ED SCA First Quarter Revenues

Started by dagobert, February 09, 2010, 09:46:23 AM

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I´m not that surprised about the results. It´s clear that they can´t make profit during this times. On the other hand it´s sad that they don´t use their possibilities. Everything Anthony wrote is true and simple. And they don´t get their A*** in new target markets. It´s a shame that they take all their marketing money to they countries that have the heaviest impacts of the economic crisis. All international advertising seems to be in UK and Spain and for visitors under 7. Where´s the big "Kennen Sie jemanden, der nicht davon träumt?" campain? Where are the heads that create something like this. Invest more and more money in target markets that already knows everything about the parks and where the people - at the moment cause of the economic crisis - haven´t that much money for an expensive disney trip is something they should really think about. Maybe the marketing director is from spain or uk and has his love in this countries but that´s not whole europe. By the way: Europa Park has made a big + again. They did much advertising with their new attractions. I know that disney doesn´t see EP as a real business rival but on the other hand it shows again something great just next to france: The germans are theme park nuts. They are grazy for making trips to theme parks all around in germany. With the TGV, short travel distances and low-cost carriers they visit paris, london, barcelona, rome...why not Disneyland Paris? Cause they didn´t know much about it. As Magic Stars said, the most people here even didn´t know that there´s a second theme park. So: OK we know they won´t have good figures this time but they also could do a lot things better!
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