plutos girl day 4

Started by Plutosgirl, January 13, 2009, 10:42:11 PM

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Things got a bit bad.....

When  we woke up,  got ready YD cleaned her teeth and we were greeted by last nights chocolate moose oops . She had rather overdone then desserts the night before . She said she had tummy ache but wanted to go down and see Minnie and after much deliberation we went for breakfast. She wasnt hungry and just had a little bit of water when small oops . neatly cleared in a napkin all water no one noticed  . I took her back to room while dh and ed finished breakfast. After much more deliberation and tears we were persuaded to go out , thinking hotel very stuffy fresh air might be the thing.

Most things were closed this morning Orbitron ,Snow white ,Dumbo ,Alice  . Yd desperate to go on Carousel we persuaded her just to sit in carraige . And so far so good. But  as we were getting off a lady on the horse slipped ..such a thump :shock:  she seemed to get up but then slumped . Lots of people around her and nothing we could do we were around that areas for about 5 minutes and she was still down not sure if she knocked herself out , But I am sure her head hit the foot stand.  

Anyway we had a quiet walk around Adventure Isle . Chanced Peter Pan and Spooky Mansion all fine . Checked out the buffet at Agrabah which looked lovely about lunchtime we went to Hakuna Matatta for a warm drink and pilfered danishes. Georgie still not hungry but wanted water . Which she had about a 1/4 cup full when Whoosh water came back . DH handy catcher with cup . Enough was enough and we took her crying back to the hotel. She was so miserable to not be allowed to go on Dumbo which had just opened .  When we got back we decided that Georgie would be best to try to get to sleep . So I went to the park with mia on my own leaving Dh with G.

This was actually kinda fun on a one to one basis we did snow white , pinocchio , peter pan twice ...thank you fast pass. Buzz thank you fast pass, Orbitron queued for 5 turns before it was our go brrrrrr. Nautilus . Queues for Autopia way to long

Before heading on to the train for a quick 1 ride stop to main street ...way to cold to be sitting outdoors. We caught the parade as we walked up main street which seemed much better. Lots more characters and proper dancing the dwarves were out and the genie . We got G a consolation Thumpers girlfried plushie .. does anyone remember what she is called in the movie ...she is TOFFEE at the mo . Mia managed to trade one of her pins for another Jessica rabbit one so was very happy and headed back to see my poorly little girl.

We were met with awry smile from Rod, she had been very very quiet and cuddly in bed after a warm bath for about 30 minutes then room service knocked. Rod sent them away but since then she had been full of high juinks driving him crazy looking for things on the limited tv stations.

We decided that it would be a shame to either go separately to inventions or risk having a foreshortened meal there that cost  :shock: So we talked about other options . G seemed a fit as a daisy wanted to go swimming,  wanted Minnies club,  she had got some minnie ears that morning to wear there. The turn down service came while we were still deciding, we explained that it wasnt necessary that evening but  they gave the girls a hand ful of coins , which Georgie was desperate to eat not having fancied anything that day. so we decided to go for a 6.30 at NewPort Bay.

AS it turned out this was just the job, Georgie managed a smiley face or two and and ice lolly and a drink of water with no ill effects . We all had a nice meal the duck was especially nice ,  the girls were happy with the pens sets they had been given . The choice there didnt seem as large as usual but what there was , was nice. Mia was happy with nice breaded chicken fillets and pizza. Mia is a plain meat and veg girl , there is not a lot of veg to be seen at Disney buffets and the meat is mostly in sauces so she does kinda fall into the pizza and smiley faces traps but what the hell its their holiday as well.
When we came out of dinner we were going to look at the shop , but ther was a bus to the station just pulled up , so we grabbed it and were back at the hotel for eight.

Now Mia had been promised swim and was desperate but there was no way Georgie was going in. So I compromised and said Mia could go swimming and Georgie could go to Minnie Club for half and hour with Mummy. A deal was struck the day was ending a lot better than it had begun.  Mia was ssooo excited . She had been watching people going to and from the pool in their bath robes all week , and really wanted this.  The complimentary bathrobes we had in our room were too big but she was made up to be allowed to take the short lift journey  down in a towel .

Georgie loves computers and the little monkey just wanted to get on the disney games .
She struck up a kinda friendship with a little German girl who was eager to help but sadly it wasnt going anywhere too many language difficulties lol

We were back to our room by 9.15 for warm baths and bed, they were asleep so fast tonight and so were we
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The Butlin Boy

Another great read, but it's a shame about your daughter being ill though. It sounds like you had had an almost perfect time so far, I can't wait for the rest :mrgreen:


awww, sorry to hear about your daughter being ill! But at least she could enjoy her evening!


your poor daughter, being sick is never nice of course but when on holiday (and especially when in DLRP) it sucks even more. It still sounds like you managed the day well though with compromises and so on :).