Starbucks Coffee in Disney Village

Started by Kristof, June 11, 2008, 05:18:56 PM

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Disneyland Paris Treasures

Quote from: "Martyn"On a completely random note, what was that Rock 'n' Roll restraunt called that King Ludwig's replace?
It was called "Rock 'n' Roll America":


Cheers, thank you for that! Why did that close?


They wanted another restaurant (rather than a bar) and the beer company behind Kind Ludwig's had lots of money.

Strangely I've never seen pictures of the Streets of America shop which predated Rock 'n' Roll, but that's another topic...


Well at first I wasn't pleased with the addition of Starbucks to the Village, but it has grown on me now. We almost made it a tradtion to have a drink at the end of the night, which was nice. Shame they dont clean the place very often though as it was always messy when we went there,

I must say the prices were quite good too, we got a large Mocha and Tea for 7.60Euro's, which is actually a really good price.

One bad note though, the Disney Mural at the back has gone. I think when a standard everyday high street outlet comes to the Village, they to Disney-fy it somehow, to seperate it from the everyday high street outlets and make it feel that little bit 'magical'.

Oh and another thing, the wooden cladden outside is in a terrible state, doesn't look like it was treated at all and is on the verge of looking rotten.


I don't want to start this debate again, but €7.60 for a coffee drink still seems a bit steep to me, personally. Thank goodness I prefer their Caffe Americanos or regular black drip coffee, which are still priced within the realm of affordability.

But then it's all a matter of context. A thimble of Nespresso in the resort's fancier bars sets you back €4 or €5, I believe. Although the European in me would say that that at least gets you such elements of civility as china, good views, proper service, etc.

As for the wood, that's what you get when you recycle, I suppose.


Quote from: "pussinboots"I don't want to start this debate again, but €7.60 for a coffee drink still seems a bit steep to me, personally.
I think (actually, I hope!) what Martyn meant was €7.60 for a large coffee AND a tea. That is, two items, not one!  :) Still expensive, but not that much...
Check our Honeymoon Trip Report! March 8-12 2010.


Ah. Although they do make tea mochas!


They do? We're not so up-to-date here in Spain, yet... (as usual)  :wink:  

Anyway, in a few weeks we'll be there so we can check the prices.
Check our Honeymoon Trip Report! March 8-12 2010.


It was 7.60Euro's for the large coffee AND tea.

Which when Euro's rates were worked out, at 1.5 to the £1, that makes it just ouver a fiver for the 2 (massive, may I add) drinks. Which I dont think is too bad for a coffee shop.


€7.60 equates to £6.62 using today's exchange rate.


Yes I know, but you can't expect Disney (or everywhere else in Europe) to adjust their prices because our Pound is so weak at the moment.

We (British) are probably only a small minority of the visitors to DLP, where as the majority are already coming from a Country that uses the Euro. So why should they make changes to suit a small minority?

I know you never said they should change anything, but there's no point in comparing the prices to the bad rates we have now.


this may have already been asked so i apologize in advance if it has
are they serving the same type of food as they do in the uk? i need my mini toastie fix  :D
just like alice you\'re in wonderland


all the food is different im afraid - but its yummy, i know what u mean about the mini toasties


:(  any idea what type of food they are doing?
just like alice you\'re in wonderland


there are really nice pastries and cakes but all with a french twist and there are pancakes and muffins :-)