Trip Report 30.11.08 - 04.12.08 - Day 4 - with pictures

Started by Getyogrooveon, January 18, 2009, 01:40:54 PM

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On to day 4. Set the alarm early today so we could get in to the Studios to queue for Crush. Still dark when we went for the morning bunfight in the Cheyenne and met Pluto enroute.

Into the Studios for about 9.30 and started to queue in the drizzle (how it managed to drizzle and not snow I don't know, it was freezing cold). Got a babyswap ticket so Rachel could ride (for the first time) and after they were late opeing (as usual) both of us had rode (and Olvier twice) by about 10.45. Then went to Animagique (probably my favorite show at Disney, I love the amount of things going on around you, not just on the stage). After that, as the drizzle had turned to rain, straight in to Cinemagique. We have only seen this once before and thoroughly enjoyed it, I had forgot about the special effects such as the water etc. so was like seeing it for the first time again. By now 10 mins before the Stunt Show was due to kick off and it was pouring with rain, so we ran to make the show. We found seats quite near the front, but soon had to move s the superchilled rain was blowing in horizontally! Even about 30 rows from the back we were still getting wet! Show is as good as ever, although would be good if they could change it a bit every now and then, after seeing it every year for 5 years, starting think we could not bother next time (like with the Tram Tour - didn't bother this time)?

Another quick go on Tower of Terror (and rather than my son burying his head in my jacket this time, a fully grown "super-cool" French guy with a model girlfriend grabbed my coat and wouldn't let go!). As the rain was starting to die off a little, decided to go back into Disneyland Park for the afternoon. In keeping with the saving money theme, went back to McDonalds for lunch again before heading back to Fantasyland for IASW, the Teacups, Alice's Maze and Dumbo. Unfortunately Casey Jnr and Storybook Land was only open on the Sunday and Monday whcih was disappointing.

Decided to watch the parade from the stone benches in front of the Castle Stage today so I went and got some seats whilst Rachel queued for our traditional hot chocolate.  I love this area of the park and the little garden to the right of the stage containing the wishing well is, I think, the prettiest area of the whole park:

(couldn't believe that man next to the wishing well poked his head out and spoilt the photo - thank god for photoshop):

The parade was as good as always, although very short on people - no trapeeze aristis with Pinnochio, only 3 toy soldiers etc. I like the Christmas extras, although I miss the very effeminate raindeer from last year (prefer them to the pixies from this year) and I noticed no real raindeer this year on Santa's sleigh. Quite enjoyed being able to sit down and watch the parade, even though the stone benches are so cold! At least it had now stopped raining and the best hot chocolate in the world helps keep out the cold a little!

After the parade, decided to put up with the tears and go back on Pirates. We got a boat to ourselves, so took some photos (wouldn't normally do this - hate people ruining the experience by using flash guns). I just wish the lighting allowed you to see the detail as the themeing is exquisite and it is certainly the most atmospheric ride. Abbey spent the entire ride hiding her face in her hands!

As we left Jack Sparrow was outside again, excellent characterisation, shame he doesn't talk in Paris (I guess the whole language thing would make it impossible).

Walked down to Indiana Jones for a couple of walk-on goes. Just love the whole themeing in this area, so lush and green. One day I will take camera in and take photos but I get a bit self conscious (I know it doesn't seem like it with the number of photos). By now it was starting to get dark and this whole area is superb in the dark with all the lanterns lit up and chirping of crickets and faint drums in the distance make it very emersive.

Back to the hub for the Enchanted Candleabration. With small kids you are very limited where you can stand in order to allow them to see, and these places do not make for the best locations for photos/ videos. As ever just love the show, and the whole experience when the lights down Main Street flash and pulse with that haunting music is just pure Disney!

With the Candleabration being at 7pm, with the park closing at the same time, the crush to get out is a nightmare, thankfully, it seems most people do not know about the arcades.

We tried to book Annettes earlier in the day but was told they no longer take reservations, so with the help of the arcades we raced up to the village as quickly as possible to beat the queues and were seated upstairs ( :( ) within 5 minutes. I was pleased that even upstairs there was a waiter on rollerskates (missing from the last couple of visits). Food was OK and not too expensive, but starting to get fed up with burgers!

Finally gave in and let Rachel and the kids loose in the shops in Village and even went in one myself! Caught the bus back to the hotel and went to the shop there to buy a Christmas bauble (our first, never bought before on previous visits), and it looks great on the tree!

Back to the rooms by 10pm to pack (via the ice machine of course) and consume the last of the brandy!

Final part (thank god I hear you cheer) later....
"Eveything is automatic - this is Disney" [CM on the rollercoaster simulator in the Studios - Nov 2004]

05.92 Newport Bay
09.01 Santa Fe
11.03 Cheyenne
11.05 Sequoia Lodge
11.06 Cheyenne
11.07 Cheyenne
12.08 Cheyenne
08.10 Saratoga Springs - Walt Disney World
11.10 Cheyenne


I'm really enjoying sharing your holiday with you :)  Great pics 8)

Thanks for sharing =D>

Epcot_Boy :ears:



You and your family looked like you had a great magical time! Your children are so cute!
I want your love and i want your revenge you and me could write a bad romance

Don\'t call my name , don\'t call my name , Alejandro

The Butlin Boy

Another great report and set of phots, thanks for posting them.

Strange about Captain Jack not talking, he did when we saw him in April :-k


I totally love your report, it lets one experience the magic. And your pictures are great, I absolutely adore the one of Belle & The Beast :D


i loved your reports so far and looking forward to the last one


Quote from: "ColdSun"I totally love your report, it lets one experience the magic. And your pictures are great, I absolutely adore the one of Belle & The Beast :D

I was going to make the exact same comment!! It's a great picture, with the Castle behind them and Belle kissing the Beast...

I'm really sad your trip is coming to an end  :( , I'm really enjoying it!!

And you shouldn't be self-conscious about taking too many pictures! I take pictures even of the toilet signs....  :roll:


Thank you very much for your great trip report and pictures, it was much fun to look at them :)!

Your night shots are just great!  =D>
And the Aurora in "your" parade was the one we met last December in the Sleeping Beauty show :mrgreen:
[size=85]1992 - Disneyland Paris - 1-day-trip
2000 - Disneyland Paris - Santa Fe
2004 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Cheyenne
2005 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Santa Fe
2007 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Newport BayClub
2008 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Sequoia Lodge
2009 - Walt Disney World