Pete's Dragon's Trip Report 14-19 Sept.

Started by Pete's Dragon, September 20, 2008, 06:27:30 PM

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I've loved reading your trip reports Petes Dragon - just brilliant, all of it!!!!!

Aveen, yes, the toon train (or whatever its called in Christmas season) in the studios stops for meet n greets on the scenery backdrops. Each set of characters have their own backdrop. Lilo and Stitch are together, last Christmas season they also had Chip, Dale and Clarice all together on one backdrop.



I'm loving your report PD, it really looks like a perfect trip  :D !

Looking forward to the rest (but I'm sad it's coming to the end  :cry: )

Pete's Dragon

Day 6 : " All good things........."

 :cry:  Well as Jim Morrison was sang " This is the end, beautiful friend." :-"  :cry:

Breakfast at 8.15am. Headed to the reception first to meet Goofy. Then off for the daily intake of croissants, ham, coffee, more ham and more coffee ( followed by OJ and stewed apples. I'm such a pig when it comes to buffets, always make at least 2 trips back )

This could quite possibly be the best thing Joshua saw all Holiday. He's crazy about Porsches

Back to the room to grab our suitcases, drop them off at the baggage place, then off on the bus for one last go on our favourite rides ( i.e. All of them !!! )

You can really tell, but they're holding hands, the little cuties

Au Revoir Santa Fe

After all the carry on with the Shuttle Taxi, we decided to give the TGV train a go. Booked it for 6.30pm for 70 Euros ( 10 more than the VEA would have cost )

Somehow my camera's battery was still alive and kicking, after 3 days of nursing it ( no flash, less than 100 photos a day but not by much ) So time to throw caution to the wind and snap everything in sight.

P.S. If anyone wants a camera with a good battery life, I strongly recommend Fuji. Took voer 600+ photos, plus the little video before we left.

Into the castle gift shop for a quick look at the most overpriced pieces of glass ever.

A snip at 35,000 Euros !! How do you get this in a suitcase. Didn't ask, but for that price I hope they deliver.

Guys and Girls spilt up . IASM for Elisha ( again ? ) and Alice's Labyrinth for us.

Snap !!!!

Then the teacups.

Then IASM AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!

We split up again. Elisha and Jasmine went on the Storybook Ride, and we hit Casey Jnr. which had been closed tue/wed/thu. Waved to the girls on the way round. Then me and Joshua headed to the Storybook Ride. Met Jasmine on the bridge, and she ducked under the railing and joined us for another go.

If you can be bothered waiting, the walk between IASM to Discoveryland seems to be the best place to meet characters, as they appear from just beside the toilets there

Over to Buzz for one last go, which again broke down with only 1 circle target to shot at. Joshua wasn't happy with his score after I told him Elisha beat him by 1000 points !!!

Over to WDS, of course stopping for photos in the gardens along the way

Joshua took this. Not bad as its the first and last time he'll be touching my camera

Straight to TOT for me. This is the best ride ever. I just have a little incy-wincy complaint, so small it's not ever worth mentioning. The themeing and decor is spot on, except for the service elevator doors before the ride. Why make them out of balsa wood ? You can see them move with the wind from the elevator moving up and down.

Walked over to Crush and the queue was 30mins. I told Jasmine this was her best chance. Now or never. So while she queued ( my turn to baby-switch  :wink:  ) , took the kids on Cars again, then over to meet Mickey again

Now it was my turn for Crush. I must admit, I don't see the big attraction. Apart from the first plunge it didn't really thrill me at all. BTM and RnRC are so much better. So glad I didnt have to queue. For anyone who has babyswitched this ride, they send you down a CM corridor and you come out around the first bend of the track

Mine, mine, mine !!! Great touch

Ha,ha, ha ! Suckers !!!

Some cast from HMS2, trying to put off HSM. Of course Elisha joined in

One last go on Stitch. Joshua got picked for being the best monkey, and Elisha laughed so hard when his photo appeared on the screen ( ears pulled and tongue out ). Tried for a go on RnRC as the queue time said 5mins. But it was packed inside and decided against it. So went to the Ratatouille Restaurant (?) for the buffet. Asked for a high chair for Elisha, and again they assumed she was 2 ( who am I to correct them ?  :wink: ) and didn't charge for her. Which was good, as she carried on and didn't eat anything anyway.

Walked over to Sully as there was harldy anyone waiting to see him

By now it was 5pm, and time to go.

Back to the hotel to grab our suitcases, quick bit to eat at the train station, then off to the airport. Def. going by train next visit. 10mins as apposed to over an hour on the bus, no competition. Well worth an extra 10 euros.

Our plane was due to leave at 9.50pm, but with all fire in the Eurotunnel there was a mad panic by people trying to get flights. They were trying to check 3 different flights through the same desk, and only had 1 guy checking bags and 1 metal detector. By this point Elisha had fallen asleep in Jasmine's arms. Finally got through and onto the bus. They told all the families to go to the back of the bus, but when we reached the airplane they opened the front doors, and left all the families till the end. This meant a mad scramble from parents trying to get seats beside their kids !!!! Honestly, I've never seen organised chaos like it. Bad CDG !! Bad ! Bad !!!

Took off an hour late and landed in Belfast at 11.30. Picked the car up, got the kids wrapped up in the blanket we had in the boot and set off for home. Driving felt really strange. I dont know if its because I hadnt driven in nearly a week or because of tiredness. Home for 1am. After 6 days living in one room, the house seems REALLY big ( and too clean to be our house ). Quick cup of coffee, and off to bed.

And that, as they say, it that. I hoped you've enjoyed reading this report. It's certainly helped be organise what happened in my head, as a couple of days kinda rolled into one in my memory.

Just a few quick points. Alice needs a serious refurb. And there's one thing I realised is missing from the labyrinth.....Alice !!! Where is she? A giant Alice peering down on you would be cool. SM2 def. needs a lot of work, and Dumbo could do with some maintenance. But one thing I would really like to see is a weather report on the hotel TV. In between the DL Guides they have on Channels 1+2. But I can't complain really. Everyone has a fantastic time. DLRP is truly a magical place, and will always have a big place in my heart, whatever the future has in store.

Well, there's only one thing left to say. But why type it, when a picture speaks a 1000 words ( or 7 in this case )....................

 :stitch_bounce:  :stitch_bounce:  :stitch_bounce:  :stitch_bounce:  :stitch_bounce:  :stitch_bounce:  :stitch_bounce:  :stitch_bounce:  :stitch_bounce:  :stitch_bounce:  :stitch_bounce:  :stitch_bounce:  :stitch_bounce:


Haha! Alice is totally missing in the labyrinth. I've been wondering about that myself. But I think it's because you're supposed to be Alice trying to find your way. But yes, she's clearly missing. It would be great if you came past White Rabbit's house with her in it like the OUADP float.

Lovely report! I really enjoyed it and it made me miss dlrp less. It was like I was there with you. Thanks so much for sharing!

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PD that was one of the best reports i have ever read. i hope i can do one as good when i go in 7 weeks and 3 days not that im counting

Thanks for a wonderful report with some great pictures. It seems like a wonderful vacation you've had there! :D  =D>

Please visit my DLP website:

[size=150]Trip report from August 2014[/size]


i absoultely loved reading your trip report from start to end! your pics are awesome!!

A giant Alice looking down on the Labyrnth would be so cool!! i always thought it was stange not to have Alice in her own ride!!!

thanks again for the trip report!!!

Sophie \":nemo:\"
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All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.- Walt Disney


I have really loved reading your trip report Pete's Dragon I'm really quite sad that its over =[
"I could be the Alice to your Wonderland"

The Butlin Boy

=D> Bravo PD! Thanks for posting such a great trip report. I'm glad you all had such a great time :)


Great finale to the trip report PD =D>
"You\'re dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway."
- Walt Disney

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what a wonderful report was so good to read!

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Fantastic Report PD..A great read  =D>  =D>  =D>

I would just like to add about the chaos you mentioned at CDG. We had priority boarding with Easy Jet, but the long bus that takes you from the terminal to the plane was delayed 25 mins, they apparently said they did not have a spare bus to use, and when we eventually got on it, as it stopped near the plane, only the back doors opened so all of the non priority boarding passengers got off first and on the plane, whilst we, as priority boarding got on last, total shambles.   What's the point of Priority boarding if you get on the plane last.. :x

I know the French language is mostly spoken backwards to ours, but do they have to continue doing this with their services aswell.. :shock:  :shock:  :roll:

Pete's Dragon

The Aftermath

So much for the nice tidy house. 2 hours after the kids woke up, the living room was covered in discarded plastic wrapping and boxes. Not to mention the 5 loads of washing that was stuffed in the suitcases.

*sniff* *sniff* so much for the Stitch cuddly that Jasmine bought for me  :cry:

Joshua loved his surprise of a second Red Lightsaber. So much so that he hasn't stopped humming the theme music to Ep IV. I just wish he would give me my dressing gown back


Awww they are great photographs!  :mrgreen:
"I could be the Alice to your Wonderland"


those photos are soooooo cool. im in love with your kids brian, they are so adorable i could just eat em up