Resort Photographers on Strike!

Started by The Butlin Boy, August 15, 2006, 05:48:42 PM

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The Butlin Boy

QuoteMoney issues have always put a dark shade over the park. One of these returning problematic issues is wages. Cast Member income has been a returning hurdle for the resort and as of today another chapter is added. The photographers of the resort have put their camera's down and are on strike showing their unhappiness about their salary. They are given support by their union CFDT. The Photographers have taken place in front of the gates with flags and signs and are informing the incoming guests on the situation. ... nr=384#384


Geez, I don't mean to sound racist, but - the french and their strikes eh?  Do they never think of original ideas to show they're unhappy with their jobs? [/partial sarcasm]

Seriously though, good on these people for doing something about their pay.  I could say "they knew the salary when they applied for the job", but I'm not that mean.

I wonder how much you do get paid for being a photographer there?


I don't know the situation that well, so I won't comment on the issue if the photographers are right with their demand, but the thing that worries me the most is the bad show for the visitors before entering the park. Not really a great start for a Disney kind of day don't you think? Get them out of their and solve this issue in a diplomatic way please. Think about all those guests who have to get past all those people who are trying to sell their stuff on the street and people who are striking...  :?


There have been strikes in the past at most of the Disney parks, including the USA park (one has recently been avoided at California).


Sorry if I was a little blunt before. :) There do seem to be a lot at DLRP though.  Either it's a very different work culture to the UK or they're really doing something wrong.  You say one was recently avoided in California?  Maybe DLRP also need to pay closer attention to their unions and attempt to avoid strikes?

As Maarten says, it really doesn't give a good first impression to guests.


Sometimes, pics tell more then words can describe. Although I can see the reason why these photographers may be upset, it's a shame that they ruin the show like this. They are not Disney worthy in my humble opinion... they should have solved it in a more professional way. Maybe this will sound hard but I wouldn't mind if these people get fired... they are not Disney worthy as a Castmember should put the show, guests and Disney spirit first, in almost every circumstances...

So... thats off my chest now. Take a look below and see what the guests of Disneyland Resort Paris have to see at the start of their magical day and at the start of the parade.  :roll:


they really spoil it for visitors, they kinda take away the magic, outside the gates isnt that bad but at the beggining of the parade is  :roll:


Well I understand why they are doing it and it's great to see they are trying with something, but maybe at the start of the Princess Parade is not the best idea, personally if I was a normal visitor, which I hardly am I would be in City Hall asking what they are up to.  Though maybe they should just stick to the gates next time the parade seems a bit over the top :? .


I agree, thats awful that they took it inside the park. I would not have been happy if i had been visiting on that day.


im surprised they werent removed from the park, but then it might have caused a bigger  scene


Maybe they should just hire new photographers? :twisted:

Ok, so they may have a valid reason to protest (although we still don't know just how "bad" their wages are), but this is very unprofessional, to ruin the Disney show like that for so many people.  If I were the manager in charge of this department, I'd seriously think twice before letting them return to work in the park.


A press release from Euro Disney Associés SCA:

Marne-la-Vallée – 23 August 2006 - With this press release, the Management of Euro Disney Associés S.C.A. intends to make its position clear regarding the recent strike of some Resort photographers that began on 13th August 2006.

After having met and discussed with the striking employees on August 2nd, 10th, 14th and 18th and having listened carefully to their demands, Management would like to go over advantages recently gained by the photographers concerning the organization of their shifts, working conditions, career advancement and pay. For example, in terms of organization, the supervisory structure has been reinforced and photo sales promotion is part of a voluntary program for the photographers. Shifts have also been adapted to take into account the constraints of this activity, especially concerning weather conditions.

In addition, a new work area, new equipment and training sessions have been supplied to the employees.

Concerning career advancement and pay – the central point of the movement – Management has already begun to implement a program to recognize the professional qualifications of the photographers which reinforces the professional development plan already in place. In 2006, promotions were given (+10%) and a market study was performed on the positioning of our pay standards.

The result of this study confirmed that the wages we pay are in alignment with the market, especially when one considers that Disneyland Resort Paris offers stable employment in permanent contracts. Employees work a 35-hour workweek, are paid on a 13-month scale (after one year of seniority) and receive an additional 10% of their pay as compensation for the cessation of the copyrights to their photos. The average monthly salary for photographers at Disneyland Resort Paris (not including author's rights compensation) is 7% higher than the French minimum wage prescribed on 1st July 2006.

Considering all of these elements, Management does not intend to take into account these new demands by the striking employees, as a number of them have already been covered through the measures described above and that show the level of recognition that the Management of Disneyland Resort Paris has given to the statute of its photographers.


I kno wthats a biased statement, but all I can say is after the performance given by them in the park and park gates, and reading that letter, dont let them return to work, and hire a new team!!


Was in the Parks yesterday, didn't see a photographer (not on strike, not on his/her job).


looks like dlrp need to recruit new photographers :D
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