Disney Dreams! — Nighttime Spectacular

Started by Festival Disney, April 14, 2011, 01:54:28 PM

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Quote from: "15MagicalYears"I'm pretty sure the fireworks will not be getting cut. This is the full show we've received and (unless something happens) this is the show that'll be shown each and every night of the anniversary.

Well actually that was the launch/press show. I wouldn't assume that will definitely be the one that will be shown every single night from now on. They have always claimed that fireworks have to be limited, and have not announced that those reasons have now been overcome.

Have only watched little bits as I think you really need to see these things live, but it does look pretty spectacular. I just wonder about the timings. If we go in the summer which I had half planned, then surely the show is going to be too late for most kids? Which means too late for most parents too. Maybe better to wait until autumn/winter!


It's not as if the show has non-stop, large shell fireworks. They use general, pretty quiet, ground-level pyro at points throughout the show. I honestly do not see a problem with the show running the way it is all year round.

DLRP Roundup!

I also seriously hope the fireworks stay, I know the locals will complain like its the end of the world but they really do make that show spectacular, I'm off to Florida in September but this if it stays in its current form will have a trip to DLP from me early next year!
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Quote from: "15MagicalYears"It's not as if the show has non-stop, large shell fireworks. They use general, pretty quiet, ground-level pyro at points throughout the show. I honestly do not see a problem with the show running the way it is all year round.

I agree, if they cut them at the end especially it just ruins the whole finale imo. It won't come off as breathtaking as it looks in them videos.
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!


The "fireworks" will stay in the show I assume.
It's true that Disneyland Paris can only do a few nights a year of real fireworks, like New Years eve for example, from what I read they are allowed to do so up to 5 nights a year (but i'm no expert about their contract stipulations with the French gov).
So from what I read they got around this by useing pyro effects that look like firework for like their nightly summer "fireworks" show , which technically are not fireworks, and have less to almost no noise pollution.
Last summer season we sadly had to leave early a few nights because of younger kids that wanted/needed to go home in our group, and we once saw the "fireworks" show from the parking lot, could not hear one bang there because of them being just pyro effects.

ford prefect

The issue concerning neighbour relations was discussed at length on page 38!
enjoy yourself, it\'s later than you think!


The fireworks are not very noisy, just the finale. I think this time neighbours won't complain.

The Americans are asking for the show to be in the Magic Kingdom!
"If you can dream it, you can do it"


Quote from: "Lorum"The Americans are asking for the show to be in the Magic Kingdom!

I'm not sure if I can see this happening, Wishes is the most spectacular and beautiful fireworks display I've ever seen and it's not all that old (compared to the 32-year-running Fantasy in the Sky fireworks display). Who knows though, we have got ourself an absolutely flawless night-time spectacular. Why wouldn't other resorts want it too  :lol: ?


Does anyone know how the second star effect works? it looks like it is mounted onto the front window of the castle but is not there during the day. I know in the previews there was some art work showing the top window opening and a star coming out, but the star we have now actually looks larger than the window so I'm trying to work out how it is being done


Quote from: "Spacemt_uk"Does anyone know how the second star effect works? it looks like it is mounted onto the front window of the castle but is not there during the day. I know in the previews there was some art work showing the top window opening and a star coming out, but the star we have now actually looks larger than the window so I'm trying to work out how it is being done

 The shape of the star, the outer glow, is projected.



I think the star was installed for the TF1 specail it was prerecorded and they had the star installed its wonderfull wish they had the star full time, makes a big difference have a look at the full star effect here



The star on the TF1 special is definatley mounted onto the front window you can see it from the side views...the question is how is this done and will it be done nightly? I've seen the youtube video of just the projected star version and its not as spectacular as the one with the physical star


i dont think they will use it, i think they had it in the plans, but could not get it to work, i think a star permently on top of castle during the day would be no good at all, the plan was for the window to open and a star to appear from that on an arm it was planned to move to the right , but now it will be projection only..


They could install it every night, depending on the system.
"If you can dream it, you can do it"


that woud require crane etc and men on roof, during operating hours would not happen.. unless they get the window opening and mechanical star emerging from that, but i think it proved to difficult or cost consuming.