Philippe Gas to succeed Karl Holz as Euro Disney President

Started by Remco K., April 10, 2008, 08:29:25 PM

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Remco K.

There is a rumour going on on the Disney Central Plaza forum that Karl Holz is possible going to leave his position as president of EuroDisney S.C.A.

So far it seems to be a rumour only, but still a pitty if all of this turns out to be true. Karl has brought some serious changes to the resort that are received very well.


Quote from: "Remco K."There is a rumour going on on the Disney Central Plaza forum that Karl Holz is possible going to leave his position as president of EuroDisney S.C.A.

So far it seems to be a rumour only, but still a pitty if all of this turns out to be true. Karl has brought some serious changes to the resort that are received very well.

Yeah I totally agree, it would be a shame if he did step down, he has really changed the way of thinking at DLRP, and made great ground on the popularity of the whole resort, which gained him a lot of respect from everyone involved from top management to CMs alike.  :shock:


If it ends up being true I hope its a result of a promotion and not him wishing to step down. He's a great asset to the Disney company and I hope the rumours end up being false, Karl has a lot of work left to do in Paris.

Remco K.

When reading the topic at the Disney Central Plaza forum, I found out that most presidents didn't stay to much longer. Sad enough it would be time for Karl to leave this position if he followed the same kind of time schedule as his predecessors...

Also, someone in the same topic mentioned he would like an American as a replacement for Karl. What do you think? If Karl really had to be replaced, let it be by someone who has a lot of experience with the American parks. Like Matt Quimet, who fixed Disneyland Anaheim a bit in the same way Karl did.


This is now confirmed.    Philippe Gas will assume top duties at Euro Disney from September 2008.

This is from a statement jsut issued by the shareholders club:

See -> ... pe-gas.pdf


Hmmmm....unexpected and surely a lose for the paris parcs, but the new guy sounds like someone who has seen the "disney" globe a bit and started it all at paris. So hopefully his love will upgrade the parc even more!!  :D

A very good move by Disney not to let Karl go!! All the best Karl in your future disney challenges! (new vacation challenges)  =D>
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." Walt Disney

The Butlin Boy

Au revoir Karl, and good luck Philippe, it'll be interesting to see what plans that he has for the future of DLRP :)


Quote from: "The Butlin Boy"Au revoir Karl, and good luck Philippe, it'll be interesting to see what plans that he has for the future of DLRP :)

I hope that the future dlrp plans are not depending on one man, but rather on a "global" plan!
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." Walt Disney


Hm I´m sad about this. I like Karl Holz as CEO.

On the other hand I can´t say that this is very worse cause I don´t know much about mr. Gas and so he could be good or a bad choice for the resort.

And maybe Karl´s mission is done: Resort up!

So let´s see what the future brings to us and I just can hope that the Resorts way will have the same direction with the new one. And yes I also believe that there´s a global plan to make our resort much brighter as it is now during this great celebration!

Wish both (Mr. Holz and Mr. Gas) the best!
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...


Quote from: "Riebi"Hm I´m sad about this. I like Karl Holz as CEO.

On the other hand I can´t say that this is very worse cause I don´t know much about mr. Gas and so he could be good or a bad choice for the resort.

And maybe Karl´s mission is done: Resort up!
Yep, exactly. This new guy has never had this kind of position before, so we've got no way of knowing what kind of CEO he will be. I've still not even been able to find a picture anywhere. Seems like a major promotion for him, head of HR worldwide to president of the entire DLRP.

Karl Holz made a great CEO, he always seemed to actually enjoy being in the parks and doing the various press events, not to mention having a LOT of great Disney experience behind him. That said, I'm sure the success of the resort right now is only in the tiniest part down to him -- it was the whole management team, WDI, entertainment, advertising - it all came together for the 15th. And now, just as André left when he'd sorted out the finances, Karl goes leaving behind a "fixed" and much more Disney-fied resort.

As long as Jay Rasulo stays at arms length (or further) we'll be ok.


Quote from: "Baloo"I've still not even been able to find a picture anywhere. Seems like a major promotion for him, head of HR worldwide to president of the entire DLRP.

No problem! I´ve got one for you :mrgreen: :

This article from the LeFigaro-Journal:

Philippe Gas succède
à l'Américain Karl Holz
à la tête d'Euro Disney  

Carole Bellemare avec Caroline Beyer
11/04/2008 | Mise à jour : 16:00 |


Ce Disney boy de 44 ans devient le 7e président du parc.
Les 12 300 cast members d'Euro Disney devraient accueillir favorablement l'annonce aujourd'hui de la nomination de cet enfant de la maison. Philippe Gas, un Français qui a passé dix-sept ans chez Disney, dont plus de la moitié à Disneyland Resort Paris et aux ressources humaines, va en effet succéder à Karl Holz comme président d'Euro Disney S.A.S. En place depuis trois ans, l'Américain d'origine allemande repartira aux États-Unis fin août piloter la diversification monde des parcs (Aventures by Disney, marque de sport, restaurants...). D'ici là, les deux hommes travailleront main dans la main pour assurer la continuité.

À 44 ans, Philippe Gas devient le 7e président du plus grand parc d'attractions du Vieux Continent, et le 4e français. Depuis sa création, s'y sont succédé Robert Fitzpatrick, Philippe Bourguignon, Gilles Pélisson, Jay Rasulo, André Lacroix et Karl Holz. «Je suis heureux de revenir à Disneyland Resort Paris, où j'ai commencé ma carrière chez Disney, et de poursuivre, sur des bases solides, le travail accompli par Karl et l'équipe de direction», commente ce globe-trotter, père d'une fille, basé jusqu'alors en Californie. C'est pour lui sa première casquette de président. L'aboutissement d'un parcours voué à l'empire Disney. Arrivé en 1991 comme contrôleur financier, ce tennisman et bon skieur a participé à l'aventure de l'ouverture du parc en 1992, et six ans après, fut promu à la paye du siège à Burbank. En 2000, il part à Tokyo, puis à Hongkong, piloter les ressources humaines en Asie, revient en 2004 prendre celles d'Euro Disney. Et enfin, de retour au siège depuis trois ans, celles des parcs au niveau mondial, soit 100 000 cast members. Fin connaisseur du groupe, international et proche de l'équipe en place, à charge pour lui aujourd'hui de poursuivre la stratégie à long terme qui semble porter ses fruits. Avec une fréquentation record de 14,5 millions de visiteurs pour son 15e anniversaire l'an dernier, Euro Disney a réduit sa perte nette depuis deux ans, et renoué avec un profit opérationnel. Fort de sa nouvelle attraction phare, la Tour de la Terreur, le parc table cette année sur un nouveau succès commercial

 :arrow: LeFigaro: //
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...


Thanks for the picture Riebi! He looks younger than 44...

Hopefully more of a Bob Iger with the smart suit and tie than a Jay Rasulo man.


Quote from: "Baloo"than a Jay Rasulo man.
Offtopic; I was a young fan when this jay rasulo guy was runnign disney so i dont no what he did to the resort, what was so bad about him ?


Quote from: "Owain"
Quote from: "Baloo"than a Jay Rasulo man.
Offtopic; I was a young fan when this jay rasulo guy was runnign disney so i dont no what he did to the resort, what was so bad about him ?

Jay Rasulo neglected the Resort to save a few bucks. Besides that many hold him responsibe for the tiny second gate we got, that eventually led to the almost-bankrupcy in 2004. In my opinion he was the worst CEO EuroDisney has ever known... but the most tragic fact is that he got promotion and is now head of Walt Disney Parks & Resorts worldwide...  :roll:


Quote from: "Maarten"
Quote from: "Owain"
Quote from: "Baloo"than a Jay Rasulo man.
Offtopic; I was a young fan when this jay rasulo guy was runnign disney so i dont no what he did to the resort, what was so bad about him ?

Jay Rasulo neglected the Resort to save a few bucks. Besides that many hold him responsibe for the tiny second gate we got, that eventually led to the almost-bankrupcy in 2004. In my opinion he was the worst CEO EuroDisney has ever known... but the most tragic fact is that he got promotion and is now head of Walt Disney Parks & Resorts worldwide...  :roll:
:shock: How could someone do such bad things for a resort then get promoted to head of all disney parks ?  :o