MrsPirate Pre Trip Report

Started by MrsPirate, July 08, 2011, 10:33:59 PM

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With just over a week to go I feel it is time for my pre trip report  :D

17th July - 20th July

Eurostar from St Pancras

Newport Bay, Admirals Floor

Who's going
Me (Alison) - 4th visit
DH (Mel) - 4th visit
DS (Ollie) 2.5 years - 1st visit

My brother and his wife are going over the day before and we shall be meeting them there.

DB (John) - 2nd visit
SIL (Cat) - 2nd visit

Aims for this trip
In the past we have not done any of the big rides as I didn't fancy using baby switch and going on by myself. However, SIL will be 25 weeks pregnant so we will leave Ollie with her. Top of the list are BTM, Indy, SM:M2, ToT, Crush and RnRC. We also want to take time to enjoy the atmosphere of the park and pay more attention to the theming.

We have a character tea booked at Cowboy Cookout the afternoon we arrive and a birthday meal at Walts Monday afternoon and hopefully will be able to fit in a meal at Rainforest Cafe.

Ollie is really excited, he has a chart on his bedroom wall and he crosses off a day when he goes to bed, and whenever he sees the advert on TV he jumps round the room shouting Disney. We've not taken him away before because of a number of medical conditions made it very difficult, but now he is on new medication we are able to and I'm really looking forward to spending time with him without his sisters who are staying with my parents.

9 more sleeps!

Off Site June 1992
Santa Fe, July 2009
Cheyenne, June 2010
Newport Bay Club Admirals Floor, July 2011
Sequoia Lodge, Christmas November 2011
Sequoia Lodge, June 2012
Hotel New York, Christmas November 2012
Hotel New York, Halloween 2013
Disneyland Hotel, Christmas 2014 and Christmas 2015
Newport Bay Club Compass Club, Christmas 2016 and Christmas 2018


Wana do a trip report to, but it is a little bit too early ;)
Anyway, wish a wonderful, magical stay at DLP!!!