Mail Order

Started by captain rocket, April 03, 2010, 12:20:55 PM

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captain rocket

I have just contacted DLRP about mail order and I am astounded to find that they do not have a secure method of credit card payment! They ask me to email my address and all credit card details! Is anyone else as amazed as me that Disney would expect you to put your details at such risk? Has anyone used this method of buying?


Never tryed it, but a couple a years ago I wondered to mail order, but didn't do it partly because of the non-secure payment method. Think it's a little bit strange that Disney don't have a website for mail ordering including secure payment site. In the US I think Disney Shopping online has started to sell some park stuff, but don't think they offering all stuff that they do via email.
4 trips to DLP, 3 to WDW, 1 to Disneyland California


I might try to mail order some stuff soon so I shall let you know how it goes :)


Hi there,

I have just covered this very topic but under; Re Pin trading bags.
Just to summarise, I have used and still do use this method and have had no problems.
As there seem to be only two people in the mail order department and I have spoken to both of them, Lisa (briefly) and Soraya (every month either by phone or e-mail for a number of years) I have every confidence in them.
Also, I know a few people who have also used this method and they have not said anything bad about it.

Hope this helps you. :)  Have a disney day

regards Wendy

captain rocket

Hi Wendy and thanks for your comments.
I am delighted to hear that you have had no problems with DLRP mail order, but repeat my earlier comments that it is incredible that an organisation as big as Disney do not offer a safe method to make payments, giving your credit card details over an email is not a safe way to buy items. I do not doubt the ability or honesty of any of the staff at Disney, but there are a lot of people out there who are trying to obtain exactly the information that Disney ask for and use it to their advantage!
I would be happy to use telephone ordering as this would not leave any details on a computer system to be hijacked.


Hi there,

I'm back again with ideas for safe purchasing by cc online.
Now I understand your concerns Captain Rocket. I am exacly the same in regards to security of my limited funds and so here is yet another method of purchasing pins.
There are a lot of companies now offering pre-loaded credit cards which can be mastercard or visa and you load them with amounts accordingly.
I went through The Money Shop and got myself a mastercard. You're given a temporary paper one in store and the real one arrives a week or so later.
You receive your card and a pin number and then e-mail Mail order with your details.
Every month I placed my order online with Soraya and then she let me know how much my order was including p+p.  I then went down to my local Money shop( My nearest one was Woking but as I was working there at the time it was not a problem) and paid the amount (Checking exchange rate of course) onto the card which took 20 minutes to show on the card. That done I e-mailed Soraya to let her know the funds were available and she proceeded from there.
It's a bit long winded but it served me very well.

I have also spoken via e-mail with Soraya and she tells me that 150 other people pay via cc and have done so for years without any issues.

I believe, from talking to pin traders in Paris that DLRP isn't the only Disney park which uses this method.
 Disney Store UK now accepts Paypal for online purchases and maybe in the future the parks around the world may follow suit. I will mention this to Soraya next time I e-mail her and see what she says.

Hope everyone is well out there in Pin trading land.

regards Wendy


Has anyone ever ordered from USA I was thinking of specifically from the Soda Fountain?