New Website for Euro Disney S.C.A.

Started by Riebi, December 13, 2007, 09:00:18 PM

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Euro Disney S.C.A. seems to have a new website:

A pic of Karl is also there  :wink:
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...


Well spotted,
I always type in the url for where I look on the Eurodisney site.

Which takes you straight to the share prices, but must keep you on the old site.

Onwards and upwards! [-o<


Is it just me, or does that site now take you to, and no longer to the EURODisney financial site???  I don't get it :(
Next visit:
13-14-15 February 2009 - Valentine in DLH Castle Club

Thank you Disney for introducing me to my girlfriend!  Disney truly is magical!!!


Yeah i spotted that.
it went to corprate.disne..... somthing.
Surley they can't get rid of the eurodisney site totally!


Seems they have changed the URL over night  :wink:

The new site is now under:
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...


Nice website, has a more sane design and navigation than the public DLRP one.

I'm glad it's at that new address too, since stupi- I mean -uninformed people might have previously typed and been bombarded with a load of business talk.

And yay for Karl! Our hero! He even acknowledges that DLRP "fans" exist, if he did really write this:

QuoteKarl L. Holz: There's something here for everyone. It's for shareholders, the press, Guests, fans, candidates for employment and/or anyone else who wants to know more about a company that makes dreams come true.


Yes like the new URL too. It´s less confusing for the not-geeks :lol:
And Karl is right: Informations are just a klick away! Much more and better in quality.
Nice work!
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...