Alice's Hidden Treasures

Started by Magic M, October 28, 2008, 12:36:12 PM

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Magic M

I love Alice's Curious Labrynth and I very pleased that it getting a fab, new refurb.

But I was wondering, its obviously very easy to get lost in the maze but are there parts that you have failed to notice?

I can honestly say I've never seen the Water Spouts!  I remember them being in the open in Disney World back when I was 8 but I have never found them in the Labrynth.  I remember them being like "flower pots" at WDW, what are they like in DLRP?

Can someone post a picture?


Magic Martin xxx


"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." Walt Disney

Magic M

OK, so there's a jet of water in one of the pictures but that doesn't REALLY answer my questions does it?

i.e. WHERE are the jets and WHAT do they look like?


Here's one of the small ones.

The large jet ones come out the purple pillars:

Magic M

Thanks for posting those - that really answers my questions!!  I see you've since updated the Alice section with more photos!!  Does anyone have any images of the area post-refurb or is the refurb still going on?