Captain EO returns to Discoveryland - now closed

Started by The Butlin Boy, April 10, 2010, 01:00:37 PM

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Even though i couldn't understand what most were saying, it seems everyone enjoyed themselves. :thumbs:  

Welcome back, Disney's favourite retro captain. :ears:

Here Come The Belgians!


I think it's kind of funny when you know that DLP didn't want EO in the first place! And they're opening the attraction today (being the first in the world!) :D
[size=120]"Most men, they\'ll tell you a story straight through. It won\'t be complicated, but it won\'t be interesting either."[/size]

[size=120] - twitter - youtube[/size]


Quote from: "JelleP"I think it's kind of funny when you know that DLP didn't want EO in the first place! And they're opening the attraction today (being the first in the world!) :D

Disneyland actually opened their Captain EO tribute earlier this year, in January I think.


i spy a certain Kristof @ 1:37 :-) and then @ 3:22  :D  :D


Guess I can't deny I was there.  :lol:

Here's my photo update of the reopening: ... pening.php


Quote from: "Kristof"Guess I can't deny I was there.  :lol:

Here's my photo update of the reopening: ... pening.php

Are you doing a trip report about the Captain EO opening?

I have never seen the show. Is it worth seeing it? Judging from your interview in the youtube video, I would say you enjoyed it.

Disneyland Paris Treasures

Quote from: "Kristof"Guess I can't deny I was there.  :lol: ...

And?? How was it? Details please!!!!!


Thanks for the updates Kristof. I think it's really cool that they sell the rainbow t-shirt that Michael was wearing underneath his jacket, as Captain EO. For once, an item of merchandise I'd actually like to buy :-)

So was the whole film still in English? Did it have French subtitles? What about the pre-show "making of" video? Was that in English too, or did they dub it in French?



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Festival Disney

Past trips:
Nov 1997 - SF - 3 days
May 2003 - WDW
Aug 2009 - Off site - 4 days
Jul 2010 -  Disneyland Park - 1 day
Dec 2010, Jul 2011  - Ibis Val d'Europe - 6 days, 4 days
Apr 2012 - HNY - 4 days
Dec 2013  - NPBC - 4 days
Jul 2013 - SL - 5 day


Here's a recap of the opening day:

We arrived around 6.30 am at the main gates of Disneyland Park where a group of fans had gathered.  Disney CM's were there to hand out handwrists which gave access to the first shows.  We got a blue wristband for the first show (it was first come first served basis).  

When the park opened at 9.45 am, a big group of fans, some dressed as Michael Jackson, headed over to the attraction.  Guests and people with a different colour of wristband were not allowed to enter.  

We had to wait 10 minutes or so before the doors opened and we could enter the pre-show room.  There weren't many changes, the photo of Eric Idle was covered up with the Captain EO poster and the drawing of the shrinking machine was just painted over.  The large Imagination Institute logo over the Cast Member stand has been covered by a curtain.  

The pre-show video started with a new advertisement for Kodak which was made for California since it had their Sleeping Beauty Castle in it.  After that a French voice (with subtitles in other languages) explained the making off video they were about to show as the original pre-show of the attraction in California, never seen before in France during its original run.  It was only near the end of the video Michael Jackson was briefly shown, but it caused the entire room to burst in applause and cheers. Right after the video, people suddenly started to yell for help, turned out someone fainted.  She quickly regained concious, but she walked out with her partner when the doors opened to the main theatre.

Inside, a group of Disney managers and Imagineers were already inside waiting for everyone to take a seat.  We sat a few seats in front of the screen, but a friended CM came to us and directed us to the back rows for a better experience.  Right after we took our seats, Imagineer Tom Fitzgerald (who overseas the Creative Development of DLP) said a few words about the attraction, which was translated by a manager into French.

So then the movie finally started under big cheers by the fans.  It was quite a lively showing, the audience was singing, clapping, and even mimicking Michael Jackson's famous yell with him.  Even Tom Fitzgerald, who sat 2 seats from us, was having a blast.

After the show obviously everyone went wild and gave a standing ovation.  While exiting the theatre, I had the chance to get a picture with Tom Fitzgerald who loved my Epcot shirt.  :mrgreen:   After that, the DLP camera crew pulled me aside and asked me a few questions in English, but you've seen that part...  :lol:

So how do I feel about Captain EO (without a camera in my face)... It definitely is a great movie, and I do prefer it over HISTA. The 3D effects are still great, the lighting effects in the theatre are nice and the movement of the seats is really great.  About the movie itself, although the quality of the sound and image is really good, it is dated. The style and effects are no longer of this age, but that doesn't take away the fun of it at all.  It's like watching the original Star Wars movies, and who doesn't like those?

Enjoy these 2 videos I made that day:

The entire preshow with Kodak advertisement:

Footage of the fans and Tom Fitzgerald's speech:


Judging by the videos you provided us, I can safely say that the crowd were really into it. :D

Here Come The Belgians!


we went twice this week and already the seats werent working the second time - are all the seats supposed to move or just some?

Disneyland Paris Treasures

Quote from: "smurfy74"we went twice this week and already the seats werent working the second time - are all the seats supposed to move or just some?

As I understand it the whole floor is moving - using the HISTA effect - and not individual seats.


ah - well the whole floor wasnt working :-)