2000, 2012[/li]
    [li]April 2012[/li]
    [li]August 2009, 2011, 2013[/li]
    [li]New Year 1997-98, 1998-99, 2001-02, 2002-03, 2003-04, 2004-05, 2005-06, 2006-07[/li]
Walt Disney World
    [li]August 2008[/li]