People who visit Disneyland without Children

Started by Aveen2008, June 27, 2008, 07:51:42 PM

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Sounds all very familiar!  :lol:

I sometimes check an other site, on which the Disney Resort restaurants can be reviewed. One remark there still sticks in my head. There was someone who ate with their kids in the Californian Grill at the Disneyland Hotel. That's maybe one of the best, (if not thé best) restaurant at the Resort. I've never eaten there myself, but planned to my next visit this month. But the point was: this person was angry, an felt it was a waist of money eating there, as there were no characters, no (real) kids menu and there was nothing else for kids to do there, and the food was quite expensive, and the kids did not eat it all....Well duh. It's a chique restaurant. I can imagine that if you have kids, this restaurant is maybe not the best choice. But you should have thought of that before you decided to eat there. In my opinion, such restaurants give people who visit the Resort without children the oppurtunity to dine in peace and quiet and have a nice meal and conversation without children running around your table. If people with children however do decide to eat in such a place ( fast food every day isn't all that ;) ),  I however expect that they keep their kids at the table...if not: Buzz Lightyear Pizza Planet is thé place to be!  :lol:  :wink:
No touchy!


its difficult in the disabled areas for the parades as well. matthew is stting in his wheelchair, and parent shove their kids in font of him to sit on the kerb, he just kicks em in the back all the time they soon move, mind you last time a parent demanded i tell my unruly child to have some manners and behave. i soon told her about manners and unruly kids lol


Quote from: "toonarmylass"i soon told her about manners and unruly kids lol
Good for you, People shoving in front of adults is one thing but pushing in front of children thats not on.
DLRP 2000,01,02,03,04x2,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,13, 14, 2015 (Booked)

"Pumba, not in front of the kids"


Disney is for everyone regardless of age, race or culture, and it upsets me too see some parents roam round the park with there children thinking they own it and that they can basically do what the hell they want and try and ruin the magic for others.  I would NEVER behave like that just because i have a child.
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!


Gosh, I know this situation.

My little cousin is only 6 years old. We took her for christmas last year, a big family event.  She was with me and my girlfriend waiting for the parade to start when some guy came and shoved himself infront of her. She fell down and nearly hit her head on the main street curve. I was so angry it was unreal! I shouted down a castmember while my uncle was talking to this guy, and they took him off some place! I don't know where. We didn't see the parade that day, I felt really sorry for Lilly (my cousin), so me and my girlfriend booked a character breakfast for her next day. No pushing adults there.

I have no problem with enthusiastic adults at Disney - I'm almost an adult and I love it, but at the end of the day for things like Parades the kids should always come first. For many adult enthusiasts, the disney magic is about how the magician makes the magic and just marvelling in the wonder of this man-made fantasy, but for kids - it is their fantasy!

We had no other problems on our Christmas trip, but it was an experience I'd rather forget!

dlrp-mad :mickey2:

dlrp trips:Debut] August 2006 - Sequoia Lodge December 2007 - Disneyland Hotel July 2008 - Newport Bay Club


Quote from: "dlrp-mad"Gosh, I know this situation.

My little cousin is only 6 years old. We took her for christmas last year, a big family event.  She was with me and my girlfriend waiting for the parade to start when some guy came and shoved himself infront of her. She fell down and nearly hit her head on the main street curve. I was so angry it was unreal! I shouted down a castmember while my uncle was talking to this guy, and they took him off some place! I don't know where. We didn't see the parade that day, I felt really sorry for Lilly (my cousin), so me and my girlfriend booked a character breakfast for her next day. No pushing adults there.

I have no problem with enthusiastic adults at Disney - I'm almost an adult and I love it, but at the end of the day for things like Parades the kids should always come first. For many adult enthusiasts, the disney magic is about how the magician makes the magic and just marvelling in the wonder of this man-made fantasy, but for kids - it is their fantasy!

We had no other problems on our Christmas trip, but it was an experience I'd rather forget!

dlrp-mad :mickey2:

That sounds awful. Really sorry about your cousin!

For the parade, I love to have a good view, so I go early and try to get a place in the first line. But I always ask the parents behind me if their kids want to stand in front of me (if they don't ask me themselves)... I think it's only fair, really. But I would never think of pushing my way in front of kids!! Or even adults, for that matter... That's just rude, and stressful, and annoying for everyone. There's enough magic for all of us... No need to be pushy!!


QuoteI have no problem with enthusiastic adults at Disney - I'm almost an adult and I love it, but at the end of the day for things like Parades the kids should always come first. For many adult enthusiasts, the disney magic is about how the magician makes the magic and just marvelling in the wonder of this man-made fantasy, but for kids - it is their fantasy!

I'm sorry but I disagree with that! maybe I'm just a big kid (I'm only 20 is that old? :oops:) at heart but I love the parades! for me its what makes disney ... well DISNEY!!! and I've paid just as much to be there! I've got no problem with children standing in front of me at parades and I cant wait to have my own to take, but if i hold a place, set up my camera and camcorder, I don't expect someone to come and stand in front of me and put their kid on their shoulders so I cant see anyting, and yes on our last two trips I have been very!!! upset by this!
5th Anniversary - Hotel Santa Fe
Christmas 06 - The Kyraid Hotel (extended vistit <!-- s]


We had a very unpleasent incudent last year in july. We wanted to watch the fantillution parade and we were a little late. Couldn`t find a place near the street(of course) and settled in second or third row. We decided to wait and when it started my husband would take our daughter on his shoulders. So the parade was about to begin,( our daugther on the shoulders)when this really unfriendly men tried to shove his girlfriend or wife in front of us, blocking not only us but the men next to us as well. We told him in a friendly manner to stand behind, when he would not listen, he didn`t even lok at us, a little unfriendlier. He just ignored us. So I told him in french(until then we tried in german and english) to step behind us or did he believe my husband is carrying our girl( she is 7)on his shoulder just for fun?? Then finally he reacted and they left.
With the carecters on the streets it is just a shame. Everyone thinks he can be first. I always told my daugther to hold her autgraphbook in front of her. When it was somebody eleses turn, that she stands a side a little, so they can have their picture taken.It worked pretty good.We collected quite a few autographs.
Aurora :D/


I wish more people were like you, Aurora... I've almost given up on trying to get a picture with a character. I sometimes feel like an idiot, standing in line, when everyone else keeps pushing their children in front of me. And the worst is that it is the parents pushing the kids - I guess they assume no one understands them but I hear them, telling the kids to go ahead, in front of whomever was there before them!! Once there was a spanish woman, who assumed of course that I wouldnt understand her, telling her two kids to push their way in front of me & not to worry about me!! Her face when I turned around and asked her (in Spanish) if that was the sort of education she was giving her children...

I dont go to DLRP to get annoyed with people nor to be in a bad mood, so, unless there are not too many people, I just don't bother anymore... I go for meals with characters or queue in the meet and greet points instead.


Quote from: "dlrp-mad"I have no problem with enthusiastic adults at Disney - I'm almost an adult and I love it, but at the end of the day for things like Parades the kids should always come first. For many adult enthusiasts, the disney magic is about how the magician makes the magic and just marvelling in the wonder of this man-made fantasy, but for kids - it is their fantasy!

Hi, I have to say just like someone else on this board that I disagree with this comment very much so. I am a big child myself (21 years old) and when I fork out a LOT of money to be there, I expect to have as much right as any child to enjoy what the parks offer!
I would never shove a child out of the way and usually stand back in character meet and greets if i know someone (adult or child) was there before me! I don't agree with what the man did to your little cousin and I feel for her, experiences like this can really ruin a trip.
I don't think kids should come first or be more important than adults who want to have the disney experience, why does age matter? The whole point of Disneyland is for people of all ages. If Disneyland was only for kids I doubt it would be as popular as it is...remember it's not the kids paying for a start!
For me when I am there is it my fantasy too, I believe in the characters as though they were real and I enjoy the experience, albeit in a childlike way but I don't think children have anymore right than adults to enjoy it - parades, characters or anything to be honest.
A lot of Adults who are disney fans grew up with the movies that by this stage have been re-released on videos and dvds, which many children today probably haven't even seen! Only for adults Disneyland Parks would not exist as children cannot pay for themselves. If you look at the parks the ratio of adults to children is immense with far more adults and young teens than children.
I am not saying that children don't have a right to enjoy it, they do, definately and I would gladly let a child stand infront of me to see a parade etc as it wouldn't block my view and i love to see children enjoy themselves and share the experience that I never got to as a child, even though I loved Disney so much!

I think it's for everyone, adults and children a like and it really is first come first served in disneyland, I don't believe in shoving infront of children or children being shoved infront of adults.

sorry I don't mean to sound cruel but I felt angry at your statement.

Aveen xoxox
Luv Aveen xoxo


Quote from: "Aveen2008"
Quote from: "dlrp-mad"I have no problem with enthusiastic adults at Disney - I'm almost an adult and I love it, but at the end of the day for things like Parades the kids should always come first. For many adult enthusiasts, the disney magic is about how the magician makes the magic and just marvelling in the wonder of this man-made fantasy, but for kids - it is their fantasy!

Hi, I have to say just like someone else on this board that I disagree with this comment very much so. I am a big child myself (21 years old) and when I fork out a LOT of money to be there, I expect to have as much right as any child to enjoy what the parks offer!
I would never shove a child out of the way and usually stand back in character meet and greets if i know someone (adult or child) was there before me! I don't agree with what the man did to your little cousin and I feel for her, experiences like this can really ruin a trip.
I don't think kids should come first or be more important than adults who want to have the disney experience, why does age matter? The whole point of Disneyland is for people of all ages. If Disneyland was only for kids I doubt it would be as popular as it is...remember it's not the kids paying for a start!
For me when I am there is it my fantasy too, I believe in the characters as though they were real and I enjoy the experience, albeit in a childlike way but I don't think children have anymore right than adults to enjoy it - parades, characters or anything to be honest.
A lot of Adults who are disney fans grew up with the movies that by this stage have been re-released on videos and dvds, which many children today probably haven't even seen! Only for adults Disneyland Parks would not exist as children cannot pay for themselves. If you look at the parks the ratio of adults to children is immense with far more adults and young teens than children.
I am not saying that children don't have a right to enjoy it, they do, definately and I would gladly let a child stand infront of me to see a parade etc as it wouldn't block my view and i love to see children enjoy themselves and share the experience that I never got to as a child, even though I loved Disney so much!

I think it's for everyone, adults and children a like and it really is first come first served in disneyland, I don't believe in shoving infront of children or children being shoved infront of adults.

sorry I don't mean to sound cruel but I felt angry at your statement.

Aveen xoxox

You put it better than me!  =D> If you've paid, you que and are polite you have as much right as anyone to be there, wether its a ride, meet and greet or the parade! I'm not excusing rudeness  [-X but why people can't get along and be curtious I will never know!
5th Anniversary - Hotel Santa Fe
Christmas 06 - The Kyraid Hotel (extended vistit <!-- s]


I'm with those comments... although obviously for height reasons etc, it's fair for adults to let children to the front of viewable things like the parades, generally speaking it's first-come first-served and a queue applies the same way for any age group.

Pete's Dragon

I have to admit, the first time I visited DLRP was on my honeymoon, so we left our 2 year old son with his grandmother ( before you say anything, we've been back twice since with him, and are going again this September with our daughter as well ).
On our first full day in the park, my wife asked me in the middle of Alice in Wonderland's Maze " Do you feel weird being here without any kids ?" I looked around. There was a young Chinese couple without kids and an elderly couple too. So my answer was " No, I am a big kid, and I love Disney !"
During the whole time we were there, I never experienced any problems with parents pushing their kids in front of me. In fact, during the 3 times I've been there the only problem I encountered was that Autopia was closed during the first 2 visits (thankfully it was third time lucky !!!)


I think many of you may have mis-read my words in my previous post.

a) Many adult enthusiasts doesn't mean them all! I appreciate there are many people who just love Disneyland for Disneyland. I speak merely from the point of view of an enthusiast who knows others who are enthusiastic about the way the magic is made.

b) Children and adults alike are always equal in a Disneyland Park, I am fully aware of that! In the opening speech for Disneyland, Walt Disney made that very clear. I just don't believe in blocking the view for children or pushing them over just to get to see a parade - that's very unfair, surely!  

I just believe that everyone deserves to enjoy the magic, I don't like people who come to Disneyland and manage to spoil the experience - which is exactly how my experience felt!

dlrp trips:Debut] August 2006 - Sequoia Lodge December 2007 - Disneyland Hotel July 2008 - Newport Bay Club


I stood inline with my daughter for the princess photos 45 mins before it was due to start, we were 3rd in the line. The line quickly got bigger and about 10 mins before princesses came out a young girl about 5 years old came and stood right at the front with no parents in sight they had basically told her to go to the front while they stay hidden.
This was really annoying and was unfair on the 50 or so kids and adults who had been waiting there turn.