My Birthday Trip - 8th - 10th Novemember - UPDATED new pics

Started by smurfy74, November 11, 2009, 11:44:10 PM

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Ive just got back from my latest trip, and had a lovely time ( there are a few things going in a letter to DLRP that were far from good - being sworn at by a cast member was one - I speak french and maybe she didnt realise but you dont swear in front of guests!! whatever the language ) i will write it up over the next few days and add some pics. I really enjoyed my Birthday which was the point of the trip....................

more to follow


:shock: Can't believe a CM swore at you! Actually AT you?!
Glad you still enjoyed your birthday :) how were the Christmas elements? can't wait to see your pics.
Disney Visits
Oct 94 Cheyenne - Oct 00 WDW - April 03 WDW - Sept 06 DLP Day Trip - Sept 09 HNY - Nov 10 HNY - June 11 Sequoia Lodge- June 12 Sequoia Lodge - Sept 12 Cheyenne- Nov 12 Radisson - June 13 Dream Castle - Nov 14 HNY -
Feb 15 Dream Castle - Sept 15 Tokyo Disney Resort, Sheraton - Oct 15 DLP Day trip - Feb 16 Cheyenne - March 17 Newport Bay - Jan 18 Sequoia Lodge, Aug 18 daytrip

Upcoming: DLH Nov 18 - Hong Kong Disneyland, Explorers Lodge, March 19


Christmas decs were great and i really liked the extra parts of the parade and I had a lovely time. The tree lighing ceremony was amazing and great as i had never seen it before - was it there before??? The sentence used towards me involved the word merde because i asked for my change!!, her attitude stank and i made sure i got her name and made sure i made a note of the time I was 'served' - or not as the case may be.



wow I am sorry to hear that the CM was so rude! :o  I am glad you enjoyed the majority of your stay though smurf and can't wait to read your report! :D
Luv Aveen xoxo


Wow that sucks... but I'm glad the rest of the trip was a good experience.
Looking forward to your report and your pictures!


just found out i gotta work my day off so i wont get report done until saturday


awww, bold work hehe! keeping us in suspence! :P
Luv Aveen xoxo

The Butlin Boy

A CM swore at you! :shock: Unbelievable! Did you send a letter of complaint, if so please let us know what the outcome is of if/when they reply (and if you haven't then you should)

But I;m glad to hear that you had a great trip and birthday overall, Christmas really is an amazing to go to DLP isn't it? Truly Magical! :)

I'm looking forward to seeing your report and pics soon :wink:


right the world is against me and the trip report, got home yesterday from work and had to call a plumber for the tap in the kitchen and then found out i had water coming through the roof and into my bedroom due to the bad storm we had - i will get it done i promise, i better get a move on as im going again in 8 days time!


Right here goes - i havent got loads of pics as the quality of them for some reason is awful but i think i got some i can use

Sunday 8th

Woke up at 6am and started to get ready as we had to go and get my step mum for her first visit. Sergio and I were ready by 7 so left to get Anita ( my step mum ). Popped round to her house and left for ashford and it was pouring down so i wasnt looking forward to the drive. We arrived at my friends house in Ashford parked outside her house and walked round the corner to Ashford International. We got there in record time and were there 2 hours early. So we went to check in and had a scrummy sausage sandwich from the cafe. Mickey and Donald then came over the PA system and told us to go the platform, thats where i bumped into my facebook Disney buddy Emma and her gorgeous daughter Kyra, after a brief chat the Eurostar arrived and we jumped onboard for the 2 hour journey to Marne La Vallee.

 On arrival there was a mad scrum to drop our bags off at the Disney express desk. We dropped off our bags and went straight to the Disneyland Park where Anita was amazed and thought the park was beautiful. We walked straight to central plaza and watched MMP and Anita enjoyed it. I said we had to go to Fantasyland and go on IASW as it was going to be closed for the next 2 weeks. On our way there we noticed that Casey Jr and Pays De Contes were open so we went on both and Anita enjoyed Casey Jr

loving Casey Jr

By now it was getting cold and the queues were quite big so we went on POTC then headed back to central plaza and thought a quick go on buzz was called for which we all enjoyed. The early start was catching up so we headed for the Santa Fe and checked in and had a room in the block with the water running down it which was quite cool. Dinner was in La Cantina which was nice, even though the food was only warm and needed to be blasted in the microwave. Now we were shattered as it was 10 and sleep time was needed by all of us especially as we had a half 7 breakfast slot.

Day 2 to follow


Monday the 9th

Breakfast was nice and Sergio had 8 pain au chocolat and Anita and I had some croissants and jam and plenty of cups of tea. We were finsished by about half eight so decided to go back to the room and watch a bit of tv before going to the WDS. We got to the studios at about half ten and it didnt look to busy so we headed for Crush which said 45 minute wait but it was more like 20 minutes

Queuing for Crush

Anita didnt like crush as she said it was a bit too fast for her and she thought she had found her thrill level. So we headed for Animagique which was great as always Anita loved it . Now the rest of the day is a blur as we managed to do everything in the Studios with the exception of the TOT as Anita wasnt going to go on after her Crush experience and the wait was about 30 minutes and we didnt think it was fair to leave her waiting in the cold for that long. We did enjoy the STT as the heat was welcome.

We got a great place to watch Stars n Cars, we enjoyed the show and got a great pic of sergios favourite character - Mushu

the rest of the show was great

It was then we went to watch the Stunt Show which despite the near freezing temperatures was as good as always. Then time for Stitch and The Art of Disney Animation ( more Mushu ! ) It was getting dark so we headed to the Disaneyland Park for fantillusion and the tree lighting ceremony.

The tree ceremony was great and then the castle light up was great too

We made a booking for Cafe Mickey for the evening as tomorrow was my birthday and our last day.  Fantillusion was great

Pluto comes running
and after we headed into the village for dinner.

We were shown to our table which was in the conservatory bit right in the corner where i slipped on the floor and you can see why!!!

not really in good shape was it!!

Anyway we werent getting any attention from the characters as we were out in the conservatory bit and i was not happy as that was the reason we went to Cafe Mickey, so when the waitress ( who was lovely ) came to ask if everything was alright i said much to her surprise "no" she asked why and I explained that we had come as it was my birthday and I wanted to meet some characters and so far we had seen none, she apologised and came back about 5 minute slater and said it was sorted, well I dont know what she did but it worked as you can see in the next photos.

with the main man and my favourite character

and then i had another visit from the main man/mouse

I had the garlic mushrooms and then Plutos steak and then Snow whites apple pie - all were amazing especially the mushrooms as the came out on a sizzling platter with a whole roasted garlic, no breadcrumbed rubbish there!! A quick trip to the Disney store was next to get some Birthday pressies was the called for -

as well as some pins i got this

and some Mickey storage jars

and when we go back a week today im getting the plates and bowls and cups to match

and this calculator which i had to get

I also got a hand towel thingy for the kitchen a pot holder and the most amazing sparkly belt!!! which i was so chuffed to buy as i coulldnt get it last time we went in September as i was too big ( ive lost 3 and a half stone since May )

After shopping it was time for bed as we had another early start and it was going to be our last day :-(


You really bought up the entire store there :P Great souvenirs/presents!
Love the pictures too, nice report so far!


Wow I can't believe Casey and co were open! Lucky you for getting the chance to go on them.
Your souvenirs are fab and I love your photos - it really seems that you're having a great time! Thanks for posting.
Disney Visits
Oct 94 Cheyenne - Oct 00 WDW - April 03 WDW - Sept 06 DLP Day Trip - Sept 09 HNY - Nov 10 HNY - June 11 Sequoia Lodge- June 12 Sequoia Lodge - Sept 12 Cheyenne- Nov 12 Radisson - June 13 Dream Castle - Nov 14 HNY -
Feb 15 Dream Castle - Sept 15 Tokyo Disney Resort, Sheraton - Oct 15 DLP Day trip - Feb 16 Cheyenne - March 17 Newport Bay - Jan 18 Sequoia Lodge, Aug 18 daytrip

Upcoming: DLH Nov 18 - Hong Kong Disneyland, Explorers Lodge, March 19


Great start to your trip report Smurfy :) I love the storage jars you've brought their lovely :) Looks like you had a great time :D
Sophie \":nemo:\"
follow me on Twitter!!

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.- Walt Disney


November 10th - my Birthday

Another early start and I opened my cards which were lovely, then off for another early breakfast! Sergio ate another 10 pain au chocolat and I hate him for that as he is so thin! Then back to the room and bags to be packed. We dropped our bags in the luggage room and then went to get the bus, we saw what we can only describe as holding pens for guests to board the bus and they looked really new and to our surprise they stopped the crush for the bush - nice one Disney  =D>  =D>  =D>  =D>  =D>

We decided to spend the day in the Disneyland park as we had loads to see and do after just spending the afternoon there 2 days before. First stop the Disneyland Railroad so Anita could see the whole park, we got off at Discoveryland and walked straight onto Star Tours - we all loved it. Then a walk to Fantasyland and our first stop was Snow White

Then off to Pirates again as Anita wanted to go on it again as she said it was amazing. We then headed through Adventure Isle and looked round the bazaar, where I decided to have a quick sit down

Then we went on BTM ( well Anita didnt after Crush she didnt want to do any more coasters ) and then we road the Molly Brown and went on Phantom Manor.

I checked my park plan and realised that Minnies Party Train was due any moment so we hot footed it to Main Street, then I realised that I had miss read the times and we had over half an hour to go. This was a perfect excuse to go to the bake house and get cakes for my birthday and they were yummy, we had the MUM chocolate cake and a cupcake and carrot cake which we all shared and some giant hot chocolates. Then we heard it ATTENTION!!! ATTENTION!!! at which point i hot footed it out of the bake house

And as you can see from the picture ( hopefully ) it started to snow on main street and then minnie arrived

We followed the train until is stopped and as the park was so quiet we got some character shots

Then it was off for lunch - i was told i could go anywhere i wanted as it was my Birthday, we were tempted to go to the Agrabah Cafe but we were still full from the cakes so i chose Colonel Haitis Outpost - what a mistake - the wait was terrible as the staff seemed more interested in when they were going for their breaks but when we got to the counter we were greeted by the very rude cast member whose name i wont post and then she swore at me which really wasnt how i wanted to remember my Birthday. Sergio and Anita wanted to complain there and then but i didnt want to as it was my birthday andthe cast member had upset me enough as it was. We finished our food which was nice and headed for the Charparell Theatre to watch Mickeys Winter Wonderland

when we went in there was a funny smell, and as we watched the show we realised it was horse poo when a lovely shire horse pulled a sled.

We all thoroughly enjoyed the show and the audience interaction was great and there were so many smiles and you could feel the happiness in the theatre.

Next we did some more rides in fantasy land and then got a spot by IASW for the parade

im sure youve all seen pictures of the parade so i wont post more.

The Christmas additions were amazing and i really wanted some pics but my battery in my camera died.

Well it was that time and with a sad look we had to go to the station, but not until some more shopping was done  :D/  :D/

We got a near empty Eurostar and headed towards Ashford, we were doing well until we got to Calais where we stopped due to a technical fault for an hour. An hour late we got to Ashford and the station clocks said we were exactly an hour late so i cheered as it meant ew could get half price tickets so i trotted off to the desk to be told that we were infact 58 minutes late and the clocks were obviously wrong, as it was my Birthday i wasnt going to argue so i went to the car and drove home to Eastbourne after having a lovely trip and some great memories. I still cant believe I am going for 4 days in 6 days time staying at the SL im so lucky as I have had 4 lovely trips this year and number 5 is only just round the corner. Thanks for reading hope you enjoy xxx