Replacement of the HISTA movie

Started by flor, February 15, 2006, 11:03:07 PM

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What do you think of the actual HISTA movie? Isn't it time to repace it?
IMO it's getting to outdated. The characters look so 90's and the quality of the movie is so bad :'(.
Wouldn't it be better to replace it again like they did with Captain EO?

I would prefer PhilHarmagic but it doesn't really suit in the Discoveryland theme.

What is your opinion? And if you think it should be replaced, in what?


I also see it as old and outdated, I have not seen the movie on any of my visits since my first visit anyway since I never bother with it anymore, it needs to be replaced, maybe something completely new like a movie about the history of the land, but a more updated version to that in Visionarium and maybe instead of using Jules Verne bring in HG Wells and maybe create something completely magical by using many ideas envisioned by people over time, such as the time machine, timekeeper, delorium (even though that's sadly universal).  I don't know but I think the whole time travel idea should stay within the land, but really sadly I can't see anything as exciting happening, so suppose we shall be seeing people getting shrunk for more times in the future, or maybe just demolish the theatre, and bring a new idea, even if it was just a play area for children based on visions from the past or if they must Honey I Shrunk the Kids like the one in MGM, well thats my ideas.


first time i saw HISTA was in florida 2001 and i thought it was fantastic.  i've seen it 3 times at DLRP and i'm pretty sick of it now!! last time we went (new year) the mice effect wasn't working and the screen looked quite grainy and dull.  the sound was also slightly out of sinch.  i don't mean to be critical as i love everything disney but just think its old and tired.  i bet a lot of the kids have never sen the original film - it was quite a long time ago!!

when in florida i loved 'it's tough to be a bug' (animal kingdom).  it wouldn't fit in with the theme but it is excellent!!!  haven't seen philharmagic but it sounds fab.
Kate, disneyholic who is having withdrawal symptoms!


For some reason, I still quite like HISTA.  I've seen it on every visit since my first, and it's still moderately entertaining.  I spend most of the time in there wondering which effects are actually working and which aren't, but it is still quite a fun little film.  The only thing I truly hate about the attraction is the new Kodak preshow - truly the WORST 10 minutes of my life EVER!  Worse than the TV Production Tour, it's *that* bad!!! Those adverts just make me want to vomit.

But the main film itself is still fun, cheesy and very 90s... and for some reason I like it for that!  Maybe it's just because I can remember it well from my first visit?

I wouldn't be upset at all if it was replaced, though.  I don't think we'll see a replacement until the TDL/Epcot/DL versions are replaced though - hopefully they'll choose something inoffensive and remotely Discoveryland-ish for their replacements, and Paris can copy them.  We won't get an original attraction...

What could they replace HISTA with, whilst keeping the motion base floor and general theatre set-up intact?  And it would have to fit into both Tomorrowland and Discoveryland...  Any thoughts?  :?


I have to say that my boyfriend and I also like HISTA--it's just funny ;)

But you're right, it's not up-to-date anymore. I'd love to see Mickey's PhilarMagic (although I don't know it) coz people told me it would be very cool, but maybe it wouldn't fit into "Discoveryland" though...

Mh... my opinion is still that also Buzz doesn't fit in there coz it should be a land of "visionaires" and not reflect the future as seen today.
But it's okay that there'll be a good attraction for the kids ;)
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How about making it into a inoventions?
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Quote from: "Dlrpfan"How about making it into a inoventions?
That's quite a good idea, but don't they become out of date really quick?  :? DLRP doesn't really have a "technology" partner either - they used to have IBM and Philips, but now they have no-one.

I'd actually quite like to see a new version of Le Visionarium replace HISTA, with Jules Verne travelling through time.  They could use the existing theatre set up, so it wouldn't cost *that* much.  If it used effects as well as CinéMagique does, then I think it could actually be quite popular.  It's never going to happen though...  :(