The Infamous WDS' Lighting Rigs

Started by montaguewarner, May 26, 2010, 05:13:08 PM

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You know when they put those hideous lighting rigs in the park in 2002, where they supposed to be temporary and replaced when projects like Hollywood Bouelvead take over and retheme an area - or are they actually supposed to look like they are used in "the production of movies"  :?
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One would have hoped it was the first point, but unfortunately 8 years on and most of the rigs are still present in the park :(

In time I would like to see these gone, replaced with more aesthetically pleasing designs. When WDS' masterplan is announced ( [-o< pretty please) then I'm sure we'll see the end of the ugly rigs!


They don't bother me so much in the Backlot (it's an ugly place that's supposed to be ugly, so what fits better than something ugly), but it's disheartening to see them in the old Animation Courtyard area almost a decade after the park's opening. That area should be sweet and whimsical, like Fantasyland, and those harsh structures look totally out of place.

Of course now that they've thrown the studio theme overboard for the most part, I suppose they don't know what the heck to do with that area anyway. I wouldn't.


Quote from: "montaguewarner"You know when they put those hideous lighting rigs in the park in 2002, where they supposed to be temporary and replaced when projects like Hollywood Bouelvead take over and retheme an area - or are they actually supposed to look like they are used in "the production of movies"  :?

The ones at the beginning of Hollywood Blvd. were removed and replaced by Main Street-style light and sound posts.  The rest of 'm are still there.


Quote from: "pussinboots"They don't bother me so much in the Backlot (it's an ugly place that's supposed to be ugly, so what fits better than something ugly), but it's disheartening to see them in the old Animation Courtyard area almost a decade after the park's opening. That area should be sweet and whimsical, like Fantasyland, and those harsh structures look totally out of place.

Of course now that they've thrown the studio theme overboard for the most part, I suppose they don't know what the heck to do with that area anyway. I wouldn't.

Thanks Pussinboots and Kristof for your quick replies :)

I absolutly agree and to be honest i'm quite shocked in all the money they spent on Toon Studios they couldnt squeeze a little more budget for some lights for goodness sake! These are the lamps i THOUGHT were going to be put in place of the old ones when Animation courtyard turned into toon studio..what do you think?

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DLP - JUN 2005 - Val D\'Europe
DL - APR 2006 - Disneyland Hotel
DLP - AUG 2009 - Val D\'Europe
DLP - JUL 2010 - Val D\'Europe
DLP - JUN 2011 - Val D\'Europe


You do realize that cheaper versions of those lamp posts do stand in the new Toon Studio area? They replaced the molded base with a cheap, simple tube, but the lamps are the same:


Oh wow i didn't even realise we had those in WDS :)
So why don't they replace all those rigs with these ones, perhaps bigger and with stage lighting and speakers mounted! Wouldn't be too much trouble to knock up a design i'm sure!
Past Visits
DLP - JUN 2005 - Val D\'Europe
DL - APR 2006 - Disneyland Hotel
DLP - AUG 2009 - Val D\'Europe
DLP - JUL 2010 - Val D\'Europe
DLP - JUN 2011 - Val D\'Europe


Where is that cute village part of the park? Isit near aladdins flight thing?
Sorry i dont know the names of different places in WDS !! x
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


That "cute village" is to the left/west of Crush's Coaster (which you can see in the photo). It's basically a backdrop that supposed to show that you're currently in Toon Studios and outside/beyond it is Toon Town.


Quote from: "montaguewarner"So why don't they replace all those rigs with these ones, perhaps bigger and with stage lighting and speakers mounted! Wouldn't be too much trouble to knock up a design i'm sure!
I think the reasoning is that Toon Studio has both "human" and "toon" areas. The human area is mostly the old Animation Courtyard (Art of Disney, Animagique), with the ugly grey tarmac floor, barren parade route and those lighting rigs. The toon area is everything else (Crush, Cars, Carpets, TSPL), a giant, colourful backlot where the toons make their own movies.

I've never been able to work out whether that was a real artistic decision or more like "we can't afford to replace the lighting rigs and make the original area look nice, so let's say it's meant to be bleak and grey".

It'd be great to see the parade route diverted completely from Toon Studio and that area filled in with thick planting, fountains, in a Fantasyland style as Puss says, with a kind of bandstand or outdoor stage in the middle. Silly Symphony Gardens...