Santa fe October 2011

Started by Othersider36, December 22, 2011, 04:48:53 PM

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The chaos begins


This year I went on one of the most chaotic dlp breaks ever. Going there was me my mum, my dad, my brother, my sister, my nans, my grandad, my uncle, his girlfriend and my cousin. Just from the amount of people going we knew there was going to be some chaos but we didn't expect as much as we got. After school me and my brother got changed and ran to the car with our bags and quickly got in and set off. We met up with my uncle and cousin at fleet services and we meet my nans and grandad at the hotel near the port. After a quick ferry ride and a long car journey we finally arrived the santa fe hotel at around 4:30. This is where the chaos begins because once we got there we were waiting outside reception for my uncle and nans but we then found out that Terry (my uncle) had gone to bed so we had to get him out so we could go to the park and then we found out that my nan had missed the turning and ended up in a small village. After about an hour of waiting outside for them we finally got into the park and... Got separated again because my cousin decided she wanted to see the last 3 floats of the parade but without telling my mum and dad. After meeting up again at the castle we went on pinochio and the mad hatters tea cups befor having to go to the noisiest, smelliest and worst tasting mcdonalds I've ever had. After that fiasco we went back to the hotel to sort out our room. Unfortunately the only English channels were Disney channel, BBC world news and DTV.
Day 2 will be up soon


You weren't joking that was chaos!

Looking forward to reading the rest.

Off Site June 1992
Santa Fe, July 2009
Cheyenne, June 2010
Newport Bay Club Admirals Floor, July 2011
Sequoia Lodge, Christmas November 2011
Sequoia Lodge, June 2012
Hotel New York, Christmas November 2012
Hotel New York, Halloween 2013
Disneyland Hotel, Christmas 2014 and Christmas 2015
Newport Bay Club Compass Club, Christmas 2016 and Christmas 2018


sorry for the delay but here is day 2.
day 2 started at around 6:30 when dad put disney channel on to wake us up with cruddy sitcoms :roll: after showering, getting dressed and brushing our teeth we went to la cantina because we had reservations to have breakfast there everyday at 7:30. since my nan and grandad were in the room next to us we just knocked on their door and went with them while we wait at the cantina for terry, sara and millie. after breakfast we went to get a shuttlebus to disneyland park. (it was chaos so we NEVER did it again). this time we ALL walked down main street without getting seperated before we heard... choo choo. the disney dance express is coming :roll: . honestly i dont see what the big deal with this show was :?: this was incredibly boring and even my 8 year old brother who does dance lessons and will easily perform in front of large crowds didnt want to because he said it was boring. once again we went to fantasyland first to go on snow white and pinocchio. after having to change blythe I got dragged into going on small small world :evil:. after 2 rides on the tea cups and going on the carousel we went to go to adventureland to go on one of my most anticipated rides of the trip. pirates of the carribean.
part 3 coming soon. :D/  :D/  :D/  :D/  :D/  :D/


sorry about the waits in between each part but here is day 2 part 2. :D
pirates of the caribbean was the next ride but instead of hearing a pirates life for me, I heard two screaming kids :cry: (millie and my sister blythe :oops:). After that fiasco we went through adventure isle for about 10 minutes and the reason we went for a short trip there was because without captain hooks ship, its kinda boring :|. after leaving the isle we went to the hakuna matata cafe for a short drink stop. after coming out of there we ran into timon and rafiki, turns out my sister doesn't like the lion king because she just SCREAMED :oops:  :roll:. we then realised that we hadn't done much in discoveryland so we went to do whatever we hadn't done which turned to be a lot. first we went  on buzz lightyear where I faced off against my uncle and.............. lost :roll: after that embarrassment nearly all of us went on orbitron where even being 14 years old terrifies me when I go in my own rocket :oops:. we experienced one of the funniest Disney memories EVER. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:. me my mum, my dad, Ethan, my grandad and terry on space mountain 2 twice and believe me I have never heard so many swears come from them in my entire life. :shock:. we also went on the bumpiest star tours ever and walked over to captain eo only to find out that we would only be able to go on it on the sunday we were there because it was open the saturday and sunday we were there so I had to tell my Michael Jackson fanatic of a brother that we wouldnt be able to go on it until the day before we left. :(.  we then realised that it was half an hour until the parade started so we got a spot right at the end of the parade route, trust me when I say that you'll need a lot of patience if you get a spot here because it takes like 20 minutes from when the parade starts to get to you if you do sit there. after that we decided to get some dinner in the village so we went to earl of sandwich(best restaurant in terms of food in the village in my opinion :D/ ). after dinner we did a bit of shopping in the village. Everyone found something to buy but I couldn't find any merchandise that appealed to me until I stumbled into Hollywood pictures where I found half of the store made me sing 'this is Halloween'. :D after finding a ton of nightmare before Christmas swag I eventually I settled on a holographic poster of jack, an ipod and phone case, two jack keyrings, one of those mugs with a pic of a certain character on one side like alice or tinkerbell with the first letter of their name with jewels in it on the other side with their name on the inside of the mug, a hat and a wallet. by this time it was about 6:30 so we went back to the room, but not before saying hi to goofy through the window of cafe mickey. after about 3 or 4 hours of watching wizards of waverly place:roll: we finally went to sleep anticipating going to the studios the next day. :D/  :D/  :D/
day 3 coming soon!!! :thumbs:


Quote from: "MrsPirate"You weren't joking that was chaos!

Looking forward to reading the rest.
thank you very much for the compliment :thumbs:
this was my first trip report and hopefully not the last :D


woke up at the same time as yesterday to even more canned laughter :| . after breakfast we went to the park for early magic hours. after going on dumbo and the tea cups again it ws just past 10:00 so we wandered over to the studios where we once again got separated from terry :roll: . on arrival we ran into the big cheeses heartthrob Minnie while waiting for terry and my cousin. after getting crushed while going through studio 1 we went straight for toon studio for crush but the que for it was freaking HUGE :shock:!!! we then went to TOT for the first ride of the trip which was blooming hilarious :lol:. as well as going to see Remy and Mickey we went to the new toy story playland. I don't know what everyone's problem with this place is, I thought that the theming was great and the rides were fine for its age group. after that we went for a loo break and me and my mum, dad, terry and sara went on R'N'RC while my nans, ethan and millie went on the tram tour. we then got some lunch in studio 1 and while we were waiting for the parade me and my nans and grandad went in the art of disney animation building. although mum said that we missed belle, gaston and genie. stars and cars was a bit of a shambles in my opinion because just as it was starting they decided to push back the people who were 1 step out of line and then the performers didn't seem too enthusiastic. :( . afterwards we decided to go do somthing for blythe and we then remembered that playhouse disney live was starting in about 20 mins so we went there. lets just say I came out annoyed and nearly couldnt walk because of being crushed against small children shoving their elbows in my face and constantly screaming. :evil:. after that torture we decided to go on rock and roller again with Ethan but then near the loading platform Ethan decided he didn't want to do it and ended up crying so mum had to take him out.(bless him :cry:). So after finding them having a drink in studio 1 we didn't know where they had taken blythe and millie so then my mum had to ring them to find out that they had gone to take them to say the stunt show, so with about 5 minutes to spare we managed to find them and take our seats for the show that I once thought was brilliant. the reasons I was disappointed by it were that the hosts seemed unenthusiastic, the audience member they asked to take part couldn't understand them and most of all, they took out Herbie who gave the show some light hearted comedy and replaced him with a 3 minute preview clip from the FIRST cars film, a french mater who they didnt even attempt to translate for non french speaking audiences, a lightning mcqueen replica that didn't even go that fast and was basically a shameless tie in for cars 2 and they even said it at the end of the sketch, shame on you disney. :evil:  afterwards we went to earl of sandwich again for yet another delicious sandwich and their brownies are to die for :thumbs:. afterwards we did some more shopping and went back to the room and watched some more bad sitcoms and the lemonade mouth film for the millionth time this week ;).
day 4 coming soon!!! expect a rainy birthday, horrible waits and one of the best birthday dinners ever.
(P.S. if any of you can comment and try and guess who's birthday it was I will mention you in my next entry on sunday.)
see ya next time!!! :D/  :D/  :D/  :D/  :D/  :D/  :D/


I'm gonna guess it was your birthday?  :idea:
DLP Visits: Summer 2003 // April 2011 // Christmas 2011 as a Cast Member // April 2012 // April 2013 // Returning June 2014 to September 2015 as a Cast Member // February 2016

WDW Visits: Summer 2013 as a Cast Member // September 2015
DLR Visits: August 2013 // September 2015

My Cast Member blog -


hmm your mum's birthday??

looking forward to the next chapter :D


unfortunately none of you got the answer of who's birthday it was :( .the answer I was looking for was my dads. :!: . anyway lets get onto day 4 shall we.
we started the day realising that we hadn't brought dad any presents while we were here so we decided that after dinner we would buy him some presents. we then saw that since our grandad went out each morning around the time we were waking up to have a cigarette he was once again outside our window. the thing is though, he was having a bit of trouble in the TERENTIAL RAIN!!!! :evil:  :evil:  :evil:. after breakfast and having to wait for millie to get changed out of her snow white dress she was wearing we finally caught a shuttle bus to the park where it rained even harder and it was quite hard to see.  :cry:  we went to fantasyland to do the usual morning routine of small small world and teacups when mum and dad decided to take my little sister to recently opened princess pavilion while we went to get in line for the attraction ethan had been anticipating for the whole trip... CAPTAIN EO!!! :D  :D . lets just say it could do with some new HD visuals, some improved cg effects and a better pre-show, apart from that it was perfectly fine. after meeting up with mum and dad in videopolis where we also bumped into pluto and goofy who were sheltering from the rain. we then decided that that day and till 12:30 tomorrow we would be doing everything we hadn't done on the trip so far, starting with the whole of frontierland. :thumbs:. terry then decided that he was going to take millie to see the princesses so me, ethan and sara looked to see what the que for space mountain was and trust me, even if it was pouring down with rain, I AM NOT WAITING 80 MINUTES FOR SPACE MOUNTAIN.(before you say it no I couldn't get a fastpass because the time for it was like 6:00 or something like that) we then decided that we would do orbitron since the rain had died down and I was still terrified on my own. :oops:. we then went to meet terry at big thunder mountain and waited for 2 FREAKING HOURS!!!!!!!!!! :evil:  :evil:  :evil: turns out that while he was walking to frontierland they had stopped to watch mickeys treat in the street while we were searching frontierland for him and then waiting a few minutes before getting some churros [-o<. I then remembered that we could get some fastpasses for it and then went on the ride vowing that if he gets there while we're on the ride, we were going to kill him. guess what he did. HE GOT THERE WHILE WE WERE ON THE RIDE!!!!!! we decided not to kill him because he had got some sweets for us from the MTITS show. we then went on phantom manor which had me singing the song all the way though. we then came out and saw the characters I had been waiting for the whole trip... JACK SKELLINGTON AND SALLY!!! :shock:  :D . being a big nightmare before Christmas fan I had to get them and I just caught them before they went back in for the day. I was happy although they could of worked on jacks look though. we then decided that we had time for one more game of lazer blast before we went for dinner and I ended up having my own car and even better I came second after Sara and Millie. we then saw the time and ran to the village to meet up at cafe mickey for dads birthday dinner. I don't care what people say about this restaurant I thought that it was amazing! :D the character interaction was AMAZING, the food was incredible, (I had the ceasar salad, Luigi's lasagna and birthday cake.) and the service was awesome although the freedom dance was a bit forced since the lady running it kept yelling to stand up, even if you didn't want to you still had to. after some great food and banter with mickey, minnie, goofy, geppeto, eeyore, tigger, chip, captain hook, mr smee and pluto, we went to buy some presents and I even brought some sweets for the drive home. we got back to the room, packed our stuff and yet again watched some sitcoms about teenagers doing magic :roll:.
final day coming soon!  :D/  :D/  :D/  :D/  :D/  :D/  :D/  :D/


here's day 5. I will tell you now that this will be shorter than the others because we only spent half a day in the studios and then we had to come back home. :cry:  anyway, on with day 5.
we woke up this morning to BBC radio 1 that morning and let me tell you, early morning dubstep is a nice break from cruddy sitcoms. after having some breakfast we went to the main park for the last time that trip and went on buzz lightyear and space mountain 1 last time that trip and waved goodbye to discoveryland. as it was nearing 10:00 we decided to run to the studios to catch the rope dropping so we can go straight onto crush. we ran towards toon studio and.... crush was broken for the day. :evil:  we then remembered we hadn't done all of the things in tspl so we went to do rc racer since parachute drop already had a huge line and I have to say for a kids ride it's pretty damn scary.  :oops: we then went on tower of terror again and then saw that stitch live was starting in 10 minutes so we went to see that. lets just say that all of my love for stitch that left when they made the anime had returned with this 1 attraction. this was bloody hilarious and very under appreciated at the same time. the animation was perfect, the cast member doing stitch was hilarious as well like when he's trying to escape gantu and the kids yell out what door to go through, the choices of door colour were red and yellow and one kid yelled out ORANGE! stitch's reaction was him yelling "there is no orange door!!!!" lets just say we were laughing. a lot :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  unfortunately it was about 12:37 and we had to get in the car and get to the dock in callais for 5:00 to get the ferry to dover and drive home to dorset. we had some sea sickness from me but in the end everything went well and hopefully I will be going again sometime this year since I entered the dedicated to dlp contestfor the 20th anniversary trip. hopefully I can win and do another trip report. thank you everyone who has commented on this thread since this was my first trip log and it makes me happy when I see people who are encouraging me to write up my next post. hopefully next time I will have some pics and videos to upload so it doesn't look so bland. till next time everybody, thank you and goodbye. :thumbs:


I loved your trip report! It was so detailed I almost felt like I was there with you! :)
~*~ Newport Bay ~*~ March 2008
~*~Sequoia Lodge ~*~ January 2009
~*~Santa Fe ~*~ January 2010
~*~Hotel New York ~*~ January 2011
~*~Explorer's Hotel ~*~ October 2011
~*~Newport Bay ~*~ August 2012
~*~Kyriad Hotel ~*~ August 2013
~*~Cheyenne Hotel ~*~ December 2014