Terrorific Night 2011

Started by Kristof, July 08, 2011, 11:52:50 AM

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Disneyland Paris informed its fan community today about the return of the Terrorific Night at Walt Disney Studios Park. This year however, there will be 2 nights of terror.  Tickets should go on sale in a couple of days.

Here's the official visual:


YES! Last year was such a fantastic event, I'm glad they're putting it on for two nights now. Hmm, I think it's time to book some time off work and book up hotels and train tickets :D
Next visit to DLP: October 26th
Coaster Count: over 320


think this would be too scary for the wee one....need to find another adult to go with


is this likely to happen every year now? My sister really wants to go to one but no money to go halloween this year after a summer trip.
August 1997 offsite
August 1998 Cheyenne
May 1999 Disneyland hotel
July 2004 Cheyenne
August 2007 offsite
August 2010 Santa Fe
August 2011 Santa Fe
September 2015 Sequoia Lodge


So what do they actually do for this?


ahh that looks cool! i want to go! but last time we went for halloween it was crazy busy!

captain rocket

I went last year and it was heaving!! I believe it was sold out and whilst I enjoyed it I missed some of the events as there was no programme telling you what would happen and where. There where Zombies, stilt walkers and fire eaters at random parts of the park and the Studio Tram Tour was take over by actors, at the gates to Dinotopia zombies appeared form behind various pieces of scenery and snatched a women out of the tram two rows in front of me, she was taken to an altar and sacrificed (serves her right for asking if the Ratatouille ride was going to be built!) In the London street scene more characters appeared and threatened those on board the tram as well as rounding up dissidents and taking them away. When we left the tour the queue was 90 minutes and that was the first thing we had gone on when we went in. I believe there were more actors in The Hollywood Tower Hotel. I'm sure others who went will be able to fill in the holes i've left. I thoroughly enjoyed the evening, but the park was so crowded it was like a French Bank Holiday. The event was not organised by Disney, but by a French cimpany similar to HMV in the UK


Quote from: "Martyn"So what do they actually do for this?
Photos Magiques has a gallery and info from last year's event: http://www.photosmagiques.com/gallery/w ... night2.php


Looks fun! Wish I could go.
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!


Men with chainsaws and blood-stained clothes. It's exactly what Walt would've wanted  :D


i actually think he would have liked it. the whole point was that disneyland was a park for everyone.


It's good that this opens the parks up to people who don't normally 'do Disney'. This is something that most people would never expect Disney to do.
I have to say though, that I would never even consider going to a Terrorific night. I would be absolutley terrified the whole time, and not in a scared but excited kind of way, more a so scared that I may well pass out kind of way. It would have to be Mickeys not so Scary Halloween all the way for me  :oops:
Have a great time all that are going though, you are very brave


I would be too terrified, and I have a fear that I'll see an evil clown. Clowns are wrong

I went to a fright night at Thorpe park, and have since vowed never to go to a horror event

captain rocket

Quote from: "Alan"Men with chainsaws and blood-stained clothes. It's exactly what Walt would've wanted  :D

The point is, that unless there is something different this year, this is not a "Disney" event. The park is hired for the night by a seperate group and they lay on the entertainment. Those who may be upset get their usual day in the park and those who enjoy this sort of entertainment get their evening in the park. Everyone wins


I find it frustrating when Disney fans claim they know "What Walt Wanted" for all we know this could have been top of his list :lol:, no I'm joking. Still, this looks like a fun night :)