Splash Mountain is missing at DLP!

Started by Ole Vidar, November 03, 2010, 02:44:55 PM

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I don't think Splash Mountain is ever coming to DLRP. Neither do I think that it still belongs in DLRP. The attraction is old, the tech is old, the Song of the South story is old and unknown.Not to mention Paris gets cold, and rainy.It might work for Tokyo, but it won't in DLRP. People here naturally shun an attraction like this in winter time. Just ask any other park that has a water ride running through winter. It's occupancy drops by at least 50 percent, if not more.

Yes it is one of Disney's best attractions but rather on spending millions on a Splash Mountain I prefer them spending it on something that will bring in more visitor numbers all year around. There is tons to chose from if we have to chose from previously build attractions. The Indiana Jones Ride in DLC, Test Track, Dinosaur, Mount Everest, Soaring, Pooh Honeypot ride,  Little Mermaid, World of Colour, Mission Space, something from the new expansions, or an original attraction.

I think spending so much money on an attraction that will lose it's appeal in the winter months (which is around 7/8 months per year in Paris) is not only a waste but also very irresponsible for a park bordering on bankruptcy.


Oh man!! That would be amazing! It was one of my fave rides at WDW! I would love it in Paris, the drop at the end is so good! And its just such a lovely ride <3 But im not sure the younger generation now would appreciate a Song of the South theme?
"Indian Chief Indian Chief, clap clap, peekaboo peekaboo, bleeeeeeeeehhhhh"- Had that in my head ever since i saw Following the Leader with Peter Pan!


Quote from: "Timwatch"I don't think Splash Mountain is ever coming to DLRP. Neither do I think that it still belongs in DLRP. The attraction is old, the tech is old, the Song of the South story is old and unknown.Not to mention Paris gets cold, and rainy.It might work for Tokyo, but it won't in DLRP. People here naturally shun an attraction like this in winter time. Just ask any other park that has a water ride running through winter. It's occupancy drops by at least 50 percent, if not more.

Yes it is one of Disney's best attractions but rather on spending millions on a Splash Mountain I prefer them spending it on something that will bring in more visitor numbers all year around. There is tons to chose from if we have to chose from previously build attractions. The Indiana Jones Ride in DLC, Test Track, Dinosaur, Mount Everest, Soaring, Pooh Honeypot ride,  Little Mermaid, World of Colour, Mission Space, something from the new expansions, or an original attraction.

I think spending so much money on an attraction that will lose it's appeal in the winter months (which is around 7/8 months per year in Paris) is not only a waste but also very irresponsible for a park bordering on bankruptcy.

Well If people leave it alone on a cold day than that just means we can go on it faster, and don't have a large que like crush or peter pan etc.(lol)
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About a year ago the Disney executives went on a trip and looked at a "Mack Rides" Log flume with an all weather system that could turn of the splash in case of cold (European) weather.

I would love for Splash to come to paris but then with either the Lion king theme (April fools joke form a few years ago) or a Princess and the frog theme!


Last post is already a long time ago, but i cant stop thinking about this attraction.
I prefer this attraction above all other projects, for the new attraction after Ratatouille.
There are enough very warm days in paris, and then you really miss a water attraction. Splash mountain makes the resort complete!
I am so happy at the day, this project will be announced! Hopefully it is still in the running as a future project for Disneyland Paris...


i do think splash mountain is really a big miss on disney paris. Was one of my favourites in orlando, but also similar ones in Phantasialand in germany


Quote from: stylian on April 16, 2014, 12:02:10 PM
i do think splash mountain is really a big miss on disney paris. Was one of my favourites in orlando, but also similar ones in Phantasialand in germany

It can get pretty cold in Phantasialand too and that park has multiple water rides. And I would love a Princess and the Frog themed log flume...
Goldie, look at this! Look at all the blood in his mustache! Good sir, that\'s a lot of blood!


How about they retheme it to fit Frontierland, maybe it was meant to be an Expedition by the Big Thunder Mining Company into the Mountain to try and Discover Gold after losing the riches in Big Thunder Mountain, but it turns out in the middle of the ride that it's a Water Volcano that's cracking under pressure from the mining and you have end up escaping the mountain before the mountain collapses on top of you.


I think it could work as-is, without modification. The Magic Kingdom also has Splash Mountain in Frontierland, and it's not that bad, frankly I got used to it being there. It is a great ride, and the characters are well known in certain parts of Europe.


I love Splash Mountain in WDW, but to be honest, I think it's a little unrealistic for DLP

1) I may well but wrong here, but I don't think Frontierland has the space for such a huge attraction, and would it be aesthetically pleasing to have this massive fountain in the back of the land?

2) It's a tricky one to adapt. It would only work if they could blend it with the theming and story of Frontierland but Frontierland, I personally feel, has the best theming because it has the story of Thunder Mesa.

3) Even if the attraction could be altered to match the Thunder Mesa storyline, it might take away what's so sweet about the original Song of the South themed attraction in the States.

4) Slightly contradicting my third point here, but isn't Song of the South supposed to be a little bit racist? Probably not the best advert for DLP...

5) Do you really want to get soaking wet on a cold Parisian day?

I really do love the idea, but I think there are just too many problems and it makes building it too much of a risk for the Disney Executives. Especially because once a ride is there, you can't just remove it!


Quote from: PrincessA on August 15, 2014, 12:12:49 AM
I love Splash Mountain in WDW, but to be honest, I think it's a little unrealistic for DLP

1) I may well but wrong here, but I don't think Frontierland has the space for such a huge attraction, and would it be aesthetically pleasing to have this massive fountain in the back of the land?

2) It's a tricky one to adapt. It would only work if they could blend it with the theming and story of Frontierland but Frontierland, I personally feel, has the best theming because it has the story of Thunder Mesa.

5) Do you really want to get soaking wet on a cold Parisian day?

1) They have enough space, where Woodys Roundup os at the moment. There is space until there, where Indiana Jones is (okay, thats also Adventureland, but i think the Frontierland space is enough)

2) totally my opinion

5) Not ever day is cold. There are enough days (even in winter) where the sun comes out and gives us 20 degrees +. And even if there is a rainy day: I would take my Disney-poncho :) doesnt matter of i get wet outside or inside (and of course they can conform the technic of the splash a bit)

And nearly everyone loves water attractions  8) . Doesnt matter in wich park i am, how rainy it is...there is a 15-20 minutes queue everytime
Disneyland Paris: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 (Jan.), 2014 (March), 2014 (July), 2014 (Oct.), 2015 (Jan.)
Walt Disney World: 2004
Hong Kong Disneyland: 2014 (April)

future visits: Walt Disney World (July 2015)

Instagram: marc_leder
Instagram: disneyland_paris_photos

other theme park visits: Universal Singapore, Movie Park Germany, Legoland Germany, Fort Fun, and many others!


There is space left for the ride in Frontierland. The train station would move, but it always was the spot for brer. There are even maps that show the ride would fit there perfectly. Aesteticly is a different story, but it has never been said it would have the songs of the south theme. Apparently there were plans for an original western theme.


Aaand it hasn't to be a frontierland/thunder mesa theme.
In California splash is a part of Critter Country. It's like New Orleans Square a themed area on its own with the pooh ride and a little shop.

The splash is regulable. On cold day you won't get that wet as on hot summer days.
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...


If I may interject here as a frequented US Disney Parks visitor, I was surprised to find no Splash Mountain in DLP. It's a signature attraction in almost all the Magic Kingdom parks and it was sad to see it not in DLP. The Song of the South context would actually make a little more sense, considering you all in Europe actually can buy Song of the South, unlike us in the states. A new attraction would be great or at least redesigned like Phantom Manor and Pirates were done in DLP.

But on the recent point of discussion of the underdevelopment in DLP, that was one of my biggest complaints about the park. It had a plethora of experiences (in fact, I preferred many of the walk through experiences versus the standard attraction in the states). Also... no offense but maintenance was bit of an issue. Many of the effects were clearly not working, Storybookland was overgrown, and the paths had much more rubbish compared to the US counterparts.
Clearly, the park needs some love and is not currently getting it.

GOOD NEWS though. Living and working in the film industry in Los Angeles, I have some connections at Disney who told me that many of the "higher ups" who visited the parks for the 20th Anniversary were taken aback by the points mentioned and apparently gonna start cracking the whip as well as breathing new life into the parks.
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Statler: We can't. We're bolted to the seats!


Having just got back from the parks, I totally agree about the upkeep. Having been going often since 1994, it was painful to see tons of ride effects broken, missing, un-animated, or lights out all over the place. The need some attention, and I can only assume upgrading so many attractions over the coming years is due to those issues.

In regards to Splash, if they needed a new story, there's plenty to choose from (Pocahontas I think being the most obvious), I simply don't buy this weather excuse. Almost every theme park in Europe and certainly in rainy England have water rides. If anything it's purely down to Splash being a huge and costly attraction.

As it stands, the land waiting for splash and it's ghostly theatre are just dead. Seems like such a waste as no one heads beyond Big Thunder's Fastpass line
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