Good Morning Main Street is back

Started by Magicboy, July 03, 2009, 05:09:56 PM

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After about 10 year is the Good Morning Main Street in Disneyland Park (short Parade) is back.
The first show is 04.july 10.15 am.

I´m interessing is it the same ?
is it a update ?



Here is a nice video of it. It would be great when DLRP is re-installing this kind of entertainment. In some way it is nostalgic, and it does remember me of visiting the park for the first time. :)

It is also nice to see some characters that aren't out there anymore.


wow marsupalami!!! I loved him as a child and still love seeing him on French tv on holiday, wish he was still popular here. Lovely video brings back some memories from being very young.


I love the character as well. It is a shame Marsipulami is not as popular anymore. If you "love" the character, you will love this. Well... not really. ;)



It's better than I expected!


Looks like they might thankfully not stop for an autograph mobbing.

However.. the old music is rather more brash than we've become used to, and I'm not convinced about entertainment directors doing the opening introductions...


This looks wonderful! Does anyone know, is this every day from now on - or just certain days, high season only, etc?


Quote from: "Anthony"However.. the old music is rather more brash than we've become used to, and I'm not convinced about entertainment directors doing the opening introductions...

Thanks for sharing Anthony. I have really mixed emotions about this one. I love they have introduced in some form. But I can't help but feel the reliance is really on the characters. I miss the turn of the century costumed dancers (there are a few, but not even as many as the little Mary Poppins show had earlier this year). But I recognise I am sadly in the minority for wanting that kind of thing. But I am glad to see it.

I agree about the autograph book phenomenon. I think that has really ruined guest behaviour over the years too. Before then (and I may be wearing rose coloured glasses here), people were more content to see them, take pictures and play. It was less hectic. I also think it is great to have some character offerings that are not about meet and greets.

As for the music, I love this one. It is a Sherman Brothers number, and I would rather have the Sherman brothers than a lot of the Japan rip offs we have been subjected to lately (or indeed Vasili's latest pieces). But again, this could be the nostalgia thing getting in the way.

Overall though, thumbs way up for offering these little, but very important touches to the park.
since 2001 (many before that)


The Mary Poppins show is still continuing, so perhaps they didn't want to copy from that too much? It is quite sad though that the last time I saw those dancers/characters on Main Street aside from that show was the opening day of the 15th Anniversary, when the park was on top "make everything look good until the press leave" form.

Music wise I was hoping for a little Hello Dolly like the video above, but I suppose that's a crossover again. Just can't stand these early C'est Magique-style tracks though, I don't know how people got out of Fantasy Festival Stage alive.

And yeah... autograph books. Never really thought about them too much before, but they could be an area for future personal annoyance now I've picked up on it. D'oh. You're probably right that the "GOT TO GET THE AUTOGRAPH" drive and thrusting of books does cause much of the pushing and shoving. The characters always just seem incredibly bored of them.


Oh fab!  If they are running both, them I am impressed (though bands, piano players, barbershop quartets and tandem bikes would be very welcome to return).
since 2001 (many before that)

Poppy The Monkey

There is still the obligitory Meet and Greet session on Central Plaza... once everyone has arrived the music changes to a loop of "Dancin a catchy rhythm". On another note there is no choregraphy for this "happening" either, whilst is looks like a dance is happening on the video - its all just improvised - do don't be expecting any big dance numbers.

Good Morning Main Street ran from January to March 2009 also - filling in for the Character Express while is had its' make-over!


QuoteGood Morning Main Street ran from January to March 2009 also - filling in for the Character Express while is had its' make-over!

Really? So I've missed it out. As I can remember, I've seen the Characters Express until the 7th of March.
But I like to see the video above. It's very welcome, to have that kind of entertainment in the early morning, when the park opens ;)

Quote(though bands, piano players, barbershop quartets and tandem bikes would be very welcome to return).
Totally agree with you. I would love to see a Barbershop Quartet ( I never have seen it) just on youtube vids, and it looks funny and sounds good as well.

cu =)
[size=80]1997 - July (my first visit ever!!! =) DLP\'s 5th Anniversary
2005 - September
2007 - March
2007 - September
2008 - February
2008 - March - Day Trip to Stitch Live Preview
2008 - May
2008 - September
2009 - February/March
2009 - March - Day trip - St. Davids Day
2009 - August - 18th Anniversary =)
2009 - 2010 - December/January
2010 - May [/size]



Quote from: "Anthony"Music wise I was hoping for a little Hello Dolly like the video above, but I suppose that's a crossover again. Just can't stand these early C'est Magique-style tracks though, I don't know how people got out of Fantasy Festival Stage alive.

Really? I love that old style music! I really cannot stand Vasile Sirli (shocking for some, I suppose) and all these Japan-imports are just as bad...

Anyway: good to have it back... BUT looking at the old stuff you just realize how much the entertainment division is out of touch these days.
The new "Good Morning MS" is just characters. Boring. No dancers and no depth to its surroundings. (Look at the characters wearing period clothing in the video from the 90s!)

It is such a shame how the entertainment folks are wasting opportunity after opportunity these days...


This is just class!!  :D


Great addition, looks like a little bit of fun, great for the kids, i also noticed in the video the castle plaqe the one with the characters is gone covering the castle window, when was it removed?


Ahh the video I posted before comes from 27th March 2009, the earlier run as Poppy said, during that brief period where the "decoration" was removed for "maintenance" (ie. from a conspiracy theorist's point of view to give them a few days to take official photos for the archive without it in the background).

So I suppose it could have changed again for the Summer, but most likely not if Poppy didn't mention it.

We're very vigilant fans aren't we, completely missing it the first time round?