Annettes Diner - No more dancing?

Started by Martyn, February 27, 2011, 10:42:04 AM

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This was another thing that made our trip in Jan not feel as 'magical' as they normally are - on the 2 occasions that we went to Annettes, there wasn't any dancing etc, you know when they pull people up and do the conga etc to Grease Lightning.

Nothing happened at all, on both nights, and that is the first time ever that they'd haven't done it in all the 13 years I've been visiting DLP. Without the dancing, it was just your average American themed diner...

So have they stopped it for good?


noooooooooo! they can't! going to annette's diner is all part of going to dlrp & it wouldn't be the same with out the dancing! :(
just like alice you\'re in wonderland


In all the years I've gone, it has always been a 50/50 thing. Well actually less, the dancing has happened less often than happening in our 19 years of dining. Chances are it was all in the timing.
since 2001 (many before that)


It's not necessarily a bad thing. I always found the dancing and singing cringe-worthy, and it was obvious the Cast Members were being forced to do it. It didn't feel natural.


Never happened on our Jan trip either, but I guess they just do it at certain times and we weren't there at that time. If they were dancing all the time they would never get round to giving us our food!


Quote from: "Alan"It's not necessarily a bad thing. I always found the dancing and singing cringe-worthy, and it was obvious the Cast Members were being forced to do it. It didn't feel natural.

I agree. It was incredibly awkward, like something they'd spoof on The Simpsons. If they want live entertainment at Annette's, they should hire professionals.


Oh stop being miserable! Its tacky, and I hate it when they come near me picking people up, but it is great fun!

I've never thought the staff looked forced either, in fact they mostly seem to take it a bit too far!lol

Festival Disney

They did a nice birthday song and dance for this guy when I was there in December. Of course it ended in the cake and severel drinks being dropped on the floor... but it was fun!
Past trips:
Nov 1997 - SF - 3 days
May 2003 - WDW
Aug 2009 - Off site - 4 days
Jul 2010 -  Disneyland Park - 1 day
Dec 2010, Jul 2011  - Ibis Val d'Europe - 6 days, 4 days
Apr 2012 - HNY - 4 days
Dec 2013  - NPBC - 4 days
Jul 2013 - SL - 5 day


This sort of thing is nice if it's spontaneous, or at least looks spontaneous. But at Disney, nothing ever is! So let's stop making the overworked waiting staff break out into dance like so many Chuck-E-Cheese animatronics. (Maybe then you wouldn't have to spend three hours flagging down waiters for every course.)

The same thing goes for the roller skates, which now appear to be optional. In the '90s, you always had one or two servers balancing dangerously like cats on a frozen lake. Now only the talented don the skates. And it's all the better for it!