What is wrong with Halloween this year?

Started by OS73, October 12, 2011, 01:35:43 PM

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Its Halloween 2011 in Disneyland Paris and there are no big decorations in the park.

What are we missing this Halloween in Disneyland Paris:
- Decorations Main Street
- Decorations Frontierland
- Decorations Fantasyland
- Decorations Phantom Manor
- Decorations Woody's Roundup Village
- Photo set at Woody's Roundup Village
- Pumpkin man in the street
- Halloween pre-parade

Does anyone know why the big change this year??
And will it be like this next year?
Now Halloween is just boring!  :cry:
Watch my Disney videos at: //http://www.youtube.com/disneymagique


Does anyone know why the big change this year??

It's a bit far fetched, but my guess is they redeveloped some sense of taste and style...


I think there is nothing wrong with the style and taste of old Halloween.
...I always have lots of fun every year.

Over the past years, I have seen the decorations and activities become less, until in 2010 where the first step in this change was made by not decorating Main Street.

I miss the classic Halloween!
Watch my Disney videos at: //http://www.youtube.com/disneymagique


While I was never a big fan of the Orange paint, having lots of halloween characters (giants, pumpkin men, zombie dancers etc.), pinatas, trick or treating, halloween parades and fireworks, Halloweenland etc. was very cool. This year, what is on - 2 stage shows? Is that it?
since 2001 (many before that)


For entertainment it is 2 stage shows, yes.

For decorations it's a garland at the pavillion and some pumpkins scattered around the pavillion and the large stage, plus a huge pumpkin on the castle stage. Pueblo Trading Post (the pin store that's not open often) did have some spiderwebs (may have been cobwebs). There's been some sort of backdrop when you walked over the castle draw bridge, Chip and Dale stealing candy. Some character shaped pumpkins were out in front of the Frontierland store and in front of one of the Disney Village stores, along with two "Happy Halloween" signs.

That's what I saw Sunday.

No special addition to the parade and on Friday they didn't even have the villains float out.

I was never a really big fan of the orange either. But yeah, what they have now is very boring.


Wow - that really is poor. 10 years ago even, there were 2 stages with shows in Halloweenland, a decorated Frontierland and Main Street, a giant pumpkin in the hub, Pinata and trick or treat near Cowboy Cookout, a full halloween parade down MSUSA to Phantom Manor, lots of halloween characters in Main Street and Frontierland - it was amazing and my fav time of year. The Silver spur had a special halloween menu including coctails with dry ice fog. And the Lucky Nugget had a halloween show.

The Party was epic with large chart acts, fireworks, DISCOveryland had lots of entertainment on. It was amazing and well worth the money.

Now, although the asthetics may be nicer, these are significant cuts. Glad we opted for Legoland (Scooby Doo Fireworks)and Chessington this year. Let's hope the 20th anniversary makes up for this. The hub show and entertainment were a waste of space this year too. Wonder what Christmas is going to be like this year.
since 2001 (many before that)


Our last Halloween visit was 2 years ago, it was already feeling more sparse then (but Jack and Sally still had a pre parade)
since 2001 (many before that)


Quote from: "pfspock"Does anyone know why the big change this year??

It's a bit far fetched, but my guess is they redeveloped some sense of taste and style...

I know some people seem to like this (lack of decoration) and I respect that. But...

Disney built it's name on talking mice,dogs and everything so far out there, that over the top decorations is fitting.  I just loved the whole "in your face" Halloween theme because that is what it is about (for me).  Over the top of make believe, and the wonderful world of fantasy.

Whilst the understated dress of DLP may seem nice as an autumn theme, I went for Halloween season not autumn.  I can look at leaves in my garden if that is what I wanted.  

Ok, so this post seems like I am trashing what you have said, and that is not what I am intending (so please don't think I am).  All I am saying is, that for me and my kids Halloween and all the decorations and colour at DLP made it our favourite time of year to visit.  I think they could put  a little more back into it and maybe leave out just some aspects instead of removing all feeling of Halloween. :(


i totally agree kiki....we went because it advertises 31 days of halloween fun...there is not theming...a few nice pumpkins but no witches parade no halloween fun.   I love disney a huge amount but I understand that there is budget restraints all round but if you going to be more authentic with there decoartions please put up some decorations...no villiams in the parade...it just lacked that certain thing the french say but damed if i can spell it lol ...bring back the spark that is halloween...if not its a season that I dont think then I will go for.  We went in april and there was nothing going on but then I didnt pay for anything to be going on.  So it will be low season for me or please dont let them ruin christmas [-o< .  I only hope there keeping there budget for next year.  Not sure if i will go back next year ....but if they run the 20th anniversary for as long as they did the 15th well then I dont think I will miss much...Not to go off topic but have you seen the prices for the 12th of April for the anniversary....all i can say is omg....


Was there not similar feelings when it went from Pink Witches to Pumpkinmen? I liked the Pumpkinmen as characters, but the static models just weren't the Disney quality a park coming into it's 20th Anniversary deserved. I'm glad they've got them out and are trying something new.

The whole park is designed to be in your face fantasies of themes, so putting even more in your face decorations over that just made it (and particularly Frontierland) too cluttered in my eyes. The newer 'less obvious but nice atmosphere' decorations look nicer I think, as they work with the original theme, and don't clash with it.

As for the parade not having anything, that is a little dissapointing! Even switching out the first and last set of dancers to Pumpkinmen would work nicely, and if they made that Villains float last year, why not use it this year too!
"...keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things" - Walt.


I agree, the Halloween feeling didn`t kick in as much as last year. I missed some decorations. I`m not saying, it has to as much as last year in Frontierland, but the black cats on the roof or something like that would have been great. :pumpkin:
Was also disappointed about not having the villains float.

captain rocket

( Wonder what Christmas is going to be like this year.)[/quote]
Well Davewasballoo, this weekend Belle's Christmas Village was already assembled and the Chapperall theatre was ready decorated for Mickeys Winter Wonderland, so there's two things you will definitley get!


It is a shame though, Christmas and Halloween used to be as equally as awesome. No longer by the sounds of things (shame, I prefer Halloween to Christmas).
since 2001 (many before that)

captain rocket

What strikes me as strange is that the area of Belles Christmas Village is fenced off so this seems to indicate that Casey Jnr and Story Book Boats (which is drained and being worked on) may not be open at weekends during Halloween this year,another defficiency this year!


its gonna be my first halloween visit and i feel its gonna be rubbish now :( do you reckon they'll be anything different on actual halloween, do they do a big show? Ive asked a few times on here and no one has answered any of my topics about halloween! :(