Contactless payments to be tested from 3rd Oct '09

Started by Anthony, July 22, 2009, 12:17:58 PM

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Great news - if you have a French bank account.

QuoteDisneyland Paris expérimente la technologie sans contact

Disney propose aux détenteurs d'un passeport annuel au parc Disneyland Paris qui sont également clients soit du CIC, soit du Crédit Mutuel de tester le paiement sans contact soit via un téléphone portable, soit via une carte bancaire et ce, à compter du 3 octobre 2009

Le test portera dans un premier temps sur un nombre de points de ventes limités à l'intérieur du Parc (les caisses équipées portant la mention "Paiement sans contact"). Petite cerise sur le gâteau : les testeurs qui utiliseront ce concept bénéficieront de 25 % de réduction dans les boutiques participantes, et 20 % dans les restaurants participants.

Pour ceux qui sont intéressés, il suffit de se connecter sur le site de Disneyland ( ), et de cliquer sur le lien en bas de page correspondant à votre banque afin de remplir un formulaire, qui fera ensuite l'objet d'une acceptation ou d'un refus de votre banque. ... s-contact/

So, en résumé...

From 3rd October 2009, Disneyland Paris will be inviting Annual Passport holders who also hold accounts with Crédit Mutuel or CIC to test contactless payments at a limited number of locations, using either a mobile phone or a bank card.

And the icing on the cake - these testers will get increased discounts of 25% at boutiques (up from 20% for Dream) and 20% at restaurants (up from 10%).

There's an official page with all the info here: ... ndex.xhtml

You need to sign up using the links on the page above if you have an account with those banks and you'd like to get one of their contactless payment methods to use in the trial.

The locations will be:

Casey's Corner (Disneyland Park)
Café Hyperion (Disneyland Park)
Chalet de la Marionette (Disneyland Park)
Disney Blockbuster Café (Walt Disney Studios Park)
Club House Grill (Golf Disneyland)

Walt Disney Studios Store (Walt Disney Studios Park)
Goofy's Pro Shop (Golf Disneyland)[/list]

So there you go. There's possibility to roll this out further, and to other banks/cards (?) if it's a success.

The implications of this could be brilliant. In a few years, no endless waiting behind that stupid person at Café Hyperion who insists on counting out Euro cents, just swipe and pay.

To throw out another possibility, this could be brilliant for Disney Hotels - instead of the rubbishy paper slip you get a proper plastic Disney Easy Pass and can then simply flash it across the reader to pay, everywhere in the resort. Amazing.


Great idea. However, this still doesn't solve the problem of people who can't make the decision of what they want to eat while they're IN the queue, rather than at the counter. What do they think the huge menus above the queues are for? For entertainment? You're supposed to think about what you want to eat, and make your decisions, while you're in the queue, so that you can order as quickly and efficiently as possible when you get to the counter.


Quote from: "Alan"Great idea. However, this still doesn't solve the problem of people who can't make the decision of what they want to eat while they're IN the queue, rather than at the counter.
Hehe indeed, I was just giving an example up there. There's nothing that fills you with despair more than when the CM serving has to pull out that laminated menu from behind the till as a last resort to get the person to just point to something, anything.

Don't Walt Disney World have self-service ordering machines at some counter service places? So you pick what you want on-screen and then wait in line to collect... And of course in Paris it'd automatically speak your language, too.

This contactless trial perhaps explains why Crédit Mutuel suddenly appeared as a sponsor earlier this year?


Quote from: "Anthony"This contactless trial perhaps explains why Crédit Mutuel suddenly appeared as a sponsor earlier this year?

Definately. Sounds like a good development and will definately save time. If they replace the Easypass with it and merge it with the room card, all you would need to carry is one card. However, this technology is already in use in the UK, as seen by Barclaycard's waterslide advert! The next wave of credit cards are to incorporate it, according to this site, so it could be well used in a few years.

However, RFID technology isn't the best, even though it works well in the commercial industry for stock control, as there are still some flaws. BBC show Click showed how simple readers can be used to clone Oyster cards very, very easily. At least credit cards using the technology often limit the purchase value.




Quote from: "Anthony"
Quote from: "Alan"Great idea. However, this still doesn't solve the problem of people who can't make the decision of what they want to eat while they're IN the queue, rather than at the counter.
Hehe indeed, I was just giving an example up there. There's nothing that fills you with despair more than when the CM serving has to pull out that laminated menu from behind the till as a last resort to get the person to just point to something, anything.

Don't Walt Disney World have self-service ordering machines at some counter service places? So you pick what you want on-screen and then wait in line to collect... And of course in Paris it'd automatically speak your language, too.

This contactless trial perhaps explains why Crédit Mutuel suddenly appeared as a sponsor earlier this year?

First of all, so true about people who wait until they're at the end of the line to start thinking about what they want to order! Gah.

Second, they have those Disney World-style machines at certain McDonald's restaurants in Paris (proper) as well. It really does work. Those awful people as described above still stand in line annoying everyone around them, while you, the fast food-savvy cosmopolitan, can print out a receipt and head for the designated, shorter line.

Third, great idea. I hope they include the big credit card companies soon (MasterCard, Visa, AmEx), so we can all benefit from this.


Do you know if this service will be expanded to guests of other countries in the future?

I'm also annoyed by guest who can't dicide what to take. But the cast members behind the counters are also very slow, not always but sometimes.


Quote from: "Anthony"They have arrived...

Source: ... f=2&t=5229

Sorry to ask Anthony , but what the heck is this machine ? And whats its job ?
I want your love and i want your revenge you and me could write a bad romance

Don\'t call my name , don\'t call my name , Alejandro


My guess would be a payment machine, if you read the topic maybe it would tell you, just an idea
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Basic's of the ssytem are you just move your credit card passed this box and it will take the payment, no need to insert your credit card into a chip and pin machine / pos

however only certin credit cards accept this method of payment

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