Renaming and expansion of Holiday Inn at DLRP

Started by Riebi, October 21, 2008, 01:46:43 PM

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At the web I found an interesting article (in german) about a expansion of one of the two UBM hotels at DLRP (They own 50 % of VI Dream Castle and of the Holiday Inn).
They wrote:

QuoteZweites Disney-Hotel
Das im Dezember 2007 gemeinsam mit der börsenotierten Warimpex erworbene Haus ist bereits das zweite Eurodisney- Hotel der Österreicher. Im Hof des Vierstern-Familien- und Konferenzhauses wird ein 400 Quadratmeter großer Konferenzpavillion errichtet. Zusätzlich ist geplant, die Restaurants zu erweitern und den Wellness- und Poolbereich neu zu gestalten. Der Betrieb bleibt während des einjährigen Umbaus aufrecht.

Das erste, unmittelbar angrenzende Pariser Hotel von UBM und Warimpex läuft unterdessen laut Bier trotz Krise "so gut wie nie". Nachdem der Betreibervertrag mit der deutschen Mövenpick-Gruppe aufgelöst wurde und stattdessen die Vienna International- Gruppe das Management übernahm, habe sich die Auslastung des Dream Castle fast verdoppelt.

 :arrow: //

Which means:

The 2007 acquired second hotel (Holiday Inn?) get a 400 m2 convention center at the court(yard)
They wanna expanse the restaurants
And the wellness and pool area gets a redesign

The first hotel (Dreamcastle) runs very well. Since VI takes care of the management the occupancy doubled.

The construction should start in november 2008. The hotel will operating as normal during the constructions.
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...


QuoteThe 2007 acquired second hotel (Holiday Inn?)

Yes it's the Holiday Inn they acquired.  It should be renamed soon to Vienna International Circus Hotel.


Quote from: "Kristof"It should be renamed soon to Vienna International Circus Hotel.
They dropped the 'Magic'? :lol:

I'm not surprised the Dream Castle's occupancy has done so well, from the reviews I read and the brief glimpses I've got, they're the best 3rd party operator at the resort by a mile. Hopefully the sorting-out of Holiday Inn into a less dreary and less cheap (are those coin operated machines still cluttering the lobby?) partner hotel will come sooner rather than later.


And they seems to be right saying that despite the financial crisis and the low share courses the only way could be the conducted investments  :mrgreen:

Hope Euro Disney makes the same
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...


QuoteThey dropped the 'Magic'? :lol:

Oh yeah right... It's Vienna International Magic Circus Hotel.


Quote from: "Kristof"Oh yeah right... It's Vienna International Magic Circus Hotel.

What a mouthful !  :lol:


Quote from: "Riebi"Which means:

The 2007 acquired second hotel (Holiday Inn?) get a 400 m2 convention center at the court(yard)
They wanna expanse the restaurants
And the wellness and pool area gets a redesign

The first hotel (Dreamcastle) runs very well. Since VI takes care of the management the occupancy doubled.

The construction should start in november 2008. The hotel will operating as normal during the constructions.

This will now make the decision about about wether to stay on site or with the Disney Partner Hotels even more difficult, another quality partner hotel might make Disney improve the service of their onsite hotels. Lets hope so :wink:

Epcot_Boy :ears:



I don't like the new name.

When are they going to rebrand the hotel?


Oh more Holiday Inn -  that means no more earning of Priority Club points when staying at DLRP - those previous visits just funding a weekend away!.


Quote from: "ICHAPMAN"Oh more Holiday Inn -  that means no more earning of Priority Club points when staying at DLRP - those previous visits just funding a weekend away!.
Well - I'm a Platinum Ambassador for Priority Club, and I like earning points at Holiday Inn as well, but to be honest: the Holiday Inn hotel at the Disneyland resort doesn't even come close to the other Holiday Inns- I hated it, really...

I would very much like a real 5* hotel in the area such as an Intercontinental for instance :)  I'm sure there is plenty of clientele out there interested in some extra luxury...
Next visit:
13-14-15 February 2009 - Valentine in DLH Castle Club

Thank you Disney for introducing me to my girlfriend!  Disney truly is magical!!!


Quote from: "speedpacket"I would very much like a real 5* hotel in the area such as an Intercontinental for instance :)  I'm sure there is plenty of clientele out there interested in some extra luxury...

That would get my vote :) .......and my money :wink:

Epcot_Boy :ears:



Something like the radisson sas?  :mrgreen:

This magic circus name is  :roll:
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...


Quote from: "Riebi"Something like the radisson sas?  :mrgreen:

This magic circus name is  :roll:

Four Star........but who's counting :?:  :wink:

Epcot_Boy :ears:



Never saw a 5 star hotel in france  :lol:  But it´s near. I don´t think they have the L.

But back to holiday inn. Do somebody know how "deep" this construction and redesign will be? I mean most of the hotel should have this circus theme allready. The pool area not?
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...


Quote from: "ICHAPMAN"Oh more Holiday Inn -  that means no more earning of Priority Club points when staying at DLRP - those previous visits just funding a weekend away!.

Yes... And no more using their excellent online booking system. I'm not happy about this either.

I kind of liked having a familiar name at the resort. I've never heard of this Vienna group.

Also, "Magic Circus"? Awful.