Don't move a little Closer anymore?

Started by captain rocket, November 01, 2010, 09:21:26 PM

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Quote from: "MagicKenny"
Quote from: "never2old"No, it's indicated in the plan as the OUAD parade alternate route!
Very strange... that would never fit...

That would seem to be the reaosn for the parade being shortened to only 5 floats. My guess is there will be even more of a reduction on parade dancers than there already is. Sad really, bu twhen work needs to be done, it needs to be done.


I assume they are doing a loop around Central Plaza and back down Main Street. Considering this, the length is not much different. Perhaps this is related to changes for Christmas, as it wasn't stopping during Halloween and maybe the slightly shorter route allows for the stops?

Poppy The Monkey


From Jan 7th until the end of March.... the parade will be cut to 5 floats! Imagination, Friendship, Fantasy, Power and Romance 2 (floats subject to change)..... this is so the parade is short enough to travel up Main Street around the hub and back down Main Street without crashing into itself! They are doing this because the floor in Fantasyland and the Castle Stage area is being replaced!

There will be musical changes and character and dancer additions and changes! This is, after all the main parade of the day... and they will try to offer guest the best possible parade experience even in these un-ideal circumstances!

In April ALL the floats will return for the "New Look" Once Upon A Dream Parade.

Hope this ends the confusion....  :roll:


but, they will be keeping just like we dreamed it music wont they??  [-o<   i always feel all tingly when that starts at the beginning of the parade!!

looking forward to the changes tho - thanks for letting us know!!  :thumbs:

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...isn´t it simply a wonderful thing that they replace the floor? Shouldn´t we be simply happy with that?

And for me it´s just a normal thing that they have to cut the parade with that shorter parade route.  :D
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...


Quote from: "Riebi"...isn´t it simply a wonderful thing that they replace the floor? Shouldn´t we be simply happy with that?

And for me it´s just a normal thing that they have to cut the parade with that shorter parade route.  :D

I totally agree with you!! It's great how they're fixing everything up like that. Sure it will be a bit of a shame for people who visit between January and April, what with the Castle, Captain Hook's ship, the floor and all being fixed. But it has to be done! And Disney always try to make it as good as possible, even during works, so I'm sure it won't be so bad.


Quote from: "never2old"
Quote from: "Riebi"...isn´t it simply a wonderful thing that they replace the floor? Shouldn´t we be simply happy with that?

And for me it´s just a normal thing that they have to cut the parade with that shorter parade route.  :D

I totally agree with you!! It's great how they're fixing everything up like that. Sure it will be a bit of a shame for people who visit between January and April, what with the Castle, Captain Hook's ship, the floor and all being fixed. But it has to be done! And Disney always try to make it as good as possible, even during works, so I'm sure it won't be so bad.

It's really great that so many things get fixed, especially the floors. I didn't know that the castle gets a refurbishment as well. The castle definately needs a refurbishment.

Quote from: "Poppy The Monkey"They are doing this because the floor in Fantasyland and the Castle Stage area is being replaced!

What do you mean with the replacement of the castle stage? Will it receive a refurbishment like the floor?

captain rocket

I think it means the floor in front of the castle stage where which the parade route follows, not the stage itself ( that would'nt need the parade diverted)


Quote from: "captain rocket"I think it means the floor in front of the castle stage where which the parade route follows, not the stage itself ( that would'nt need the parade diverted)

That makes sense. I didn't think about it. Thanks for clarifying.