Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008

Started by Remco K., January 25, 2008, 01:33:19 PM

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Captain Pan

One small question, I on my visit to the park found very few people without a map to the parks. Do the Maps have the notification that the park has implemented a Smoking Policy?

It may sound like a simple idea... or even the most simplistic question in the world.

Now I've seen the effects of what smoking does, losing my grandfather to problems associated with smoking, and in particular a pipe, although throughout my life leading to his death (I was 18) I never once saw or smelt my grandfather light up.To my knowledge he never did.

I've worked in a pub before the Ban on Smoking in the UK, and have been subject to the abuse from customers, that refuse to move to locations that are designated as Smoking Areas, including having Ash poured over me (both hot and cold).

A smoking ban is in my eyes logical in an Area where market demographic of Children. And in my experience it may take some harsh maneuvers by the Company themselves to correct and enforce this policy (lets just say those responsible for my Ash Shower were banned from the pub, and I obtained a lovely apology from them albeit at the pressure of the bouncers). The Smiling faces of CMs may have to become 'members of an Evil Corporation' [The Simpsons Movie] to get this ball moving positively.


Personally speaking I support the smoke free DLRP. On the park map there are special smoking areas mentioned but my experience from my visit three weeks ago was, that people were smoking also on other places. Generally, there were a lot less smokers than years ago.


I was wondering if there's been any sign of these things being removed or obscured?


Quote from: "pussinboots"I was wondering if there's been any sign of these things being removed or obscured?

Not before next year, I've been told... because: there's NO smoking ban active at DLRP's parks... (except for indoors)
The smoking areas have been installed for the comfort of guests who enjoy a cigarette and CMs are supposed to ask these visitors politely if they know about those special sections. But CMs cannot forbid anyone from smoking.


Does that mean that people are still allowed to smoke in queues?


Quote from: "experiment627"
Quote from: "pussinboots"I was wondering if there's been any sign of these things being removed or obscured?

Not before next year, I've been told... because: there's NO smoking ban active at DLRP's parks... (except for indoors)
The smoking areas have been installed for the comfort of guests who enjoy a cigarette and CMs are supposed to ask these visitors politely if they know about those special sections. But CMs cannot forbid anyone from smoking.

I hope not!
Thats a shame, as a non smoker I was looking forward to the idea of no smoking in the parks :-( although I respect that it is the persons OWN decicion I do not agree with it if their smoke is in MY face. As Disney is typically a place for CHILDREN for whom it is ILLEGAL to smoke I think smoking should be banned throughout Disneyland Resort, I would not be happy if my children were forced to inhale second hand smoke, and I wouldn't expect anyone elses child to be subject to it, so even if I did smoke I wouldnt do it around children. Can people really not go 5 days for the sake of their children?

Please don't be offended by this, its just my views and I'm sorry if anyone has taken it the wrong way.
5th Anniversary - Hotel Santa Fe
Christmas 06 - The Kyraid Hotel (extended vistit <!-- s]


I agree with you, I've seen many careless smokers that don't realise they're putting their cigarettes right next to a child's face, particulary in queues!! And once I was burnt (again in a queue) in the arm, but someone who I guess didn't understand the concept of queuing and didn't think there could be someone standing next to them  :evil: ...

I used to smoke, so I know how nice it feels to light up, but I think it should really be restricted to some zones, and banned throughout the rest of the park. It's just not nice, to be walking in the parc, inmersed in the magic, and then walk past someone's cloud of smoke...  :(


Quote from: "never2old"Does that mean that people are still allowed to smoke in queues?

Well... they were never allowed to smoke in queues to begin with... :roll:


But they do!! If the queue is outside, they do!! Peter Pan, POTC, PM... They're everywhere!!


Quote from: "never2old"But they do!! If the queue is outside, they do!! Peter Pan, POTC, PM... They're everywhere!!

It still doesn't mean that it is allowed...


Quote from: "experiment627"
Quote from: "never2old"But they do!! If the queue is outside, they do!! Peter Pan, POTC, PM... They're everywhere!!

It still doesn't mean that it is allowed...


They should put bigger signs... I'm sure some of them don't even realise they're not allowed to smoke!


hi there. i wrote in this topic earlier that whilst we were there in march, matthew in his wheelchair he was nearlly burnt in the face as the inconsiderate smoker was just flinging his hands around. im an ex smoker and it is not easy to go without a ciggie for 5 days, but as there is designated areas it shouldnt cause a problem for the smokers.


Quote from: "toonarmylass"hi there. i wrote in this topic earlier that whilst we were there in march, matthew in his wheelchair he was nearlly burnt in the face as the inconsiderate smoker was just flinging his hands around. im an ex smoker and it is not easy to go without a ciggie for 5 days, but as there is designated areas it shouldnt cause a problem for the smokers.

I understand there are two side to this, like you have said it is hard but is it really right that children, or anyone for that matter (smoker, non smoker or ex smoker) should have to put up with having it shoved in the face? I can't see why designated smoking areas outside of the parks werent always implimented, surely theres enough excitment going on in the parks to take peoples minds off of smoking, sometimes I'm so excited I can go all day without thinking of getting something to eat!
5th Anniversary - Hotel Santa Fe
Christmas 06 - The Kyraid Hotel (extended vistit <!-- s]


Well, my best friend is a smoker, so I know that if she had to go the whole day in the park without one cigarette, she would go mad (and probably kill those around her...) - but I think that the same way smokers around Europe are getting used to not smoking in restaurants and stuff (at least now in France & Luxembourg I know it's not allowed anymore) and simply stepping outside every now and then, they could get used to limiting their ciggy breaks to some designated areas...

Smokers are entitled as much as anyone to enjoy their time in the park - but they shouldn't impose their smoke on everyone else, particularly kids!! If the smoking areas are easily available, I don't see why it should be a problem for them

Sorry, I'm not sure I'm being very clear, [spoiler:2a6fbzv0]Spain just scored and won the match, yeah!!![/spoiler:2a6fbzv0], I'm jumping with joy!!


I think it's a good thing Disney has gone smoke free. Non smokers don't want to have to breathe in other people's fumes and as there are so many young children there I think it's definitely a positive for the resort.

Although I can also understand how hard it would be for smokers to last a whole day without a cigarette so having a few smoking areas I think would be ok as long as the locations were chosen sensibly.