Riebi´s California Trip

Started by Riebi, October 27, 2009, 04:54:53 PM

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It´s indeed a great list of attraction they collect in this second gate! I´m a bit sad that we hadn´t the chance to see Golden Dreams and Seasons of the Vine. With streetmosphere it should be even better! But at the moment you have some bob the builder areas. But nicely themed with this themed fences.

World of Color looks very impressive also without water on it. It´s huge! And they had some preview boards at the paradise pier bridge (and of course at the blue sky cellar). I think they plan a wonderful show there! And also nice that they decided to create a proper viewing area!
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I suspect, although I am not happy about all the tooning, DCA will be pretty world class by 2012. Can't say the same about WDSP (even though I defend it often). Difference in the fan base I suppose. One group of fans will be vocal in the want for quality and vote with their wallets, compared to another group who will creme their pants for some Toy inspired Carnival rides.

It really is a shame I love living in the UK so much, I know which resort I rather were my local. Then again, Paris still has it's charms, even if they are fading.
since 2001 (many before that)


Just been catching up... Great report, beautiful pictures!!

Quote from: "Riebi"Always a Cast Member saw one of the buttons he shoulded loud out ,,OOOOH it´s Anthony´s Birthday today! Let´s give him a happy birthday wish everybody". Which means that the whole queue was shouting ,,HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANTHONY!"
Funny you used my name, that's exactly the kind of thing that always happens to me. :oops: Bellhops at ToT talking amongst themselves actually sounds great, they usually pick on me in Paris!

Quote from: "davewasbaloo"Difference in the fan base I suppose.
Oy, don't blame us please.


Quote from: "Anthony"Just been catching up... Great report, beautiful pictures!!

Quote from: "Riebi"Always a Cast Member saw one of the buttons he shoulded loud out ,,OOOOH it´s Anthony´s Birthday today! Let´s give him a happy birthday wish everybody". Which means that the whole queue was shouting ,,HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANTHONY!"
Funny you used my name, that's exactly the kind of thing that always happens to me. :oops:

You´re the reason why I took this name  :P  :mrgreen:

here some pics from the first day disney (rest trip report of the second and third day during the next week)

The deco seems better and more fitting then at paris

Haunted Mansion: The Seasons deco was creat! I loved it!

Splash Mountain


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...the DPG is watching U...


Thanks for the pictures!! They are beautiful. Hopefully you are going to post more!!


Part II of DCA:

Do you remember the magic? We were at the blue sky cellar. Next stop after this magical expierence was "A Bugs Land". That´s a little area full of big gras and ...of course...bugs.
We shrunk to the size of little bugs as we entered the little theater under the ground. What a great themed theater! It was really like wandering inside an anthill! Really cool! (not kool) I loved it. The 3D glasses were formed like bugeyes.

The movie itself was also great. Some wonderful effects and something I really want to watch again (which isn´t the thing with other movied like HISTA). The whole theater is really one of the best themed areas ever. So much little details and things to have a look or two! Impressive!

The rest of the land is proper themed. Not that elaborate as the theater but also with many details.

Then we had to move our bodies very fast to the aladdin show building. There was a really funny scene on here. A CM discussed with a person that seems to hate to use steps. The CM told every guest that they have to go XY steps to the balcony cause the bothom places were all full. This one (I have to say normal weight)person seems to have a big problem with this. We saw many americans that turn around as they heared that they have to take some steps (also silly, isn´t it?) but this one person seemed to wanna fight for a place without steps.
Finally after some minutes she gets one while anohter person from the bottom seating area choose the balcony....silly...

We were happy happy happy about our balcony seats. we were at the first balcony. I think that´s the best place. The one above is to high. We had place there in the first row, center. It´s the best place cause while the carpet scene you have the best viewing point.

It´s a good show. Sometimes a bit toooo greasy but ok.

After the show we had a look at the shops and attractions of hollywood bvd. (not much to see/do there) and then we took the tortilla tour (I GOT A TORTILLA! FOR FREE!!! FREEEFOOOOOOD!) Then we took a round at the crizzly trail. My friend hates things like this. I love it. So at California I forced him everytime we saw something like this to use it. I was a bit disapointed that it isn´t really high or straining. I was more in a Paris-Tree-Davy-C.-Adventure-mode. But quiet fun to see my friend having one of his biggest challenges in his life.

We made then the other attractions at Paradise Pier which we didn´t in the morning such like the zephyr, maliboooomer or else. A last nightfall tour at California Adventure was the next thing then we made the boudin bakery tour. Piece of bread.

After a longer look at the park map we realized that we did everything. Cause it was nearly 9 pm (closing time for DCA was 10pm I think) we decided to go to Disneyland Park.

There was a huge queue in front of the park gates so we decided to take the monorail. There was also a queue and in front of the entrance we know why: The park was full and only people with a park ticket and a stamp could enter the monorail station. Lucky ones like us had a stamp. The others had a discussion.

It´s nice to roll in at disneyland via monorail. Less stress and you are on the right site of the park cause no Adventureland/New Orleans Square and that means: No fantasmic people! The proplem was: We had to see fantsamic!   After my expirience a day before I wasn´t really happy about this fact. Fantasyland was closed because of the fireworks and so we had to go oooover the totally crowded central plaza to adventureland...hell!
After some researchs we found a nice place at the little bridge of POTC. We had a nice view without long waiting time. The show was great, the dragon moving so everything alright with fantasmic except the place where they show it. It´s absolutly mad to throw such a show on rivers of america and exactly at one of the bottle necks of the park. why hadn´t they took the other side of the rivers or else. Not the best deccccisssion. Hope with world of colors more people will switch to DCA seeing WoC instead.

But ok it´s FANTASMIC :-)

After fantasmic I get my friend into the enchanted tiki room. Loved it! And I have the song in my ear till today. My friend too. He always get a bit angry if I start to sing cause that means that he had this song in his ear for the rest of the day.

Then we want to do some shopping. But it was again impossible cause of the MOVE ON crew. I just bought some pins for my sister in law. She´s a big pin trader since our DLP holiday.

At Towns Square I tried to make a picture with me and the pumpkin. But again: Because an rude official DL photograph this wasn´t possible first. I then made one at the side of the pumpkin. Not in front. Don´t want trouble with all this MOVE ON  THIS IS MY PLACE CMs...

To make me happy again: After my pumpkin picture I bought some postcards and there was the nicest CM of all. He worked at the emporium Cashpoint, was a bit older and chatted with us very interested in germany and our travel itinerary. Gave us some tips and hints and was surprised like us that Disneyland took away the stamp machine a week before without any replacement (You have a problem if you like to buy a stamp at disneyland)

With a happy feeling cause of this CM we went back to the hotel.
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...the DPG is watching U...


Great trip report again!! Can't wait to see some pics of DCA.


Pics from our second day disneyland resort

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...the DPG is watching U...


loving those glasses :lol:  :lol:


Quote from: "bensmum"loving those glasses :lol: :lol:

Me tooo :lol:

11.10 Again a wonderful day at the Disneyland Resort - the wheelchaired place on earth

Day 3 at Disneyland Resort

Today was our last day at the Disneyland Resort. And that was the reason to be one of the first persons at Disneyland Park cause we want try to make everything we missed the last two days aaaand to do some shopping. So we were very early at the gates of Disneyland Park which was a good thing cause this day should be the day where all other people of california had the same idea as us: Visit Disneyland.

There were masses of people inside the park during the day but cause we had make nearly everya attractions two days before it wasn´t that hard for us. We first took a tour at Indiana Jones and a fast pass. It was a good thing cause we had a waiting time around 30 minutes and the fast pass was open the right time after our first tour. By the way Indiana Jones Adventure seems to be the A + + + queue jumping attraction. I never ever saw such queue jumping in my life as in this attraction.
Queue jumping seems to be generally a big problem at Disneyland Park. It´s hard to say that but all people that will tell you DLP is the worst case of queue jumping in the world isn´t right. Americans have some very easy ways to make queue jumping more effectiv. Three main forms are visible:
1. Rent a wheelchair: EVERYBODY!!!! EVERYBODY!!! has a wheelchair at Disneyland. It´s like Wall-E´s space adventure became realllllity. I would never say something again a person who NEEDS a wheelchair. But this behavior there isn´t funny. It´s sad. With your personal wheelchair you have reason number one for TOP queue jumping: You simply use the exit of the attraction (don´t forget to take 2 or 3 escorting people with you). And that it is. There was a A +++ premium queue jumping wheelchair line which gave you the perfect reason to visit attractions without waiting time.
It´s even more sad if you think about the people that really neeeeed a wheelchair. They have the right to have short waiting times, but cause everyone seems to use this trick even the wheelchair row had some waiting time (means: Lot of escort people and wheelchair people standing in a row moaning about the long waiting times in the wheelchair line).
I simply have no excuse for people that do that. Why renting a wheelchair if you are healthy?? Were is the decency? The best thing is that this people were switching its wheelchair after the first waiting period which means that another family member took their place to get new people and escort friends in an attraction with just some minutes waiting time. It´s a shame that noone tell them what that mean for the people that really need a wheelchair and for all the other guests at a theme park. (by the way: that seems to be only a disneyland problem. At Seaworld or else there wasn´t this wheelchair queue jumpers)
The best is: They use this wheelchair also for the evening to save their place at fantasmic or the fireworks.
2. Should out "Excuse ME!": If you don´t get a wheelchair you could have a problem as queue jumper at DL. Thanks god there´s the phrase "Excuse me!". The trick is very simple: You just have to should out "EXCUSE ME!" all the time and run through the masses of people in the line. You have to look really serious while you sould out "Excuse me!" of course. The other people in line must think that there´s a person/puppy/mesias in front of the line somewhere hiddin. They will all let pass you. And maybe you are even faster then the wheelchair queue jumpers. ...After 3 days of Disneyland we hate the phrase "Excuse me!" Everybody who said that to us had the chance to not pass the line. That often means some discussions but ok.
There´s also a little variant of it: There´s really a family member somewhere in front of the queue. For example at indiana jones the family member is waiting in front of the temple and the queue jumpers are at the entrance of the line. In this case the family member at the temple has to should out "HEY! HELLO! HERE!!" and the rest has to should again "Excuse me!" all the time.
I never had such bad expirience and behavior at DLP.
3. Just make it the normal way: CUT THE LINE! For Indiana Jones adventure it seems very simple to make the third variant of queue jumping. I saw whole families that jump about barriers (mostly instructed by mom or dad) just to get directly again inside the attraction. Cause exit ways and entrance ways are putted together it´s very simple to do some queue jumping here. Unbelievable.

I think in the queue jumping thing my expectations where a bit to high. Cause everyone inside our forum here always pretend that europeans are the most impertinent queue jumpers on earth I never thought that at Disneyland Anaheim it´s even worse (seems they´ve learned much from the europeans or...seems they aren´t that nead and nice park visitors everyone want to tell us!)

But ok back to the report, enough of wheelchair jumpers. At Indiana Jones adventure you really could see how small Adventureland is. The outside queue area isn´t really wide. It´s all very squeezed between the jungle cruise and the treehouse. The ride itself was again great (even I realized that some effects seems to need a refurb). After our big little adventure we made our round through some shops of adventureland. I had some trouble to find items that I really want to have. Most things aren´t Disneyland Resort merchandising. Most is Park and Resorts. And if I am at Disneyland Anaheim I want to buy something unique and unique means nooooo Parks and Resort label inside clothes, on cups, stuffed animal or else. I bought a vintage Disneyland Shirt, a jessica rabbit shirt and some other small things that seems to be unique for Disneyland.

We decided to make a second shopping tour later this day at main street and went over to tomorrowland to took a fast pass for space mountain. This attraction seems to had the longest lines all the time so you really should take a fast pass if you want to ride it. After that we had a look for the waiting times of finding nemo but it was about 60 minutes and so we decided to wait till evening. the next attraction on our list was It´s a small world. There was a longer line as in Paris but I think that was mainly cause they hadn´t the best system to fill the boats right. Most of the boats were half full or with just some people inside. The CMs there aren´t that fast as in Paris but it´s ok to wait a bit inside the area. It´s nice to see all the effects there working.
The attraction is in a good shape outside. Bright and always something to look at. We entered our boat together with some little childs and her mums and dads. The inside of the attraction is...not that good. I hadn´t really a very heavy point against this disney characters inside It´s a small world till this day. But I have to say: It simply not fit inside the small world. You can clearly see that the style of the characters didn´t fit exactly the other characters of it´s a small world. Something it´s ok but most times it´s just like wearing the wrong pair of shoes to your suit. It doesn´t fit. But the thing that made me sad was that the idea of the attraction is lost. You could see that if you took the tour with 2 little families like we did it. It´s not "Oh look that´s china/germany/england/australia....how nice! And yes it´s a small world after all - all together - friends and peace" It´s now like this:
Dad 1: "OOOOH loook there´s stitch!!!" Dad 2: "Ohhh can you spot the little mermaid" Dad 1: "Oooooh look there´s donald!"....it´s hard to see that! I was nearly at the point to say "YES BUT THAT F*** DOESN`T MATTER!!!! IT`S NOT DONALD/STITCH/MERMAIDLAND! IT`S ENGLAND/GERMANY/ASIA!!!!!" The attraction is now the impression of a hard european prejudice: The americans just know america and nothing more. No culture, no other countries nothing. And that totally sad.

After the Small world desaster we tried to get happy again at Toon Town. Luckily there´s Roger Rabbits Caaaartoooon Spin! What a nice little dark ride. And the queue is well themed. Something happens everywhere. Jessica, the wheeeezzzzles the whole attraction: GREAT! Loved it.

We then took a round through Fantasyland doing some of the attractions here (also the Sleeping beauty walkway and such things) and came finally again to Frontierland. We took there a fast pass for the haunted mansion. There are always big lines in front of it so it´s better to took one. And after that we get a bit hungry. There was nearly every dining location around the fantasmic viewing area full. Mostly cause the people who reserved a place at the rivers for the evening hours before fantasmic have to go at a location near there familiy camp. So we took again the mexican cuisine. Was a nice meal under the blue sky of frontierland and very calm of course.

-next things we done later-
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...the DPG is watching U...


I'm very sorry for your bad experiences with queue jumping, but we had the same experiences at WDW. Americans aren't any better than Europeans in terms of queue jumping.
We had also very high expectations in WDW in terms of guest behaviour, but we experienced the same.

Don't you need a special paper for renting a wheelchair? At WDW I was amazed how many people used an electric wheelchair.


Wow, this is surprising, I have seen queue jumping in DL (the worst is people using their fastpasses when they feel like it after the time e.g. using a 10:00 am fastpass at 3 in the afternoon). But overall, it used to be that DLP was worst, followed by WDW then DL being the best. Now, DLP seems much better (except school groups - but that is an international thing anyway), and DL and WDW is getting worse.

Adventureland when I was a kid was just the Jungle Cruise, Tahitian Terrace Restaurant, the Bazaar, and the Tree House. When DLP opened, I was blown away with how huge AL is.

And yes, I too love Roger Rabbit. It would be great if Toon Studios had gotten this instead of the stupid Toy Story Playland - but sadly we knew that would never happen. Thankfully we can ride this in DL and TDL.

Can't wait to read more.
since 2001 (many before that)


Sorry to be a bit quiet at the moment but I have to much to do! We had last week a big event at our company (I´ve learned that the company were I work now since january seems to love christmas as much as I do. Today I have the third company seasons party.)
It was the main christmas party for the whole company (there are also little ones for each department and such things). On the party every company member get a christmas tree for free and much mulled wine, food and things as he want. That´s the happy part of it. The stressful part is that I´m in the marketing and communication department. That means that we are the guys that have to organize that everyone gets his tree and his mulled wine and food and fun and a stage show and christmas decorations and and and...so after some very christmassy weeks I was happy to gave everyone his mulled wine (it´s a tradition that the marketing and communication department are the ones that give the mulled wine to the people at the party) and even more happier that I get a 2.5 m tree for free  :mrgreen:

But now back to Disney!

Quote from: "dagobert"We had also very high expectations in WDW in terms of guest behaviour, but we experienced the same.

Don't you need a special paper for renting a wheelchair? At WDW I was amazed how many people used an electric wheelchair.

I think the high expectations are the biggest thing why you get a bit shocked about the reality. After hearing everywhere how nice and full of behave the americans at the disney parks over there are I was disapointed that they are the same kind of people you will meet in europe. But if I hadn´t this expectation I think I wouldn´t even think much about it.

For the wheelchair I don´t know how they handle this at US. Seems that everyone could get one.

Quote from: "davewasbaloo"Wow, this is surprising, I have seen queue jumping in DL (the worst is people using their fastpasses when they feel like it after the time e.g. using a 10:00 am fastpass at 3 in the afternoon). But overall, it used to be that DLP was worst, followed by WDW then DL being the best. Now, DLP seems much better (except school groups - but that is an international thing anyway), and DL and WDW is getting worse.

Adventureland when I was a kid was just the Jungle Cruise, Tahitian Terrace Restaurant, the Bazaar, and the Tree House. When DLP opened, I was blown away with how huge AL is.

And yes, I too love Roger Rabbit. It would be great if Toon Studios had gotten this instead of the stupid Toy Story Playland - but sadly we knew that would never happen. Thankfully we can ride this in DL and TDL.

Can't wait to read more.

What I love at the Disneyland Adventureland is the fact that it has so much jungle like areas that seems to be realy next together. If it would go on this way it would be perfect. It´s a more "homely" adventureland not that elaborate. Like the whole park. But that isn´t always a bad thing. It´s also nice to see some little corners here and there that are that nice cause they are that "homely". It´s totally diffrent and in the same way similar to DLP. That interesting and I like it that way.

Now to the rest of our third Disney day:

It´s fun at Disneyland. It´s even more fun if you visited an attraction with wheeeeazzzles inside and it´s even better if you have the chance that your friend is with you. In this case you can thump your park map on its head while screaming out "OOoooold weazzzzzel!!!".
That´s the best thing you can do at Disneyland. Believe me! But there were also other things to do at the afternoon. We tried again to do some shopping. unfortunately this "Street Party" thing (NOOOOO it´s not a parade. it´s more a happening. --> get it? I´m flashed that Disneyland hadn´t a parade till today)
The street happening thing meant that the whole main street is full of people. And that meant that the crowd control team was again out...that meant that we hadn´t the chance to go inside a simple main street shop. Why? There was no one shop on our route. unfortunately (second time) the way that the crowd control had  excogitate (I thin with much wine and beer) was the way directly through the backstage area of main street usa.
Shouting out "THIS WAY!!! DOWN TO MAIN STREET THIS WAY!" we were faster then a wheasel in a backstage area and even our try to go directly in a main street shop without getting in the crowds and the crowd control was a thing that totally went wrong. I never want to be in a backstage area of Disneyland Park...but ok. We done it. Check mark on the park map: Backstage Main Street USA.

Out of this crowd control thing and without any shopping things we went to Tomorrowland. The new coloscheme of there orbitron attraction fits much better to Disneyland Anaheim then the DLP one. Even a proper rocket would better fit. The whole land is sooo much captain future and less great visionary. So they should take this theme serious and don´t try to established another one. The captain future theme  is fitting to the palm tree scenery and it´s nice to have some real diffrences between the theme parks around the world.

We had then at tomorrowland our tour through caroussssel of progress. Wasn´t that fun. It´s mainly a promotion for honda and most of the house inventions were broken. But ok. I played with a screen table.
I like the idea of it. It´s cool to see new things. But if nothing really working well and the rest is just a giant promotion for honda it´s not that fun.

At Tomorrowland we had a little bit of shopping! They have really could shirts. It´s soooo good to see that Disney at Anaheim has the humour to laught about itself. We bought another one of the "I tasted the dark side" shirt with a clone warrior from star wars on it with a big mickey ice cream bar in his hand. And also the little yoda shirt with the disney size restriction sign about him is wonderful.
I loved this kind of "Don´t take Disney toooo serious" humour!

Then we took a really delicios pinapple ice cream sundae at the tiki room! The queue for the pineapple was longer as the one for the enchanted tiki room. So you had to say from time to time "THIS IS THE PINEAPPLE LINE" which means that some people behind you had to change to the tiki room. Delicious pineapple things! Take one! The biggest!

We took another round on the haunted mansion (our fastpass was ready) and it was again great fun! This holiday overlay is just great! And you can do it again and again. We had a date with the happiest turkey alive (nice idea), some sweets and candy and had just some fund while strolling the park. We mad everything we want to two days before and so we hadn´t really stress. This was a good thing cause the sunday was the most crowded day ever. I think it was some kind of holiday. (Columbus day???)

It´s great if you haven´t that stress of MUST dos anymore. Just a nice day at disney. The only stressful thing was that we hadn´t the chance to buy an international phone card inside the park. I had the wish to call my parents from disneyland but after some phone card research we decided to make this a day later from hollywood.

At the evening we made our tour through the park and through the masses of people. We decided to take a ride on the matterhorn (wasn´t that crowded at this time) and the submarine voyage. Both are great fun and wonderful attractions. Would love to see one of them at paris. By the way: the matterhorn dooo so much for the theme of fantasyland. It looks sooooo nice with this little mountain behind the town and the castle.

Then the crowds were just toooo big. It was hard to keep on going through this masses of people. So we decided to have a nice evening at downtown disney. We watched the firework again and after that we left Disneyland Park. At Downtown Disney we tried again to make some shopping but to much princess and pirates less quality merchandise for a good price. So we just took some chocolates and had a look at the nice ambiance of Downtown Disney. The´ve done everything right here. It looks great at night and at day it doesn´t has the charmes of an modern factory building.
With a happy tune in our ears we left the Disney Resort and went back to our hotel.

Hope I have soon more time to do the rest of my trip report with some disney specials as the Del at San Diego.
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...the DPG is watching U...


Thanks a lot for your very interesting Disneyland trip reports. I really enjoyed reading every bit of it and now I can't wait to go to Anaheim. Hopefully in 2011!!

By the way your pictures are great!! Thanks for sharing them with us!


Just back from christmas and new year! So let´s start with the rest of my trip report. First the LA Fazit:

======Fazit Los Angeles=========
1. Universal Studios Hollywood
Universal Studios Hollywood is a nice spot for a day. You will only need a day if you´re going during the week and it won´t be that busy. I´ve expected more cause they are really famous in every forum etc. but after some time passing it´s a good one day theme park (and if you have the southern california city pass it´s included)

2. Disneyland Resort
°The Resort itself: It´s really interesting to see a disney resort inside a city. If you are a normal Disneyland Paris guest you are attuned to a roomy resort area with much greenery and wider distances between everything. Here you find a resort which is located inside the city of anaheim like your market place at your home town. That´s not something bad, it´s just something diffrent and makes it more interesting to visit for european guests. (I like to see such diffrences between the resorts worldwide).
That´s also the reason why the whole resort affects very homely and snugly. Disneyland Paris is elaborate, lavish, grandness. Disneyland Resort is placid, homey, comfy. Paris is more impressive in landscaping and design like a beautiful castle, Anaheim is like a visit in your grandmothers home with the flavour biscuits and hot chocolate. Both are wonderful places to be, live and just to come home.
Most impressive is the wonderful outfit of the security Cast Members and the floor (why the floor? There are no cracks! Completly diffrent to paris!) Also the bus stop looked nicer and the planting is more creative (nice bushes there)

°Disneyland Park: The Disneyland Park is smaller and not sooo lavish as the park near paris. But again: That doesn´t mean it´s a bad thing. It´s again more homely. Also if the castle is really small if you are standing on town square. Interesting is that there are sooo much vehicles out at main street. Main street is a main street in a smaller town as the main street in paris. But it´s ok. Tomorrowland is totally diffrent. I don´t see why they choose the orbitron model from paris for their entrance and not something more fitting to the rest but ok. A real cool spot is the tomorrowland terrace. I love like whole bands/Yedis/else arise. Some attractions are a bit boring (Carousel of progress...)
Fantasyland is really nice with this wonderful matterhorn in the background. It looks so nice with the castle and the mountain. Frontierland and New Orleans Square is diffrent to Paris but also a nice interpretation of the theme. The pirates area isn´t something that really fit but it would be a nice addition to the adventure isle at paris. Adventureland is disapointing small. And I can´t see "the long esodic way" to indiana jones adventure. It´s just squeezed between jungle cruise and the tree house. (and yes you always knows that you are under the tree house/next to jungle cruise). I´m happy that the adventureland in paris is that big. A main problem in the frontierland/adventureland area is fantasmic. The area is just to small to handle the crowds. Visitors of the park are blocking the whole area from 3 PM till park closing just to have a good viewing point for the show. That means chaos for the whole afternoon and evening....
Halloween festival has the better decoration in my opinion. But there´s not much to do. There was not one simple life show for halloween or streetmosphere. No Halloween parade/cavalcade etc. You have the possiblity to see the nightmare before christmas overlay at the haunted mansion and such things but halloween festival isn´t a real festival in Anaheim as you can see it at paris. Cause I´m not that much in halloween it doesn´t bother me much. What you can see is the halloween fireworks. And that´s one of the best disney fireworks i ever saw in my life.

*Disney´s California Adventure Park
DCA was really impressive. I hadn´t high expectations cause I there was so much bad talk about DCA. But it´s a nice Disney Park and if the fences comes down one day it will be even better. I had sooo much fun in this park and there are many attractions that are now one of my favorits.

°Park Hours
The park hours were excelent! Disneyland Park closed at midnight, DCA at 22 PM. Park hours means also operation hours!! YES! That´s true! Seems that Disneyland Park at Anaheim don´t take just the money. They also gives you the full operation hours. You can ride the haunted mansion after dark, you can even ride it 1 minute before park closing! You can simply do it! No one stupid "This attraction closes at 18 PM" sign! Hurray! More then 3 attraction open at the evening. Of course fantasyland closes for the fireworks but just the part they need. Not whole fantasyland, Adventureland (at anaheim frontierland).
It was sooooooooooo wonderful to see all attraction operating till the park closing. Again: PARIS GET THIS FIXED! It can´t be that you pay the full price for 50 % attractions.

The merchandising is disapointing. Most of the things have a big "Walt Disney Parks and Resorts" stamp on it. Or Disneyland Resort on the one side and Walt Disney World on the other side of the label. (Even the cups, napkins etc. have just "Parks and Resorts" Logos)
It was a really hard thing to find real Disneyland gifts. It´s good that they have the vintage disneyland collection to have some pieces of proper Disneyland gifts but they should come to the point that Disneyland Resort is another Resort as Walt Disney World.
And that means in figures that I spend LESS in gifts as I wanted. I had some money from my summer trip to paris where I found not really good gifts but I never thought that I would be in the same situation at Disneyland Resort. So Disney sorry...but you looooooooooost some money!

The "CELEBRATE SOMETHING" event was much better then this cheesy Party at Paris. They had soooo much little details for the guests. So CELEBRATE! is not that hypocritical PARTEEE you find in Paris. CELEBRATE is something the guests do and not something the entertainment department do. I was first very sceptical about another party-thing in a disney park but I must say they done it soooo much better then paris. The decoration is fitting, the CMs are celebration with the visitors and the entertainment department has just a supporting role. That´s the main point: they aren´t the party the just make party WITH the guests and not on a to big to be really beautiful stage at central plaza/stitch desaster party. Let´s keep it shorter: The center of CELEBRATE are the guests and not the entertainment department. At paris the center of the whole event is the entertainment department without the guests.
They have a nice little cavalcade. The sad point is that this little cavalcade was the only "Parade" in the park and that´s the disapointment of the whole thing. The grand Disneyland Resort has nooooo parade at Disneyland Park.

°Cast Members
The Cast Members are on a same level with the CMs at Paris. Nooooo California is not the holy land of the nicest CMs ever that will make every wish true. They are normal people. In some parts they are more worse then the ones in paris in some they are better. For example they have not a real understanding for visitors from outside the United states. Paris is more international. The CMs at Anaheim seems to get really big problems if they have a person from another non-english country in front of their face. And the crowd control is really rude.

Same for the guests! It doesn´t mean that you are a better guest if you are rude while saying "Excuse me!".

3. Hollywood
Hollywood is one of the most ugliest places ever. The only spot that gets an "OK" is the chinese theater area and the el capitain theater with the soda fountain. So if you want to see hollywood you should plan 2 hours. One for the area, parking, chinese theater, kodak theater and the other for lunch at the el capitain. Don´t make one of this silly tours they want you to go. All you get are pictures of hedges and not one from the home of your favorit star.
If I´m again in Hollywood all I will do is a concert visit at the hollywood bowl and maybe again this big sundaaaae!

Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

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