Santa Fe 2nd -5th Oct 2011

Started by kiki_304, October 09, 2011, 02:18:15 PM

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My Hubby, 2 sons Harvey (7) Theo (5) and myself were very excited and looking forward to another Halloween season at DLP.

We started our journey on Saturday 1st Oct.   Not the best start to the holiday as I had little sleep and woke with a sickness bug.  My kids were hoping I would be well enough to travel on this day but asked if we could go on the Sunday if I was well enough.  There was no way on this earth I was not going!  So after forcing some toast down, and drinking squash with the hopes of making myself sick (I knew I would feel better after it was out of my system), an hour resting in bed and I was up and fighting fit to go.  So, we left South Wales at about midday for Maidestone where we had a room booked.  We had a smooth journey all the way, very little traffic and chilled drivers on the motorways.  $ hours later, we reached our destination where it was a soaring 29 degrees.  I was wearing shorts and a vest thankfully and still I was hot.

The travelodge in Maidestone was lovely and fresh with air conditioning and free wifi in the bar.  However!!! not in the room where we roasted the night away.  It was too noisy outside to open the window from all the screeching cars and drunks and I stood over the kids fanning them down with a piece of card to help them sleep.  Hubby and I slept on the duvet on the floor where it was cooler and more comfortable than the bed.  So, after very little sleep a shower and breakfast we headed for Ebbsfleet (25 minutes away)international for the Eurostar.

Ebbslfeet:  Nice and simple check in.  Nothing grand, not very big but has plenty of parking on offer and does the job.  Would definitely go from here again.  I knew that littlemermaid was leaving from Ebbsfleet  and was on the same carriage as us, so I kept a look out.  I spotted her daughter straight away and wondered whether to go and say hi (felt rude not to).  I decided to be rude  ;)   and boy was I glad!  The women I thought was littlemermaid looked nothing how I expected from her posts.  Turns out, it wasn't her at all, only that her daughter was talking with this ladies daughter.  This lady looked hard faced and not excited in the least (if you have read littlemermaids posts, you will know she was very excited).  =D>    SO, when we did finally met (on the platform) I told her of my dilemma of not introducing myself because it just didn't feel right and looked out of character for LM.  She thought it funny and would have had a good laugh if I had went up to say hello to this stony faced lady!!  :oops:
We got on the train without fuss, found our seats and settled in for the journey.  When we knew DLP was very close, we decided to get up and beat the rush getting off the train.  We weren't the only ones, you guessed it...  LM had the same idea. lol

Day 2 - first day at DLP will be added later.


Love reading trip reports before i go to disney....adds to the excitment.......looking forward to the rest kiki.btw i'm from south wales too and 12 more sleeps till i get to disney :D


Was I really that eager to get off the train LOL!
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!


Quote from: "littlemermaid83"Was I really that eager to get off the train LOL!

No, you wanted to stretch your legs. lol

It was great meeting you and then bumping into you a few times after.  Then there was the drinks, which I will report on when I get to that part. lol


Looking forward to reading the rest of your report.

Off Site June 1992
Santa Fe, July 2009
Cheyenne, June 2010
Newport Bay Club Admirals Floor, July 2011
Sequoia Lodge, Christmas November 2011
Sequoia Lodge, June 2012
Hotel New York, Christmas November 2012
Hotel New York, Halloween 2013
Disneyland Hotel, Christmas 2014 and Christmas 2015
Newport Bay Club Compass Club, Christmas 2016 and Christmas 2018


I'm staying at Santa Fe for the first time in november, so I'm looking forward to reading your report and hear what it's like.


Great start to your trip report! Such a pain that you got a sickness bug just before you had to go! Can't wait to read your Day 2!! :D
Sophie \":nemo:\"
follow me on Twitter!!

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.- Walt Disney


Day 1 @ DLP

Got off the Eurostar and headed straight to Santa Fe.  The bus came within 5 minutes of I being there and it wasn't a scramble to get on.  A slight queue at check in, but we were all checked in within about 15 minutes.  No special treatment this time, we had to choose a breakfast slot which the earliest time was 8:15am.  We were asked what floor we would like and chose the top floor, we were in block 14, floor 3, room 327. It was clean but the bathroom door could be renewed and there was no safe.  We opened the window and put the fan on as it was very hot, and loved the fact that the huge window opens all the way (no health and safety here). lol   :D  :thumbs:

After putting down our bags, freshening up and having decided to spend the whole day at the Park, off we went on our lovely stroll through the village.  Bit shocked to find 2 tents set up for security with bag checks and x-rays (only for guests entering the village).  I have seen police and soldiers here before, but not security tents.
Got the the park and decided we needed something to eat as it was now nearly 3pm.  We headed toward adventureland and Colonel Hathi's where we could get some veggie past for the kids.  This was lovely and quiet at this time and no queues was a bonus.

After refuelling the kids and ourselves we headed in the direction of "Peter Pan's follow the leader".  The kids really enjoyed this and the characters were really great.  Hubby and I loved the pirates as they really played the part and were just great fun.

After this we thought we would go to Casey Jr as it was going to be closed for the rest of our trip. We saw there was no queue for the Le pays de contes de fees and went on that first.

My boys happy queuing up for Casey.

We then managed to catch the Halloween show that is on the Castle stage.  All the kids sit on the floor in a semi circle where the CM's place little round pads to show where to sit.  First come all the scarecrows(??) to get the crowd going, which seem to work.  Then the show starts within about 5-10 minutes and the characters come from the right.

The colourful people really get involved with the audience and kids with different games an parts of the show.  They get the kids up to dance, do the hula and some other stuff.  After the show they hand out treats (non veggie so I take my own).
then the characters leave the same way as they entered.

We head to Discoveryland as the kids wanted to ride Buzz and orbitron.  There was no queue for Buzz and a slight onefor Orbitron.

After this we started to head back to the hotel and took a few pics on the way back.  

There was quite a queue to get into Disney Village due to security and the x-raying of bags.  But still a lovely walk back through the village as it was lovely and warm.

Will do the 2nd day at Disney tomorrow.


Quote from: "Annet"I'm staying at Santa Fe for the first time in november, so I'm looking forward to reading your report and hear what it's like.

I have stayed here 3 times and think it is just great. I have also stayed at Cheyenne and Sequoia Lodge, but for some reason this is my favourite one.  The staff make it a nicer place to stay (imo).  :D

Beside, for the amount of time you spend in your room, then it is perfect.


I love your photos esp of Mickey's Treat in the Street. Wonderful!
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!


Quote from: "littlemermaid83"I love your photos esp of Mickey's Treat in the Street. Wonderful!

That's the day I took them pics of miss K.  You do realise that I will be posting that pic of us meeting.  [-o<

Oh, and do you want me to email you them pics I took so you can have better quality ones?


wow kiki thats a fab pic of the mickey pumpkin all lite up.....I didnt get to see that


Great report so far :) I said to Dylan before we left that we didn't get to see the pumpkin lit up like that either.  Looking forward to reading some more of your report xx
September 2007-Cheyenne
March 2009-Santa Fe
January 2010-Cheyenne
October 2010-Hotel New York
December 2010-Cheyenne
February 2011-Disneyland Hotel
October 2011-Newport Bay
December 2011-Santa Fe
August 2012-Offsite
October 2012-Explorers Hotel
December 2012-Sequoia Lodge
May 2013-Kyriad
October 2013-Kyriad
December 2013-Dream Castle
October 2014-WDW Saratoga Springs[/color]


Day 2 - Monday 3rd October.

Woke up at 7am to a beautiful view of what the day was going to be like.

After breakfast (which was busy, but acceptable) we decided to go to the park for EMH and then to the Studio for the day.
My son wanted to go on the Carousel, so my Hubby was roped in for that whilst I stayed with the younger one who was hamming it up for the camera.  I saw a pretty statue whilst waiting for the ride to finish.

We started to make our way to the studios and my boys wanted to see if they were true of heart. lol
 My one son decided to point out a cute plaque so I thought I would picture it for him.

When we walked through the castle we could see that they were getting ready to start the villains show and decided to watch it.  It didn't last too long though, as for some unknown reason it just stopped and a cancellation was announced.  :?:

We got to the studio and went to TSPL as last year it was way too busy and I was not prepared to queue with two kids forever just to go on a ride.  This year my son wanted to try slinky (very brave for him as he doesn't enjoy rides).  He went on with his dad for a test run and loved it.  He then roped his brother then me into going with him.  All in all, he was to go on this ride 8 times during our 4 days at DLP.  He even went on his own for his last turn (will upload that picture on the last day's report).  

We went from TSPL to the tram ride (which is okay, but after you have done it once I think you could live without it).  We went to watch the stunt show for the first time because my son doesn't like noise (so another big step for him).  He enjoyed the bikes more and it was a bit loud, but he was okay with it.
It got hot down the front!

We went to go watch stars in cars as it was due.  It was way too hot and my son looked to burning on his cheeks so we left half way through the show seen as we have seen it many times.

Next was magic carpets, cars and the scream corner.

We watched Disney animation and my boys had fun tracing the scenes they have. I took pictures of the statues outside afterwards.  Would've been nice if some of them didn't have bird mess on them.

Back to TSPL to catch the soldiers at play.  My boys and the other kids who took part seemed to enjoy themselves.

Time to make our way to Cafe Mickey's for our 7pm booking.  The Studio closed at 6pm so we did a little shopping first and chilled.  The queue was very long so we thought we would get in line 15 minutes early, was a good idea as by the time we got seated it was only just past 7pm.

We saw about 8 characters in all and my kids were happy with this.  There was plenty of birthdays so lots of singing and even some singing and dancing  to get everyone in the mood before they started on the cakes.

Sorry  it is so long and photo heavy.  But maybe you have just looked at pics and ignored the report (don't blame you). lol


I am loving reading this report! Looks like you had a lovely time! Looking forward to more :)
[size=150]All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them - Walt Disney[/size]