Gareth's Magical Christmas

Started by Gareth, December 15, 2009, 06:02:05 PM

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Today was the day we had managed to have a fantasyland breakfast and it was nice to eat in the park and although the food was no different I enjoyed eating and heading straight for some rides. To kick off the day we headed into discovery land and were lucky enough to get straight onto buzz lighter laser blast. This was my second time on the ride and I did pretty terrible only scoring 5000 points it kind of became a joke for the rest of the day but gave a few good giggles. The buzz ride id fantastic and I love the layout and all toys and stuff you see in the line was a great start to the day.

After buzz we headed over to star tours this was the first time that I have been on this ride and it was a good ride but im not a star wars fan so it did not appeal to me a whole lot, after this my friend need the loo (tmi I know but it is going somewhere) so we headed to cinema Mickey the cartoons were good but I ended up watching on I had seen back home and iv not even seen that many. As we left the sun had popped out for a bit and I managed to get some nice photos of space mountains and the ship that I can never remember how to spell ? next it was time for honey I shrunk the audience which had been pimped out with new glasses or I think they were new well they were new from 2008 they were no longer red and blue but grey like in the cinemas and I was also lucky because all the effect were working in my seat I still love this show and think it is fantastic.

After we finished up in discovery land we made are way over to frontier land to check out Mickey's winter wonderland. We got some good seats for the show but I was freezing while watching this, the show featured so many opportunities for great photos but my camera decided to die half way through which sucked because I am a bit of a photoaholic lol the show itself was great and the ice skating was brilliant I would definitely watch it again.

After Mickey's winter wonderland we decided to head back over to hotel so that I did not miss anything without my camera while we spent the afternoon in the hotel so the camera could charge we checked out the shop which was a nice little shop and the rest of the hotel and headed back to Disney village for dinner, tonight we decided to eat in rainforest café which was the best food I had for the whole trip. The atmosphere was great it was something that I would 100% tell everyone to do at least once.

After dinner we decided we were going to go back into the park and stay till after fantalusion so while we waited we rode it's a small world with it Christmas layover which was a nice change and the best thing about this ride is that there is so much on it you see something different every single time which I good because it never gets old. The ride was as beautiful as every and it even had a real life duck flying around on the inside which was different to see but it must have been terrified.

After we went on it's a small world we ran over to pirates of the Caribbean and there was no que but the person who was working the gates squeezed us into a pack boat making the ride very uncomfortable but we decided that we would enjoy it and come back for another ride later on in the week, like always it was a awesome ride and the smell made me smile as sad as the sounds lol I got a few photos on this ride but I don't really like to use flash on darker rides but pretty much everyone on our boat was so I figured a few photos would not hurt.

After pirates we went to grab some great spots for fantalusion but as we were waiting we were told that due to the snow it had be called off which was sad because it ment we did not see it for the week because every time we went to watch it was not on same as Mickey magical party time. So we decided that we were going to go to frontier land and hit big thunder mountain which was epic as always and a little girl was screaming sooo much that everyone getting off the ride was like did you hear that girl. After this we headed over to Indiana Jones and we got to walk stright onto the ride it was great and was so much better in the dark. Now we decided to head back to the room and on the way I got a phone from my mum saying that the eurostar had broken which kicked off a little panic but everything paned out fine in the end and when I hung up we walkthrough the castle and everyone was stood looking at it and point and as we turned around it had been illuminated with 1000s of lights which look beyond amazing my jaw hit the ground and it put the smile back on my face.

End of day 3
Day 4 coming sooooon: D
Thanks for reading and commenting

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Again nice report and pictures!


I love Mickey's Winter Wonderland, it's been almost 4 years since I saw that show.
Does anybody know if it's still on during my next visit, around the 12th of march?

Great pictures Gareth, I also love the Rainbow Forest Cafe, with the fishtanks and stuff :)


Wow, great report loving all  the photos too!! Looks chilly though.
Sounds like you had a really good time too


Great update with some great pictures! The one of the Hyperion (that's the name of the ship btw)  and the Space Mountain, all covered in snow, is stunning! And that last one of the Castle, all lit up... Beautiful!

Thank you for sharing with us, looking forward to more!


Hey guys and girls thanks for the amazing comments day 4 will be up tomoz :D now that finance work is done see you all soon :D

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Day 4

Today started very early as we decided that we were going to go into fantasyland and get the rides done there during the extra magic hours and then move on to shopping in the afternoon and chuck in a few shows and parades, unlucky for us it was another snowy day so within an hour in the park it had gone from its normal self back to being coated in snow leading to the party train, Mickey's magical party time and fantalusion all the called off for the day but here is what we did end up doing. The park was beyond quiet when we got there main street was basically empty and it was such a good way to see the park it was fantastic.

After a walk up the very quiet main street we headed for the peterpan ride which I still love and it had no que what so ever, the ride was as good as it always was but I little bit more jittery than I remember it being but still a good ride on the whole, next we hit the tea cups which were surprisingly fast but also another great ride and great themeing. As we walked through fantasy land we saw that the lakes were completely frozen it was like something of a fairytale

We now decided to go que for Pinocchio before it opened and got a huge que so for 5 mins we qued and then it was ride time, this is the best imho in fantasyland it could be because Pinocchio in my fav Disney film but the ride is super and I was lucky to get some rlly nice photos on it which now fill up my photo album, the candy fair scene looks fantastic and the models are also all in very good quality which is nice to see

After Pinocchio we ran to snow white which was a lot busier we waited for about 10 mins here and the rode it again it's a another strong ride but im not a big fan of princesses so Pinocchio won on the battle of the 3 story book rides :D, when we came out of snow-white it had begun to snow which looked soo nice and in to time everything was white again great for photos not so great for getting home which was a bit of a panic now but we still decided to wait it out and we headed for the castle seeing as we had not been here yet during our stay

The castle is as pretty as ever and although iv never been to WDW (im working on getting my parents to want to go this year) I think our castle wins :D inside was soo full but it always is and like always the windows were gorgeous and the view from outside was soo nice to look over a very quiet fantasyland it really is a lot more special when you feel like the only ones in the park.

After we looked around the castle we headed into the shop on the lower level of it where I bought a number of Christmas decoration for my tree when I got home and they were all so pretty it did not bother me 1 tiny bit about paying 7 Euros and up for them just because I knew they were going to look fantastic I also saw a snow globe that I have loved for years (the pirate ship with all the diff character on) and I decided that I was going to save money back for it and pick it up on my last day (this sadly did not happen due to transport change home but I will get it if I go again this year) after a big round of shops around the park we went to get some good places to stand for character express but sadly they called it off so we decided we were gunna go grab something hot to drink and dump out shopping off at the hotel and on our way out we saw loads of character that were surrounded by children including, eeyore, lilo, stitch, rafiki, the twiddles and Santa goofy so I grabbed as many photos as I could and headed out the park for an hour and then returned.

Ii decided to leave the camera behind for the afternoon so that I could enjoy all the big rides without having to worry about breaking it like I did with my dad camera the year before we did all big rides for the rest of the day and in the evening we had a fantastic meal in hotel new York then on our way out we decided to check out the ice rink which I passed on because I can not stand on ice but some people were very talented at it and made me very jealous :D heeehee after some gazing we had another wonder around the village shops and headed back to sequoia for a good nights rest after a very long day.

End of day 4 hope you enjoyed: d
Day 5 – The "new" final day coming soon (maybe tomoz)
Take care

XOXO Gareth

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part 5 The "new" Fianl day will be up today (sunday) see you soon :D

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Thanks for another great trip report. If I remember correctly you have written in a previous post that you have been to Rainforest Cafe? Is it necessary to reserve a table and how was the food? We will try it during our next visit.

We've been to Rainforest Cafe only once in Chicago and the food was really good, but I've heared from other people that they were not very happy with Rainforest in DV, cold food, long waiting times, etc.

Looking forward to your last part.


Quote from: "dagobert"If I remember correctly you have written in a previous post that you have been to Rainforest Cafe? Is it necessary to reserve a table and how was the food? We will try it during our next visit.
We've been to Rainforest Cafe only once in Chicago and the food was really good, but I've heared from other people that they were not very happy with Rainforest in DV, cold food, long waiting times, etc.

I've been to Rainforest cafe twice. When we was there, we got start in to a table.
The first time if I remember correct, it felt that it took a little long time to get the food, but it was perhaps normal.
But the food was very good.  :)
4 trips to DLP, 3 to WDW, 1 to Disneyland California


Thanks for the answer, norhel!


Your photos are magical!!
Luv Aveen xoxo


Dagobert yea just like norhel said the rain forest cafe is super, we got stright to a table and waiting time for food was good and the food was my fav of the whole trip

Aveen thanks for the comment im glad you like them

and im sorry but the next part i said would be up today but due to a busy day i havnt had time to write it so ill post it during my free time at uni tomoz hope you all had a good weekend

Xoxo Gareth

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Hey guys and girls sorry its late but the final part will be up tonight its all written im just waiting for photbucket to start working again as i can not get on it right now :D see you all soon  :D/

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Day 5
The "new" final day

Today turned out to be our last day in the parks as we had to book flights in order to get home to get to your families for Christmas so after booking flights for the next day due to eurostar not working we headed into disneyparcs for one a last time. We started this day off in discoveryland my friends needed the loo and while she was in there was these African tam tams on the lion king stages and it was a nice little show not a good as the lion king which I hope returns soon but it was good none the less. We then did buzz light-year and star tours once more and headed back to Main Street for Minnies party train. Today it did happen which was good. I was so shocked how different the train looked compared to last year I think it deffo looks a lot better and wow that song is too catchy.

After the party train we headed over to belles Christmas village which was rlly nice and the stalls were so cute as we were walking though we were shocked because storybook land and Casey JR were open and both were great rides and we got to jump a huge chunk of the Casey jr train because there were looking a 2 riders which is what we had felt like a celeb hehe story book river was still dusted with snow which made the photos look magical

After we had done both of these rides it was official we had completed everything apart from fantalusion and Mickey's magical party in this park and it was lunch time already so we speed walked over the studios to watch stars and cars, this was a great little parade but it felt as if the cars zooms pass and coz we got there I bit late we did not get great spots but still glad we got to see it once before we left it was nice to see a new character in the parks which was mulan this was deffo the day of characters,

After a look around the studios we decided to finish up the shopping and head back though the village and pack for the flight home the next day. It took me ages to fit everything into my suite case as I had bought so much that I intended on carrying on the train after around 2 hours of packing I grabbed a shower and we headed back to the park for the very last time as we walked to the park we stopped by hotel new York to print off our plane tickets and then grabbed a meal in Annette's ( I miss cherry sprite soo much hehe) aw we got into the park everyone had taken spaces for the Christmas tree lighting ceremony so we watched this because we could not get past a single person after this it began to snow again which lead to fantalusion being called off and Mickey's magical party so we went on a couple of rides till the park closed which was a good time and again big thunder mountain  at night is a must do :D after all this we headed back for our final night of sleep for in the morning we would head to CDG to catch our plane back to the uk

The airport
We got on the coach and got to the airport which was huge and rlly scary I had never been in any kind of airport till today so I started with a huge one we were so lost but luckily a family that were English and on the same plane as us offered to help us out which I am still so thankful so if it was anyone reading this big thanks :D and at 2 pm we caught our plane to Exeter and was picked up and drove back home to a snow free Cornwall just in time for Christmas eve

The overall trip was the most magical time I had ever had although I think if I go this year I want it to be summer again and to experience everything with my best friend was also a great experience highlights of the trip were the nights spent in the park and seeing everything covered in snow because in Cornwall we don't rlly get snow well we did this year but after spending a week in thick snow the Cornwall snow on January did not sea so bad:D

Thanks for reading and I hope you all enjoyed it
And also a huge thank you for leaving comments: D
Take care all and see you around the forum



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